Don't Press The Trigger

The Former Casanova
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It was around half past eleven when Luhan backed his car in the garage. He saw how the other car was still parked inside so he knew that Hyerin didn't go anywhere this night. Who was he kidding? Hyerin could barely even stand up straight after what happened this afternoon.

Luhan actually wanted to stay the night at Sehun's place with Minseok, but then the witch came home from college. Sehun's older sister, Sunmi, hated Luhan to the guts. She disliked how he would always find a way to flirt with her whenever he's around her. Despite their 3 years , Luhan didn't care when showing his cheeky side to her because she's just way too beautiful for his eyes. That was pretty much the only reason Sunmi hated him, but deep inside, Sunmi loved him almost as much as his little brother.

He came upon their back door that led to their kitchen. His mind somehow suddenly came across Hyerin's condition. Has she eaten her dinner yet or did she keep skipping meals like the past few days? A frown appeared on Luhan's face and he let out a sigh when he realized the dinner that the maids prepared for them on the table was still untouched.

It would be a waste to throw food out so carelessly like this so he decided to put everything that was prepared on the table into the fridge for them to eat another time. Just as he was about to grab the bowl of spaghetti, Mrs. Park came scurrying over to him and insisted that she would take care of everything and for him to take a rest.

Luhan thanked Mrs. Park with a weak smile before deciding to head up to his room. But when he was just at the doorway, Luhan turned around and asked something that was in his mind ever since the car drive home.

"Um, Mrs. Park.."

Mrs. Park closed the fridge to face her master and talk to him properly. "Yes, Luhan-ssi?"

Luhan cleared his throat, "Did Hyerin eat her dinner yet?" It was supposed to sound like he was just asking out of curiosity and not that he really cared, but it turned out awfully awkward.

A small smile appeared on Mrs. Park's lips as she answered to Luhan's question, "Yes, she has."

Luhan sighed in relief when he heard those words come out of Mrs. Park's mouth, but he suddenly furrowed his eyebrows when he noticed something that didn't quite fit well. "But the food you made looked like it wasn't even touched."

"Yes that's true, the young mistress made herself some ramen."

Just like how he did before, Luhan sighed but this time there was an evident smile appearing on his lips. He didn't want to hide the fact that he was relieved she ate today--even if it was just ramen. There's nothing wrong with being happy for that, right?

Luhan was about to head upstairs when he passed the tv room. The tv and lights were still on and he decided go inside and turn them off. Luhan wanted to help the maids in the house, even if it was just the smallest things. As he stepped inside, Luhan's eyes become doe-eyed the moment he saw Hyerin sleeping soundly on the couch. It was a soothing view. was slightly parted and the way you could see her breathing so peacefully like that made his heart feel warm inside. Luhan looked to the coffee table and saw the empty bowl of ramen. He smiled to himself as he was sure she ate that night. 

Luhan decided to place the bowl in the kitchen sink. As he was walking, he decided that just for this night, Luhan wanted to accompany her and make sure she was alright. After coming back from the kitchen, Luhan headed upstairs to grab a blanket to keep him warm since it was really cold downstairs. He didn't bother to change into any other clothes because he's going to be taking them off anyway.

After grabbing what he needed he went downstairs and finally came across the tv room. He took the remote that was lying on the coffee table before turning it off. Luhan the heater because he knew that it was going to get colder in the middle of the night, and after that he proceeded to the lights. He didn't turn them off completely, instead Luhan created a soothing atmosphere when he decided to dim down the lights in the room.

He looked at the clock and it was already a quarter past twelve. Since he didn't get his nap time today, Luhan realized that his eyes were getting really heavy for him to handle so he took off his shirt, getting ready to call it a night. Before he closed his eyes to head of to dreamland, Luhan stole a glance at the girl sleeping soundly on the couch across from his. A smile crept up on his face when he saw her small smile as she slept. He decided that maybe ending the day with a smile wasn't too hard after all.

If someone can smile while they're sleeping, that means I should be able to smile before that.

He closed his eyes and let the peaceful darkness overwhelm his whole body. Luhan dreamt of something that night. Something that was far beyond what he would've expected. The dream wasn't that much--actually, it was pretty much pure darkness. He only heard a certain voice speak to him.

"This isn't love."

And it was himself.






Luhan moaned when he felt the sunlight tapping against his face. He lifted his head from the pillow, and wondered how long he'd been sleeping. He blinked, shut his eyes, then blinked again. After one big yawn, Luhan managed to fully open both eyes. He noticed how the couch across from his was now empty without a trace. The only thing that was still lying on top of it was the blanket she used last night, folded neatly and placed on the armrest.

Just when he decided to sit up, Luhan heard noises coming from somewhere but he couldn't quite guess where. But the moment he sniffed the aroma of morning coffee he knew for sure it was coming from the kitchen. He slipped the blanket off of his body before putting on the pullover he wore before going to bed last night.

Luhan had this slight feeling that maybe just this once, it was Hyerin that made him coffee considering she's free from classes this morning. But when Luhan took his first glance into the kitchen, a visible disappointed look was seen on his face. It was Taemi busying herself with her work, not Hyerin. But then suddenly, his frown disappeared almost right away when he noticed something--no, someone, and that someone was Hyerin. She was in her pink apron preparing the coffee while Taemi was currently making some waffles.

Luhan didn't want his presence to be known so instead of saying good morning, he leaned his back onto the wall, arms crossed as he eyed the busy Hyerin with a smirk on his face. Only he and God knows what he was thinking of her right at that moment.

It was only when Hyerin placed the coffee on the table when she noticed that Luhan has been there the whole time. She slightly flinched in her spot but not to the point where the coffee was spilled over the floor.

"Luhan," She managed to utter, "Why are you--"

"Did you make coffee for me?"

"Um, yes. I thought of it as a form of owing you back for taking care of me yesterday." Hyerin couldn't quite understand why she wasn't even able to look at him straight in the eyes. Even if she actually never has before, this time was kind of different. It had a different feeling and she was sure this time wasn't because of hatred.

A smile curled up on Luhan's face as he straightened himself and walked towards the table. "You didn't have to, but thanks." As he took a sip of the coffee, his eyes grew wide and he unexpectedly moaned in delight when the strong flavour invaded his taste buds. It was one of the best cups of coffee's he has ever tasted and yet the person who made it was someone he never would've guessed.

"This is amazing. Seriously."

Hyerin only shrugged her shoulders slightly and smiled back as a response. She didn't exactly want to build up a conversation with Luhan at that moment so she tried her best to keep everything short and simple.

After taking another sip, Luhan looked past Hyerin's shoulder and saw Taemi placing a few chopped up fruites such as banana's, kiwi's and strawberries on top of the waffles. He couldn't help but speak out what was on the tip of his tongue. "Taemi noona, make sure that from now on Hyerin is the one that makes me co

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LilianMikaelson #1
Chapter 15: Continuaaa Amore
queenloeb #2
Chapter 15: Would u update the next chapter please author-nim, thank you
am_shy19 #3
Chapter 15: So sweet <3
Chapter 15: omg omg.. more hyeriinn and luhaaann i need theemmm ><
am_shy19 #5
Chapter 13: Thx for the update^_^
Chapter 13: oooommggg chanyeol is comiinggg
Chapter 12: little by little luhan and hyerin opened up <3
am_shy19 #8
Chapter 12: Thx for the update!^_^
DreamerGirly #9
Chapter 12: They gnna share one room!?? Luhan and hyerin?
problematicjane #10
Chapter 11: O.O wait.."if only his OWN PARENTS were there..." So, he's adopted or somthing?