Operation No. 5

Plastic Beauty
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AN: I would like to thank all of you from the very bottom of my heart. 



"Ahreum-ah , can you please give this letter to Wonwoo," 

"Of course, no problem." Ahreum sighed heavily as soon as the girl , who she doesn't even know, walked away from her. The look on her face perfectly described how tiring it is for her to receive 3 letters in just one day , 10 letters in a week, worse is, it's not for her. It's for her bestfriend who got hit real hard (really really hard) by pubert on their last year in Middle School.

"Yah! What am I? Am I Jeon Wonwoo's slave?! Of course not ! I'm his bestfriend girls! and why do I have many friends when it comes to this??!! You Girls don't even talk to me! " She wished she could tell that. She is basically talking to her locker which was occupied by loveletters from 'HIS' fangirls.

She shut her locker with a loud bang and she doesn't even know why she's so pissed. Some letters fell on the floor and it came to her why would girls fell head over heels for Wonwoo. Their letters are very well-made, she could perfectly imagine how inlove those girls are, she sat down to pick the letters from the floor and carefully examined it.

"Why Wonwoo? Why is it only you? I want to be hit by puberty."

It's unfair for her, life was unfair to her, and will always be.

"Tch. What a spoiled brat," Taken aback with Wonwoo's voice, Ahreum fell on her hitting her back on the  post beside the locker.

"Gosh! are you a stalker?! I almost got a heart attack. You are killing my Shimjang-ssi! " Her hand is on her chest feeling the rapid heartbeat .

"Are those mine? " The letters scattered on the floor again which is to why Wonwoo is picking it up.

Ahreum was waiting for Wonwoo to help her, but he didn't , she stood up and tapped her skirt to get rid of some dusts on her skirt.

"Who could it be? Do you think some guys would give some letters to me? Are you insulting me , huh, Jeon Wonwoo?"

Wonwoo paused for awhile and stood up.

"But you did receive a card," He looked at her seriously.

"Did I? Really? " She thought about it for awhile and somehow her face lightened up. "Oh Right!"

Wonwoo smiled at her , waiting for her to completely realize.

"I did receive some from Soohyuk-oppa! I remember when he studied abroad , he always send letters to me ! And that is how i realized that this, " she points at her chest , " Is in love. But then , he got a girllfriend, The End ." She rolled her eyes .

"How about those letters?," The look on Wonwoo's face still shows how serious he is.

"What do you mean by 'those'? " She looked up to think about it , "Ah those letters! You mean those letters I always receive every month? Well, I think I threw all of it-"

"I'm going home." Wonwoo turned his back and walked away from her.

"Yah! You said we're going home together!" She caught up with his pace and walked beside him. 

"Hey what's your problem?" He continued walking straight . "Wonwoo ! it's nice that the school is just a walking distance from our home right? So what's your plan on highschool ?"

She tried to change the topic, but wonwoo won't even look at her. She slid her left arm around his right arm and leaned her head like she always do.

"Wonwoo-oppa! Do you still like Im Nayeon? You like her right since first yeaar in middle school?." Wonwoo stopped walking , he removed her arms from his and looked at her.

"Jung Ahreum, are you dumb?!! were you always this dumb?! I liked her! but that was in the past!" Ahreum was shocked seeing Wonwoo like that. 

"Chill." She said.

"Chill? Open your eyes, Did you know why I stopped liking that girl? It's because she doesn't like me! ..and..and .. I like someone else now. How about you? When will you stop liking hyung?! "

Ahreum paused .

"Soohyuk-oppa is my light. He is always there for me! He knows everything about me and he understand everything about me! He knows me more than I know myself! How can I stop liking -"

"Then how about me?! I'm always here for you ! All my life I'm here for you! ..He knows everything about you? Then why don't you tell me everything then?!" Ahreum was all shock when what she heard. He may not literally said it, but she understood. He likes her.

"Stop talking, you're just a kid." She walked pass by him and never even looked back. She tried convincing herself that what he said is just a joke, it couldn't be! Krystal likes him, her stepsister likes him !

She arrived home feeling the cold gaze on her again . Everyone is present , happily eating the dinner just awhile ago. The atmosphere always changes when she's around the house

"I'm home."

"You're here," Soohyuk , who just came down from the stairs went straight to her and patt her head. He grabbed her arms and made her sit on the chair beside Krystal .

Everyone continued eating , and she sat there silently.

"Unnie, don't you think it's rude to just sit there while we're eating?" 

"I'm sorry."

"Go up." Her father said.

Ahreum silently walked out and went straight to her room, she couldn't think properly afterall. She threw herself on the bed and though

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planning my time to continue this!!! AFTER THIS STORY IM PLANNING TO WRITE ABOUT SEO KANG JOON!!!


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itsclaires #1
Chapter 17: It's been a while since the last time I've logged in, so I was really happy when I discovered that you continued this story ^^
Poor little Ahreum is getting more and more confused about her feelings, I wouldn't like to be in her shoes right now.
Keep up the good work and don't stress yourself! ~
mysticlove81 #2
Chapter 17: Ara needs to chill, Soyeon is starting to become my favorite, I hope Ahreum grows more confident in herself and finds out who she truely loves. I also hope that Naeun becomes a good friend and give up on her revenge. Stay healthy and don't stress yourself author.
Chapter 16: it's been awhile since I read this. ?
dannyal #4
Chapter 16: Will diligently waiting for your update, author-nim!!!
chanmaina #5
Chapter 15: I had to re read the last few chapters wow thank you for the update it’s been so long.
I think I have to re-read this story again... cuz the last time I read this was last year ??
WOW!! You're back!!!
Svt2310 #8
Chapter 15: YASSS U BACK YAY
chanmaina #9
Chapter 14: I miss this story so much. I am still waiting for an update. Please continuously your ff writer nim .
Chapter 14: Pleaseee Updatee❤ I love itt. Even if I like Mingyu I hope she will end with Wonwoo.