Unexpected Meeting 2.0

The Former Casanova
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"You played really good out there, Lu." Chanyeol said, as he slung his high school blazer over Luhan's soaking wet jersey.

"But we lost."

Two weeks ago before the soccer match, Chanyeol said to his little brother that he'll come and cheer for him at the semi-finals, and like always, Chanyeol kept his promise. After school ended, the first thing that he did was rush his way out of the gigantic school building so he wouldn't be late and disappoint Luhan. It was pouring rain outside and Chanyeol couldn't help but worry about his dongsaeng. Knowing how easy he gets sick, Chanyeol took to his motorbike and drove his way to the outdoor sports field located at the heart of Seoul. Luckily it wasn't too far away from his school.

The rain stopped just after the match ended.

"Winning or losing doesn't matter. At least you had fun, right?"

"Yeah." Luhan turned his head and glanced up at his giant older brother putting on a weak lopsided smile. How come Chanyeol can grow so tall but he can't?

"Excatly, that's what counts." Chanyeol's lips were grinning widely as he started ruffling Luhan's wet hair, making it messier than ever.

Luhan took Chanyeol's hand off of his hair worried that he'll make him look even more awful. "But hyuung," A small pout appeard on Luhan's face, "The feeling of winning's always better."

"I guess it is. So you'll win next time. I'm sure of it." Chanyeol glanced down and smiled warmly in which Luhan replied back with one, before slinging an arm over Luhan's shoulder and taking him towards where his bike was parked.

As they reached their house, just as expected the only people home were the maids, butlers, and their grandmother.

"Where have you two been?" Luhan's grandmother said as she narrowed her eyebrows and fixed her spectacles the moment she saw her two grandchildren walking into the house drenched in rain water. 

"Luhan was at a soccer match, grandma." Chanyeol answered after both of them bowed in a polite manner.

Their grandmother's face turned into a scowl almost in an instant. "How many times do I have to tell you, no more soccer! You always end up getting sick after playing!" Their grandmother was known to the person with a shortest temper in the house but since Chanyeol and Luhan have been living with her ever since their grandfather died--which was around 6 years ago--I guess you could say they've gotten used to it.

Both Chanyeol and Luhan were very close to their grandfather. He was also the one who got Chanyeol and Luhan interested in music. So when they heard about the news of their grandfather having a sudden heart attack out of nowhere, they were shocked--no scratch that, they were absolutely devastated. No words could even describe how much of the loss they felt. Before he died, Chanyeol and Luhan's grandfather didn't show any sign of being sick. He was always cheerful and loved joking around with his grandsons. But then again, anything can happen in this cruel world.

Luhan couldn't answer anything so all he could do was bring his head down. Chanyeol sensed how sad Luhan must be feeling. Just a few minutes ago, he lost from playing his most favorite sport and now instead of getting warmth from his family, he was being scolded.

"I'll take care of him grandma. Please get some rest." Chanyeol said in a quieter tone, and after bowing, they both headed upstairs towards Luhan's room.

Chanyeol took a towel inside Luhan's closet before throwing it to him, "Go shower. You'll get sick if you don't wash the rain water away."

"Alright, thanks hyung." After that Luhan disappeared into his bathroom.

He the shower and started to relax his thoughts as he let the warm water stream down his . Luhan closed his eyes and ran his fingers through his wet hair as he started to recall every event starting from this morning. Nothing different really happened today besides the soccer match--in which his team lost to. Still the same old game, same old story, and same old scolding. A small smile suddenly crept it's way up onto Luhan's lips as the image of the people he loves appeared inside his mind. Luhan was grateful enough to be given people like Chanyeol, Sehun and Minseok who's always there beside him. He thought to himself, he would literally do anything to keep them from disappearing from his sight.






Vice President's Family Mansion, 6pm 

"Dad." Chanyeol showcased his big smile as he ran into his father arms. Never has there been a day without him thinking about his family. Chanyeol wanted to be a leader, and his dad was his inspiration.

Chanyeol's dad patted his back gently before pulling away to look at his grown up son. The only thing readable from his expression was of how proud he was. "Welcome home, son."

"It's good to be home."

After the small reunion with his parents, they left him again for work. Chanyeol knew how busy both of them were so he understood it completely. He was thankful enough that they still gave some of their time just to see him again after these long years, even if it was just for a short amount of time. The house's head butler was about to take Chanyeol's one and only luggage but he stopped him and insisted that he will take it up to him room himself. Without saying a word, the butler bowed slightly before backing away.

Chanyeol let out the breath he was holding when he stopped at the middle of the stairs to take a little break. Even if it was just one luggage, because of what Chanyeol put inside, the weight was probably around 5 normal sized ones combined.

He finally reached his old room and immediately opened the door revealing the scent that hasn't changed even after so many years. Chanyeol wiped the hidden bead of sweat forming under his bangs as he stepped foot into his childhood room. The room he grew up in ever since kindergarten.

After placing his things against the wall, Chanyeol took off his coat and untangled the scarf around his neck that was hiding his black and grey raglan sweater underneath it, before making his way to his single bed. Chanyeol himself couldn't even believe how much he's grown ever since he stayed in America. The last time he was in this room, he was sure he still fit perfectly on the bed.

He chuckled softly to himself.

It seems that now his feet will dangle at the end because of his extreme height.

Chanyeol decided to wander around the house first before unpacking. He was already feeling very tired and wanted to relax first before getting ready for his training at his uncle's electronic business company, Samsung. Since his uncle doesn't have any kids, he decided to pass over the family business over to Chanyeol in which he gladly accepted. His uncle trusted him very much and knowing how he got into one of the best universities in America, it made him even sure that Chanyeol would fit the job perfectly.

After looking through the family portraits in the guest room, Chanyeol made his way to his most favorite part of the house. 

The music room.

He took his old black guitar that was standing elegantly in the corner of the room and sat on the black leather couch. After one strum, memorie

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LilianMikaelson #1
Chapter 15: Continuaaa Amore
queenloeb #2
Chapter 15: Would u update the next chapter please author-nim, thank you
am_shy19 #3
Chapter 15: So sweet <3
Chapter 15: omg omg.. more hyeriinn and luhaaann i need theemmm ><
am_shy19 #5
Chapter 13: Thx for the update^_^
Chapter 13: oooommggg chanyeol is comiinggg
Chapter 12: little by little luhan and hyerin opened up <3
am_shy19 #8
Chapter 12: Thx for the update!^_^
DreamerGirly #9
Chapter 12: They gnna share one room!?? Luhan and hyerin?
problematicjane #10
Chapter 11: O.O wait.."if only his OWN PARENTS were there..." So, he's adopted or somthing?