Operation no. 17

Plastic Beauty
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“Ara did you break up with that guy now?” Soyeon asks while munching her lunch, as usual the three of us are eating lunch together. I look at Ara who was about to pick her sushi using her chopsticks, she is taken aback by what Soyeon said.


“Not really, I realize that I might be using him in the future,” I suddenly stop eating and look at Soyeon who was looking at me too, I then stared at Ara, it would have been awkward if she never laughed after. “Kidding,” she chuckled, “Why so serious guys? Of course I broke up with him, that unfaithful bastard.”


Soyeon coughs to change the atmosphere between us.


“Jihoon is really angry Mingyu,” I hear someone speaking and sees Mingyu with the Kang-surname enter the room. Mingyu goes directly to his seat and he slumps down in his chair and closes his eyes.


“Mingyu might have a thing for you Ahreum,” Soyeon whispers as she glances back and forth at Mingyu. I look at Ara for her reaction and I see a line forming on her lips.


“ I-I don’t really think that way, Mingyu has been kind with everyone,” I shake my head and continue earing. What was that, did Ara just smirk? Or am I seeing things.


“That might be true Ahreum, I heard, Mingyu’s ex girlfriend is ugly too, his type might be the likes of you-“


“Stop that,” Soyeon looks at Ara with a serious face,”You don’t have to put it that way”.


“I-It’s okay Soyeon, you know I’m used-“


“Sorry Sorry,” Ara presses her palms together, “Soyeon is right I should have said it nicely.” Am I imagining things, why do I feel like Ara has been too much lately, I know that they have been telling me to get surgery but the way she talks to me right now feels different.


“It’s okay Ara, I don’t really mind it,” I lied.


“Anyways, buy him a drink,” Soyeon holds both of my hands with an excited expression, “As a way of thanking him of course, right Ara?”


“Of course,” she smiles brightly. That might be a good idea after all.


The bell rings as the teacher dismisses the class , my classmates go out one by one, I place my things with a slow pace, getting the right timing with Mingyu. I want to thank him and at the same time apologize. Finally, it was only the two us left in the classroom, I was looking at him while trying to place my pencil case inside my back when he suddenly faces me. I was startled that’s why my pencil case fell from my hand, unfortunately I failed to zipped it, causing the pens to scatter on the floor. I panicky pick it up one by one and he starts helping too. I found the two of us on the floor picking up my pens, and thought how messed up this is. I grabbed the last pen but then realize he’s holding it already. I raise my head to thank him but he was already staring at me, his eyes widen and my heart starts throbbing. Say something Ahreum, say something.


“Don’t you think, this is cheesy?” I pretend to laugh and scoots away from him but then he grabbed my hand, still holding the pen.


My heart is getting louder, and I can feel blood rushing on my face. I was embarrassed thinking he might hear it, my heart.


“I might be, falling in love with you,” He stares at me for a moment and then covers his face with his palm. His face is turning red. I, on the other hand, am dumbfounded.


“Eh?” I small voice goes put from my mouth,”EHHHHHHH???!” I finally shout.


He is startled and immediately covers my mouth. He look

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planning my time to continue this!!! AFTER THIS STORY IM PLANNING TO WRITE ABOUT SEO KANG JOON!!!


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itsclaires #1
Chapter 17: It's been a while since the last time I've logged in, so I was really happy when I discovered that you continued this story ^^
Poor little Ahreum is getting more and more confused about her feelings, I wouldn't like to be in her shoes right now.
Keep up the good work and don't stress yourself! ~
mysticlove81 #2
Chapter 17: Ara needs to chill, Soyeon is starting to become my favorite, I hope Ahreum grows more confident in herself and finds out who she truely loves. I also hope that Naeun becomes a good friend and give up on her revenge. Stay healthy and don't stress yourself author.
Chapter 16: it's been awhile since I read this. ?
dannyal #4
Chapter 16: Will diligently waiting for your update, author-nim!!!
chanmaina #5
Chapter 15: I had to re read the last few chapters wow thank you for the update it’s been so long.
I think I have to re-read this story again... cuz the last time I read this was last year ??
WOW!! You're back!!!
Svt2310 #8
Chapter 15: YASSS U BACK YAY
chanmaina #9
Chapter 14: I miss this story so much. I am still waiting for an update. Please continuously your ff writer nim .
Chapter 14: Pleaseee Updatee❤ I love itt. Even if I like Mingyu I hope she will end with Wonwoo.