Operation No. 1

Plastic Beauty
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 A/N: I would just like everyone to know that in this chapter I focused more with character's introduction and background. I hope you won't get bored from the story ! Fighting !



"According to statistics South Korea is the most cosmetically enhanced country in the world. For every one in seventy-two South Koreans, one person has had some plastic surgery done ."I ended my report with a fact that I copied from the internet . I looked at  Mr. Kim and I can see he's satisfied with mine. How could he not when I spent a whole week for this.

"Thank you Miss Jung , Any Question? ," Mr. Kim asked the class if they have any question in regards to my report. I looked at the whole class , and it looked like they were into something funny.

"Mr. Ahn!," The teacher called the attention of one of the boys in the class. My classmate stood up , and he was looking at me and looked like he was about to laugh, trying not to.

"I just wanna ask Ahreum-ssi, are you planning to have plastic surgery ?," The whole class started laughing and talking to each other as if I couldn't hear the words coming out from their mouth.

'I can't look at her face '

'I feel itchy just looking at her'

'Look at that thick brows'

'Don't you think her braces are greatly protruding ?'

'I'm gonna die having that pimples '

'Her teeth look like a dog '

'She really need a double-eyelid surgery"

I've been hearing those kind of words since I was child to the point that it doesn't bother me anymore. I don't know if that's something to be happy  or to be sad about.

I laughed infront of the class ,this has been me for the past years .Actually I only have two options right now , to laugh and be friends with them or to get mad and get hated by them. Right now ,I chose to smile and continue being friends with everyone.

"Of course not , I don't think i would like to change my appearance as it is. I'm pretty confident right now, " The room was filled into laughter. I believe that being able to laugh together with everyone is better than being hated by them. -

All of my friends in the class kept telling me to get my face done. Worse is, my father does too. He is willing to do anything just to get my face fixed to the point of funding the education of his late driver's son just to make him a plastic surgeon. Despite everything, I began to understand my father. I don't think it's easy for him to have me as a child . He is an actor , the eyes of the public are on him . Who would have thought that a handsome actor like him would have a daughter like me ?

What I don't understand is that ,he never told me who my mother is. And never even dared to talk about her infront of me and his new family.



"Did you get your nose done ? , " I overheard Soyeon talking to Ara.

"Isn't it pretty ? I got it done at JA Hospital , I'm planning to do my v-line too , " Ara keeps tracing her jaw with her index finger while looking at the mirror. I honestly think she looked prettier before and i dont think there's a problem with her jaw.

"That JA hospital ? I heard it's becoming popular nowadays. My sister got her nose done there too , she even said there's a really handsome doctor in there,"I'm pretty sure Soyeon's talking about Soohyuk oppa and not to be bragged about , my father is one of the major stockholders of that hospital.

I didn't notice that I was staring at them until Ara waved her hands to me . The two of them sat infront of me and moved closer.

"Ahreum-ah ,what do you think of my nose ? ," Ara's smiling as she was showing her nose from angle to angle.

"It suits you , " I smiled, well I kinda lied

. "I'm glad we're thinking the same ," she took something from her pocket . "Here ," She gave me the business card of JA Hospital. "Eh ? ," i said. "You know what ,You'd look prettier if you get your eyes done," Ara said.

"Uhm and your Jaw , " Soyeon added.

"And your forehead ."

"Pimples too"

"Nose too ."

I don't know why , but I actually think they're funny. They're basically telling me to get my whole face done.

"But, I don't feel the need to ," I said in a low voice. "Ofcourse you need to! , " They said in unison.

Ara's face became serious ,she sat straight showering me some of her fighting spirit. "Ahreum-ah , I'm telling this to you as a friend , I'm pretty and you are ug-, no , i mean you are on different level, " She pointed at her face. "Why do you think i got something done ? ", I shook my head. I seriously don't know why She really is pretty even without the surgery.

"It's because I felt the need to do so, so go and feel it too." "Look at Kim Mingyu-ssi." She added.

The three of us looked at Kim Mingyu. "Don't you think he's perfect ? look at his perfect nose , look at his jaw . He's born with that. He's THAT kind of person who doesn't ne

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planning my time to continue this!!! AFTER THIS STORY IM PLANNING TO WRITE ABOUT SEO KANG JOON!!!


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itsclaires #1
Chapter 17: It's been a while since the last time I've logged in, so I was really happy when I discovered that you continued this story ^^
Poor little Ahreum is getting more and more confused about her feelings, I wouldn't like to be in her shoes right now.
Keep up the good work and don't stress yourself! ~
mysticlove81 #2
Chapter 17: Ara needs to chill, Soyeon is starting to become my favorite, I hope Ahreum grows more confident in herself and finds out who she truely loves. I also hope that Naeun becomes a good friend and give up on her revenge. Stay healthy and don't stress yourself author.
Chapter 16: it's been awhile since I read this. ?
dannyal #4
Chapter 16: Will diligently waiting for your update, author-nim!!!
chanmaina #5
Chapter 15: I had to re read the last few chapters wow thank you for the update it’s been so long.
I think I have to re-read this story again... cuz the last time I read this was last year ??
WOW!! You're back!!!
Svt2310 #8
Chapter 15: YASSS U BACK YAY
chanmaina #9
Chapter 14: I miss this story so much. I am still waiting for an update. Please continuously your ff writer nim .
Chapter 14: Pleaseee Updatee❤ I love itt. Even if I like Mingyu I hope she will end with Wonwoo.