⟠ impulse part 1 (double update with chapter 52)

⟠ AEON : sment's 2015 girl group ⟠


november, 2014

“She’s crying?” Seyeon commented for her spot on the lounge, carefully slumped into the plush cushions so she could online shop in peace.

“Jiyeon cries at just about anything. She cried when Minah returned with only white chocolate.” Seoyul commented, not taking her eyes off the television that was screening the newest episode of Running Man.

“She hates white chocolate.” Misoo imputted, stopping her skipping in the free space of the lounge having been kicked out of her own room by said member. Jiyeon who’d arrived back from her outing and pulled out her phone with little words to the other members, fully focused on something else entirely as she kicked them out.

“How about the time she cried when her mum called about which colour she’d prefer for a phone case?” Seoyul pointed out again.

“Unnies homesick?” Sooyun imputted, appearing around the corner of the kitchen snacking anything and everything in sight.

“She said she doesn’t get homesick, especially because she went to boarding school.” Jungah disagreed, also lounging around in her pyjamas watching television with Seoyul.

“Is anyone going to check on her? It could be bad news?” Sarang asked also stopping her skipping session with Misoo also being kicked out of their room, and cutting off any futher more debates about Jiyeon’s crying habits.

“What do I do!” Jiyeon’s broken voice rung out, said woman bounding into the room and flopping straight onto the members of the couch. Not caring whether she was on top of them or not.

“Speak of the devil...” Seoyul commented, moving to push the crying girl off her lap.

“What’s wrong Twinkle Toes?” Misoo asked, moving in to sit down on the ground in front of the crying girl who’d firmly stuck herself down onto the lounge. The members slowly crowding around said girl, waiting for the answer.

“I said yes! I don’t know if I should’ve, what if it...” She wailed, shifting around to face the roof of the dorm.

“Said yes to what?” Seyeon asked quietly, gentle pushing her laptop from out under the member. Her eyes lighting up a little seeing it uncrushed by the sudden pile up.

“To Lu Han! He was here for his lawsuit, and we met up and went out. And well he, he proposed- and, and I just said yes!” Jiyeon blurted, breathing in raggedly as she told them. “I didn’t even think, what would happen to us. To AEON? I’m so, so sorry...” She apologised, hands moving to cover her eyes as tears threatened to leak even more.

Surprised wasn’t even enough to cover the emotional spectrum of the group as they took in what she’d said. Some part of them said to be happy, fervently happy for their friend and the love of her life. And other remain critical and defeated with the news, unable to think of what it could possibly do to their career.

Everyone was a little frozen, while they knew that she was happily in a relationship with Lu Han. They hadn’t really figured out how deep it ran, only getting rare glimpses on even rarer occasions. Sooyun, surprisingly, was the first to react to the news of the proposal.

“When are you getting married?”


happy note

So this is one thing I've had written for ages, and I've been meaning to release. But now it's going to start, an insight onto her relationship with Luhan which will lead way to other little things.

Anyways lucky last thing tonight~ See you guys in the morning~

Oh and I want thoughts on what you want to see next~

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hehehe triple update today!


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Chapter 85: IT'S SO CUTE. (I'm at commenting dear love. O_O) I don't know why but I never commented on this chapter even though it's perfect?? aND WHERE IS EVERYONE ELSE MUST I GO HUNT THEM DOWN?! Seriously like they're missing the best parts. >_>
Chapter 85: OMG IM SO SORRY IVE BEEN DED FOR LIKE EVER (>д<) I miss this fic so much omg. Luhan and Jiyeon is just asdfghjkl. I'm loving these chapters so much I can not function properly. I so scared that some fans spotted luhan and exo on the way here and decided to stalk, I mean follow them and accidentally sees the ceremony and ⊙﹏⊙ anyways, shout out to Layni17, damn you're too good >ω< the girls are having too much fun with this ahaha, I love it! Please tell me there's more of the wedding coming because I need dis. So, how are you doing? Take care of yourself too! I'm about to 're read the whole fic again because I love it aha and I'll make sure to leave some suggestions later ( ^ω^)
XD The maknaes are little slaves that have too much fun with their jobs.
God it's so damn cute and the poor Korean members now understanding what the 's going on. XD
I felt pity for Luhan, with that whole "taste the life of marriage" thing I would have cried.
Yessssss the cherry challenge is gonna be the best thing eeeeeveeeer.
(Imma disappear because Imma be late for school if I stay here any longer. XD)
Chapter 81: OMG OMG OMG IT'S STARTING!!! The Tze Mui idea is so cute~~ (no idea what it is, brb googling) I can't wait omg ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ I'm getting so much grey hair from stress... But aside of that, I'm doing pretty fine. How are you doing??
Chapter 81: -SCREAMS-
Weddinggggssss. God they're all so damn cute I can't even like handle it how does one do this I don't know it's too early for all this happiness--
Chapter 80: To be honest, this was even more fun than three first part. Aaaasgh, I love seeing the girls interacting and taking cues from each other, and I had the slight urge to punch Jieun in the face but that's every interviewer ever--
Chapter 73: Happy Valentine's Day! Get well soon. T_T But yo that interview is freaking aaaaaweesooooome.
Chapter 79: happy valentine's! I hope you get well soon, drink lots of water and recover fast.
the girls were professional and i loved, they are not stiff or anything, Chinsun made a great work with them
Chapter 79: happy valentine's day! get well soon, please take it easy so you can get better!
yasss the interview! the girls seemed so profession, yet adorable i love it!
Chapter 79: I hope you get well real soon :')
The interview chapter was such a nice idea omg
Your writing is getting better and better everyday :')
I like how you made each individual answers unique
I'm in love rn like omg <3
Please don't let writing stress you out too much ; v ;
Your health is still the most important <3
Happy valentines day!! <3