Off Limits
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“Daeho oppa!” Hyejin ran up to Daeho and hugged him.


“Hey Hyejin” he ruffled her hair “You’ve grown”


She looked at him awkwardly.


“Where’s umma and appa?”


She held onto his hand, “Umma and appa died three years ago...”


He looked at her disappointedly, “Hyejin, don’t say things like that”


She gulped, “Three years ago, all of us got into a car accident… Only the two of us survived. I recovered already but you… You hit your head hard trying to cover me and now your memory only last 24 hours”


He gaped at her, “...What?”


“You only have memories from 3 years ago and before. You can’t make new memories. They will only last for 24 hours and everything resets”


He stared at her in shock and shook his head “N-no… No! You’re lying to me!” he shook her angrily “Stop lying!”


She calmly took her phone out. “Oppa, do you know what year it is?”


He scoffed “2012”


She showed the screen to him “It’s 2015”


“...You mean I really don’t have my memory?”


She nodded “We have this conversation everyday” she held his hand “Today, you have a doctor’s appointment so we have to go now”


He was still a little doubtful but followed her and got on the taxi quietly.


“Cut!” director Byun clapped “That was great! I chose the right people!”


“Nanhee, water” Chaewon and Sehun said as they stuck their hand out.


They are so much alike…


I took out room temperature water out of my bag and handed it to them.


Sehun sighed, “50 points”


I raised an eyebrow, “Excuse me?”


“You get 50/100” he handed the water back to me “You’re correct about me only drinking room temperature water, but I only drink Crystal Geyser. If you were my fan, you would know”


I gritted my teeth, “Be.right.back”


“Run Nanhee!” he said through an extremely annoying laugh.


The things I do for Chaewon...




I came back not even two minutes later and he sighed dramatically, “Took you long enough”


I glared at him, “Don’t you have an respect for you noona?”


He snorted, “How much do you make in one year? Probably not even half of what I make in a month”


Chaewon held onto my hand to prevent me from punching him.


“Okay we’re filming the next scene!” one of the staffs entered the room and called.




“Chaewon, it has been a week and I cannot stand that guy!” I said through gritted teeth.


All that brat knows how to do is order me around and he doesn’t even thank me! But when he’s around other people, he suddenly starts acting nice. Disgusting! I cannot believe he is considered one of the 'it-guys' at the moment.


She sighed, “I know it can get annoying, but it’s just until the filming for this movie ends”


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Chapter 15: Wow this story is so good and over funny.sure nanhee is rising two kids.
Chapter 15: Wow authornim, I love your story a lot. I accidently happened to find your story 'Ideal Husbund' and got too excited to read your other stories too. I'm glad I decided to read this. I like your writing style. Hope to read all of your other stories too.. Thank you authornim!!!
Chapter 15: wow! I'm glad that I found this story. my stomach is hurting from laughing too much. I like your sense of humor
I'm glad I found this story..