Operation no. 11

Plastic Beauty
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What would Wonwoo like as a birthday gift ?

I was literally walking around the men section for about three times now. It's been a long time since then, things might have changed now and I don't know what Wonwoo likes now.

I sighed multiple times as of now. "Ne, Ahreum, can't you get anything right?" i was already talking to myself because kf annoyance.


"If it's not Ahreum am i seeing?" I immediately turned round upon hearing my name.


"Soyeon-ssi" I bowed my head a little., she walked towards me and intertwined her right arm with my left arm

She smiled at me.


`"Say, are you seeing someone?" I was taken aback by what she just said.


"Of-ofcourse not," I said with my head moving left to right.

She looked at me suspiciously.


"Then why are you here?" Looking around the men section.


"I'm attending a birthday party tonight, I-I want to give someone a gift. I know it's kind of old school but this person is kind of special to me," I paused, I don't know what she was thinking but she's kind of sh-shock?

 "I don't have boyfriend okay ? He's my bestfriend."

I looked down and smiled.


"Ju-just now," she looked at me with widened eyes.


"What?" I asked.


"Did you just blush?"




"A maiden in love." she paused. Her eyes were teary, "I almost thought you had no one Ahreum."


I faced her and looked at her wiping her tears with a handkerchief.

 "Wh-why are you crying?"

"I'm so happy," she pat my head. "I felt kind of sad that we just got close recently, you're too innocent Ahreum. I feel like having a younger sister with you, seeing you blush makes me happy."


I don't know if this is the right place but I felt like crying. I held back my tears as much as possible, I'm so happy, I never knew that they think of me as a friend. I always thought that, I'm just another classmate to them.


"Thank you for being my friend," I said holding my tears back. I bit my lower lip in order to not cry.


She bursted out,laughing her heart out, "You look like about to poop, you can cry you know." She held both of my hands, "From now on, you can open up more to us, I'm your friend okay ?"

I nodded.


"Why are you here by the way?" I asked.


"Just the same, I'm attending a birthday party," she paused looking at me,her eyes suddenly grew wide. "Oh my GOD, d-don't tell me you're referring to Jeon Wonwoo?"



I explained how I got to know him, i didn't tell everything though, the fact about the whole household drama and the fact that I like him l.


"I see," we continued looking around. "You know her girlfriend right?"I nodded."She is in the same club with me, dance club."


"She really likes him," I smiled.

My feelings were contradicting with what I was saying.


"And you like him,"she said. I looked at her and smiled.


"I can’t though."I sighed,


“So, have you called and greeted him?”


“I don’t plan to”


“And why is that?”

“I actually have two reasons”


“I’m assuming it’s valid”


“First, he is obviously busy right now and the second reason is, I misplaced my phone.”


She rolled her eyes.


“Wow, the first was good, but then you turned into an idiot in the 2nd reason”


 "Let's not talk about that, it's making me gloomy, we should have this happy atmosphere haha. By the way, what are you planning to give him?"


"I'm gonna buy a perfume," we stopped by the perfume section; she sprayed one on her wrist and smelled it. "I haven't really put much thought about my gift cause we are really not close. Smell this."

I sniffed the strong scent from her wrist.

"Too strong."

She picked another one and looked at me, "How about you choose while I choose?" she said.


"Bu-but." I hesitated.


"What? You don't know what to give?" She clearly read my mind.


"I don't know what he likes anymore. Do you know anything he likes? "I asked.


"Are you crazy? Why are you asking me?"


"I'm sorry." She's right, what i was expecting?


"Be confident Ahreum. If I were him, won't I be happier to have something that I can treasure for a long time instead of having something I like? Don't you think it's better to give him something that would let him think of you every time he sees it?" She smiled.


"Thank you." I smiled, she is right. I shouldn't try to be someone I'm not, the Wonwoo I know wouldn't expect something. He'd be glad with anything.


"Let's meet in the Women section okay?" She said.



I'm sure now, I'm going to give him gloves, not because I want him to like it, his hands were always cold. I just want him to wear it and remember of me.

As i was trying the gloves, a pair of red glove caught my attention. There's no way he would wear that right, it kind of stand out and he doesn't want that.

I should just take these black gloves.


"Excuse me," I heard a woman's voice behind me.


I immediately moved aside, I was kind of shock though to see a woman wearing a sunglasses inside the mall. She's kind of amazing, I thought. Despite of having glasses, everything about her looks beautiful. Her skin is really good; I don't how she looks though. I can't clearly see. The aura, the feeling's really feminine.

I saw her getting the same pair of gloves; it felt good to have the same taste with an ‘IT’ girl. Is wearing sunglasses inside the mall trendy today?

I wonder if he'll give it to her boyfriend. 

After buying a pair of gloves, I proceeded to the Woman section; it's astonishing to see many shops around. It's been a long time since I went inside here.


"Ahreum!" I saw Soyeon waving her hand to catch my attention. I waved back at her.


She lead the way inside 'Woman'(name of the shop),i let her did the choosing as I don't know how to dress myself.


"Did you see Mingyu?"

I was a little bit startled when I heard the name.


"What's with him?" I pretended to ask.


"Woah look at this, this skirt suits you," she said as she was trying to estimate the size, holding the skirt around my waist area. "As i was saying, I saw him with the student council president. "I greeted him and told him you were with me."


"What did he say?"

Dumb Ahreum, what are you expecting?


"He didn't say anything. T

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planning my time to continue this!!! AFTER THIS STORY IM PLANNING TO WRITE ABOUT SEO KANG JOON!!!


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itsclaires #1
Chapter 17: It's been a while since the last time I've logged in, so I was really happy when I discovered that you continued this story ^^
Poor little Ahreum is getting more and more confused about her feelings, I wouldn't like to be in her shoes right now.
Keep up the good work and don't stress yourself! ~
mysticlove81 #2
Chapter 17: Ara needs to chill, Soyeon is starting to become my favorite, I hope Ahreum grows more confident in herself and finds out who she truely loves. I also hope that Naeun becomes a good friend and give up on her revenge. Stay healthy and don't stress yourself author.
Chapter 16: it's been awhile since I read this. ?
dannyal #4
Chapter 16: Will diligently waiting for your update, author-nim!!!
chanmaina #5
Chapter 15: I had to re read the last few chapters wow thank you for the update it’s been so long.
I think I have to re-read this story again... cuz the last time I read this was last year ??
WOW!! You're back!!!
Svt2310 #8
Chapter 15: YASSS U BACK YAY
chanmaina #9
Chapter 14: I miss this story so much. I am still waiting for an update. Please continuously your ff writer nim .
Chapter 14: Pleaseee Updatee❤ I love itt. Even if I like Mingyu I hope she will end with Wonwoo.