⟠ family bonding part 2 (triple update with chapters 36, 37, 38)

⟠ AEON : sment's 2015 girl group ⟠

family bonding part 2

slight forgetfulness

“Come on Seyeon unnie!” Sooyun hurried the elder, hanging around the kitchen waiting for the last member to join the group in the lounge. “Just put it on a plate and hurry up! Please!” She pleaded, bouncing around wanting to get the game on the road.

“Carry this out to the coffee table then.” Seyeon shook her head, holding out a bowl of curry that went with all the side dishes, and other assorted dishes that had gone out already. “I’ll get the chopsticks, scissors and bowls for the rice.”

“Come on unnie!” Sooyun told her, grabbing the bowl out of her hands only to have her face widing in alarm as she touched the sides. “Hot!” She didn’t let go but all but ran herself into the bench to put it down, to relieve her hands.

“It’s hot?” Seyeon said sheepishly, seeing her reaction all but fogetting about that little facter due to her cooking attire. “Come on, put your hands under cold water. Quickly!”

Seyeon grabbed the maknae, turning the tap onto the coldest and shoved her hands under the water. And then turned to look at her face.

“I’ll get an ice pack, and some cream. Just keep your hands under there, otherwise it’ll hurt worse.” Seyeon informed her, making sure she understood before throwing her gloves on a free counter and making haste towards the freezer and grabbing out an ice pack and then into the fridge to get out the cream.

“Unnie... It’s burns.” Sooyun whined, looking over her shoulder to see the elder collecting the things she needed. “Hurry!”

“Okay maknae, turn off the water.” Seyeon instructed her, opening up the cream and gesturing for her to open up her hands. “Here. Rub it into your hands and then hold onto the ice pack. It’ll make them feel better. Luckily it wasn’t so hot that it’d scar.” Seyeon sighed, washing her hands and then jerking her head.

“Go on, join the others. I’ll bring all the stuff out.” Seoyeon’s lips curled a little at the side, letting Sooyun know everything was okay and that she could go.

“If you aren’t out there in two minutes. I will come and get you, burnt hands and all.” Sooyun threatened lightly, a wide grin taking over her face before she skipped out of the room.

“Yah, you brat.” Seyeon shook her head, putting the gloves back on and taking the dish out to where the group was gathered around the coffee table.


happy note

Little Sooyun's impatientness, though it's always fun when everyone comes together as a group (ah I just love these chapters, next to the romancy ones. Hehehe.)

Anyone, second last chapter for today and then you guys will have to wait until tomorrow for MV and album intro chapters because I decided last minute to switch them around. Because I'm deciding whether to colour the members parts or to just put their names.

Anyway next up, the group conclusion~~~

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hehehe triple update today!


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Chapter 85: IT'S SO CUTE. (I'm at commenting dear love. O_O) I don't know why but I never commented on this chapter even though it's perfect?? aND WHERE IS EVERYONE ELSE MUST I GO HUNT THEM DOWN?! Seriously like they're missing the best parts. >_>
Chapter 85: OMG IM SO SORRY IVE BEEN DED FOR LIKE EVER (>д<) I miss this fic so much omg. Luhan and Jiyeon is just asdfghjkl. I'm loving these chapters so much I can not function properly. I so scared that some fans spotted luhan and exo on the way here and decided to stalk, I mean follow them and accidentally sees the ceremony and ⊙﹏⊙ anyways, shout out to Layni17, damn you're too good >ω< the girls are having too much fun with this ahaha, I love it! Please tell me there's more of the wedding coming because I need dis. So, how are you doing? Take care of yourself too! I'm about to 're read the whole fic again because I love it aha and I'll make sure to leave some suggestions later ( ^ω^)
XD The maknaes are little slaves that have too much fun with their jobs.
God it's so damn cute and the poor Korean members now understanding what the 's going on. XD
I felt pity for Luhan, with that whole "taste the life of marriage" thing I would have cried.
Yessssss the cherry challenge is gonna be the best thing eeeeeveeeer.
(Imma disappear because Imma be late for school if I stay here any longer. XD)
Chapter 81: OMG OMG OMG IT'S STARTING!!! The Tze Mui idea is so cute~~ (no idea what it is, brb googling) I can't wait omg ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ I'm getting so much grey hair from stress... But aside of that, I'm doing pretty fine. How are you doing??
Chapter 81: -SCREAMS-
Weddinggggssss. God they're all so damn cute I can't even like handle it how does one do this I don't know it's too early for all this happiness--
Chapter 80: To be honest, this was even more fun than three first part. Aaaasgh, I love seeing the girls interacting and taking cues from each other, and I had the slight urge to punch Jieun in the face but that's every interviewer ever--
Chapter 73: Happy Valentine's Day! Get well soon. T_T But yo that interview is freaking aaaaaweesooooome.
Chapter 79: happy valentine's! I hope you get well soon, drink lots of water and recover fast.
the girls were professional and i loved, they are not stiff or anything, Chinsun made a great work with them
Chapter 79: happy valentine's day! get well soon, please take it easy so you can get better!
yasss the interview! the girls seemed so profession, yet adorable i love it!
Chapter 79: I hope you get well real soon :')
The interview chapter was such a nice idea omg
Your writing is getting better and better everyday :')
I like how you made each individual answers unique
I'm in love rn like omg <3
Please don't let writing stress you out too much ; v ;
Your health is still the most important <3
Happy valentines day!! <3