Royal Kids

The Former Casanova
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SMU, Girl's Dormitory, Night.

Its Hyerin's second semester in college and she couldn't be more happier to spend it together with the only person she truly feels comfortable with, and that is Bae Minyoung. To be honest, when it was her first semester here at SM University, Hyerin didn't miss home one bit because ever since her father was elected as the President of South Korea, both of her parents have been traveling all around the world meeting with different types of people. Although she wasn't lying when she said she was really proud of what her father achieved, sometimes Hyerin just missed the days when they as a family would just spend the whole day together. To be honest, it was already hard enough for her when her father's position in the political world was still as the Minister of Education in South Korea. At least at that time her father still had time to be around his family. But now Hyerin barely ever sees him, not even for 2 days without him having to take all those calls from people she didn't even now since there were too many for her to remember.

It was around noon when Hyerin and Minyoung finished their classes for today. They were feeling exhausted like always and all they wanted to do was take a bath before covering themselves up in their beds to take a good night sleep. But like always again, they ended up talking their hearts out until all of their energy drained out of their bodies.

Just in the middle of talking about how cute and handsome the new guy looked--actually, it was pretty much only Minyoung that was talking about him with Hyerin listening keenly next to her--Hyerin's phone that was placed on the table separating the two girl's single beds started vibrating.

"It's my father" Hyerin was quite surprised when she saw the dialer's name to be her father. She hardly ever gets calls from him at times like this because he would usually be in a meeting, having dinner at the other side of the world, or either sleeping soundly in his bed to re-energize after having to put up with country matters the entire day.

"Go on, pick it up. I won't listen. I'm just going to get a glass of water" Minyoung said, climbing down from her bed and slipping her feet inside her pink fluffy bunny slippers. She understood that whenever Hyerin had a call from her family it was better if she gave her some space because sometimes it would be about personal family things or Presidential matters.

Hyerin gave Minyoung a thankful smile before sliding the green button on her phone to answer the call.

"Ne, father?"

"Sweetheart, how are things going?"

"Everthings fine, father. How's work?"

Hyerin's father chuckled before answering her question, "Everything's fine as well, just the normal everyday routines."

"That's good to hear." It wasn't a normal thing for Hyerin's father to be calling her out of the blue like this, so she started to wonder what was the main reason of his call.

"Hyerin-ah, tomorrow we're having a dinner together in Paris. You have to look your best, okay?"

Hyerin sighed in disappointment. So this was the main reason. She thought that for once, her father would call her just because he missed her and he missed hearing her voice. But apparently she set her hopes up too high.

"Why Paris? Is it another meeting with you and some random businessman that I have to attend by traveling halfway around the world even if I have nothing to do about it?" She couldn't help but feel annoyed. Hyerin was tired too. Never has there been a month passing by without a day with her having to skip classes to follow her father and mother around different cities and just put on her so called elegant smile and continue sitting like an obedient puppy until the nights over.

"Yes-- Wait, no. It has nothing to do with work, sweetheart. Just try to understand this time, okay? You're mother and I just finished our meeting with the Korean Ambassador here in France so we decided to have it Paris. I've already got the jet ready for you tomorrow morning so it would be faster to get here. I also just called our maids to pack your things so tomorrow you just need to head off to the airport, your belongings will already be there. If you want them to pack you anything else just call them."

"Wow, thanks." Hyerin replied with a little bit of sarcasm in her voice, just the right amount so her father wouldn't notice it.

"Get enough sleep tonight so you'll look fresh and beautiful tomorrow."

"Yes, father."

"Love you, sweetheart."

"I love you too." Hyerin replied before removing the phone from her ear and pressing the red button on her phone screen.

"Minyoung-ah, you can come back now"

Minyoung walked out from their little kitchen with a tub of ice cream in her left hand and two spoons in her right. "Are you okay? Why the sudden frown?" The moment she saw Hyerin's expression, she copies her by pouting her lips cutely and hurrying over to climb up on Hyerin's bed.

"I have to go to Paris tomorrow" Hyerin muttered, eyes fixed on her hands that were fiddling non-stop on her lap.

"You lucky girl. Did you know I've always wanted to go to Paris?" It sounded more like a statement than a question, so Hyerin kept sitting in silence waiting for her friend's next words.

"Look, I know you hate having to travel almost everyday, but hey, if you look on the bright side you get to do things people like me can only dream of." What Minyoung said was true, but it was still hard for Hyerin to see things that way since she's practically been going through these things her whole life. Minyoung was always the cheerful, full of positiveness and optimism type of girl, unlike Hyerin who sometimes finds it hard to even just understand her parents.

"Here, want ice-cream?" Minyeoung took a big scoop of ice-cream with her spoon and lifted it up so i

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LilianMikaelson #1
Chapter 15: Continuaaa Amore
queenloeb #2
Chapter 15: Would u update the next chapter please author-nim, thank you
am_shy19 #3
Chapter 15: So sweet <3
Chapter 15: omg omg.. more hyeriinn and luhaaann i need theemmm ><
am_shy19 #5
Chapter 13: Thx for the update^_^
Chapter 13: oooommggg chanyeol is comiinggg
Chapter 12: little by little luhan and hyerin opened up <3
am_shy19 #8
Chapter 12: Thx for the update!^_^
DreamerGirly #9
Chapter 12: They gnna share one room!?? Luhan and hyerin?
problematicjane #10
Chapter 11: O.O wait.."if only his OWN PARENTS were there..." So, he's adopted or somthing?