Stupid and Slow

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Stupid and Slow


True to her words, Wendy found Seulgi leaning beside the entrance to their common room the next morning, eyes half-asleep, yawning, and head bobbing as the bear tried to keep herself awake.


“Seul!!~~~~~” Wendy beamed, happily engulfing Seulgi in a tight hug.


“Hey Wendy.” Seulgi smiled, eyes barely there.


“What are you doing here early this morning?”


“Irene unnie had made our Head girl wake me up at 6am and I thought it was an emergency and quickly went out only to find Irene unnie, still on her night robes, waiting outside our common room...” Seulgi’s explanation died off. Wendy looked at her curiously.




“And well, I’m here. Been here since 6:30...”


“’s 9 now… You’ve been waiting here that long? Why didn’t you ask someone to call me?”


“Figured you were either still asleep or….busy with someone else...”


“What? Who would I be busy wi-”


“Anyway, Wendy, you saw me now and whatever, I’ll be heading to the great hall.. Krystal’s probably looking for me.” Seulgi had already started walking and Wendy got a bit alarmed at the weirdness of her best friend. She quickly got in pace with the older one and locked their arms together.


“I’m going to the great hall too, so let’s walk there together.” Seulgi had gave her this look, bordering over curiosity and something else she can’t pinpoint before the bear had looked away.


“Shouldn’t you be walking with someone….”


“I am walking with someone.”


“Someone that’s not me?” Seulgi still hasn’t looked at Wendy’s direction and Wendy’s gut is telling her that something’s not right.


“...Seul, is anything bothering you?”


“Hm? Oh there’s Krys! I’ll see you later.” Seulgi said, leaving Wendy’s side.


“....We just saw each other.” The ravenclaw girl whispered as she looked sadly at Seulgi sitting down beside Krystal. Someone patted her on the back and she turned to see Peter lookin at her curiously.


“What’s the matter?”


“I.. don’t know… I feel like something’s not right?” Wendy said as she looked back at her best friend who she noticed has been staring at her with that same look earlier before Seulgi looked away and Wendy swore that Krystal had glared at her.


“You just need something to eat. C’mon, breakfast today seems delish~” Peter commented as she pulled Wendy to their table.



Seulgi acting really off around Wendy had continued on for the following weeks and Irene was the one who Wendy was ranting to.


“I just don’t get it, unnie! I think our mini date went well but then suddenly she’s acting weird!” Wendy huffed, she and Irene were walking towards the quidditch field where the hufflepuff team was practicing.


“As far as I can tell, she’s the same to you.” Irene commented.


“No she’s not. There’s something off and I just- She doesn’t even look at me when we talk!”


“Don’t be silly. She does. You’re overthinking again.”


“I am not! She really doesn’t look at me.”


“She does. I see her looking at you when you two are having a conversation.”


“...I think she’s either looking at my forehead or nose...”


“Yes, and she’s looking at you.”


“But never straight in the eyes like before.”


“.....Seulgi’s eyes is small, so maybe--”


“Unniiiiieeeee~~” Wendy whined, “stop trying to defend her!”


“I’m no-” Irene suddenly stopped talking and started glaring. Wendy looked at the source of her unnie’s sudden mood change and rolled her eyes when she saw Joy and Sungjae playfully pushing each other just ahead of them. Typical of her Irene unnie.


“Unnie, remember, they are not dating.” Wendy reminded. Irene huffed and began walking faster towards the two slytherins.


“Joy!~~~~” The said person froze before turning slowly to face the owner of the voice.


“U-unni--hmf.” She was crushed in a tight hug. “Ca-can’t b-breathe.”


“Where are you going?”


“We’re going to watch Seulgi noona play~” Sungjae answered, smiling brightly at Irene who only glared at him.

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Chapter 6: "Zom-times, Seulgee, you got ah bee bold" Just rock the world - Booyah! (xD)
Chapter 13: I am kneeling. Thank you for the wonderful story!
Chapter 13: This is hilarous aff ahahaha
Thanks for the WenSeul story author-nim~
Chapter 4: this chapter is the funniest one for me ajsjdjdkdkeodkd Seulgi being so damn weird and obvious about Joohyun's plan is a total disaster lmaoooo
Chapter 4: I laughed so hard at this chapter but in the end ugh... why did you notice your feelings just now Seulgi
Chapter 1: OMG this 1st chapter was so CUTE!!!!! I love it! and I love RV AND HP AU
Chapter 10: Holy joyrene’s get together was so cute like I WANT A FRIEND LIKE SUNGAE
arsnhya #8
Chapter 13: Awww, adorable seuldy :33
Chapter 1: Omg a seuldy hpau fic? I'm so excited to read this!