Caught Red Handed

The Former Casanova
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After a few minutes, Hyerin walked down the stairs wearing a black coat and a pair of black stockings. Luhan was just about to tell her to wear something more revealing but after thinking about it again, he decided to keep his mouth shut. It was hard enough to persuade her to come with him so if he told her something as stupid as what he had in mind, there was an ninety-nine percent chance that she would just yell at him before turning back to her room and bailing out on the whole plan.

It was Hyerin's first time leaving the house late at night with a stranger. In her eyes, Luhan wasn't yet considered as someone she knew. Even though they ate the same food, breathed the same air, and lived in the same house, she has never once in her life felt like she knew Luhan. Their distance in the house was no joke, really. Everyday they felt like they were living alone, across the world from each other when the reality was that the only thing that separated them was Hyerin's door and their big staircase. Both of them knew that they couldn't live like that forever--no human could do that without going insane--so in the end unlike Luhan, even if it was hard for her, she decided to give it a try. Who knows she'll be able to find happiness even just the slightest bit with him without having to involve love.

It was Hyerin's first time entering Luhan's black Toyota Fortuner and she was very surprised with what she saw. A few necessary parts of the car was decorated with the color red. From the headrest to the seat-belt pads, they all had the logo on it. She learnt something new today, Hyerin was sure that Luhan had this undying love for Manchester United and he was proud of it. She found this part of Luhan quite cute and and she unconsciously started smiling to herself as she put her seat-belt on. Only when Luhan's voice came into her ear was when the small smile she had vanished completely from her face.

"This is going to be your best night ever."

"Where are we going?" Hyerin asked, feeling uneasy about the whole thing.

Luhan smirked as he turned his head around slightly to face her, "You'll see for yourself."








Studio 69 Night Club, Seoul, 9pm

Hyerin tightened the coat around her body. The feeling of regret because she agreed to Luhan's plans was taking over her. She should've known better that whenever it came to him, there was always trouble waiting for them at the end of the tunnel. It was a situation that Hyerin has never been in before; the scent of sweat mixed with alcohol, drunk people dancing all over the room, people making out in every corner and the booming music coming from the speakers which made her feel like her eardrums were going to implode any minute. The only thing going through her mind was how much she wanted to go home. How much she hated Luhan for taking her there.

While Hyerin was shaking from the unfamiliar atmosphere going around in the room, the man that took her there was actually thinking the exact opposite. He was looking forward to the night, or more precisely he was looking forward to her. At first, Luhan was actually going to take Hyerin to his favorite club but remembering how she has never even been to one ever in her life, he decided to take it easy on her with a normal--but wild enough--club. The club that got him addicted to the wild lifestyle in the first place.

Luhan had his arm wrapped around Hyerin's waist keeping her closer to him and also making sure she wouldn't run away. She didn't have any another choice but to let him because truthfully, he was the only one that could protect her at this time even if she would hate to admit that. He took her further into the club and came to a halt when they reached a table located in the corner of the room.

Taking his arm off her waist, Luhan gestured her to sit down before he himself sat down next to her.

"Why did you take me here?" Hyerin asked, voice serious and angry.

"I told you I wanted us to get closer." Luhan shrugged before standing up when a man came by their table and did a fist bump that lead to a brotherly shoulder bump.

After the man said he had to leave, Luhan sat back down. Hyerin felt his arm making his way around her shoulder but she shot him a warning glare before he could even touch her. Hyerin turned her head away and bit her bottom lip in frustration before facing Luhan in the eyes. She was about to tell him to take her back home but before she could utter a single word, Luhan was already standing up.

He leaned in next to her ear, "Wait here, I'll get us some drinks."

Luhan left the table leaving a gaping Hyerin. She was so angry with him at that moment she could literally throw the whole table in one swift move but remembering how she had an image to protect she held her emotions in. Speaking of protecting her image, Hyerin looked at the people dancing and passing by wondering how on earth did they not notice her. She was the daughter of the president for crying out loud! Sure, Hyerin was hardly ever seen on television, but considering how her father has already been the president for around one year, wouldn't they have seen her at least one time?

Hyerin brought her hands to her lap and surveyed her surroundings once more. She could never understand what goes on in their minds. How can they live like this every day and night? Don't they have a family waiting for them at home? Don't they have work to finish off so they don't get yelled at by their boss? And when she saw people who still looked very underage, Hyerin shook her head in disbelief. Don't they have school and parents to make proud of? How the hell did they even get passed the guards? Why do these people look like all they care about is having fun? Do they not know how hard life is? Is this their way of running away from their own problems? She was very disappointed to see this part of her country acting so carelessly. Hyerin knew a lot of the people there were smart, but the sad thing is that they use their brains for something so illogical.

After having enough of waiting for Luhan, Hyerin decided to do what she thought was right before she ended up like one of them. But before she could properly stand up, she was harshly pushed back down onto the couch. Hyerin brought her head up and saw a man looking down at her.

"Hey, beautiful." There was a visible smirk on his face and sooner, she realized he was drunk.

She remembered those were the first words Luhan has ever said to her but she knew this time would be different. Despite how much she despised Luhan, she knew at that time Luhan wouldn't try and do anything stupid to her, unlike this man. From the first moment she saw him standing in front of her with a bottle of soju dangling in his left hand, Hyerin knew he was trouble.









"Yo, waddup Luge? It's been a while since I've seen you here." Luhan's old friend Bobby gave him a brotherly hug when he saw him walking towards the bar.

"Yeah, I was busy."

Bobby sent him a teasing smirk before taking a sip of his drink. "What? Girls?"

"I guess you could say that." Luhan chuckled before turning towards the bartender. "Kibum hyung, make me the usual but two this time."


"Got a new girl, eh?" The bartender, Kibum, said as he took a glass before wiping it squeaky clean.

Luhan shrugged when he pictured Hyerin in his mind. Yes, he liked the thought of having her as his so called girl--what kind of a guy wouldn't want that anyway?--but it turned out to be harder than he first thought back at the restaurant in Paris. He knew that she was probably having an awful time waiting for him at the table, feeling disgusted with everything she was seeing and hearing but that's what the drinks are for; to get her out of that small comfort zone she's learned to live in.

"Where have you been all this time?" Kibum asked propping his hands onto the counter after placing the clean glasses onto the table.

It has been quite a while ever since Luhan came to the club. Back in the days, he used to visit the club whenever he felt alone. Even if Chanyeol didn't leave for coll

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LilianMikaelson #1
Chapter 15: Continuaaa Amore
queenloeb #2
Chapter 15: Would u update the next chapter please author-nim, thank you
am_shy19 #3
Chapter 15: So sweet <3
Chapter 15: omg omg.. more hyeriinn and luhaaann i need theemmm ><
am_shy19 #5
Chapter 13: Thx for the update^_^
Chapter 13: oooommggg chanyeol is comiinggg
Chapter 12: little by little luhan and hyerin opened up <3
am_shy19 #8
Chapter 12: Thx for the update!^_^
DreamerGirly #9
Chapter 12: They gnna share one room!?? Luhan and hyerin?
problematicjane #10
Chapter 11: O.O wait.."if only his OWN PARENTS were there..." So, he's adopted or somthing?