Off Limits
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Sehun smirked, “Hey y”


Nanhee was busy cleaning the table, “Jihyo, where’s your father?”


She pointed to their bedroom, “He’s talking to the mirror again”


She groaned, “Please go get him. His breakfast is getting cold”


“Daddy” Jihyo tugged his shirt, “We’re already done eating breakfast. It’s just you”


He gave the mirror one last look before following his daughter, “What’s for breakfast?”


“Your favorite” Nanhee smiled.


“Filet mignon?”


She glared, “Shut up”


“Hey” he cupped her face with one hand, “Don’t let our daughter hear such language” he glanced at Jihyo who stared at him blankly.


She slapped his hand away, “I only got three hours of sleep since you kept practicing your lines out loud,” she held her spatula up, “Do not piss me off even more”


Chaewon walked downstairs and grabbed the lunchbox that was prepared for her.


“What did daddy do?” Jihyo asked, still clueless.


Chaewon smiled kindly, “He doesn’t have to do anything. His mere presence can make everyone mad” she explained, “His existence is a crime”


Sehun gritted his teeth, “Chaewon, we don’t have to keep you in our house you know? We’re just being kind”


“Sehun” Nanhee gave him a look, “Don’t say that. I’m the one that asked her to stay with us since I was always really sick when I was pregnant with Jihyo and I wanted help around the house. Plus, her mother is always flying around, she won’t be able to get a good education if she keeps transferring schools”


Chaewon smirked at Sehun who stuck his tongue out, “Come on Jihyo, let’s get you to school”


“Yay!” Jihyo held Chaewon’s hand excitedly.


“Thank you Chaewon” Nanhee smiled.


“You’re welcome”


“Finally we’re alone” Sehun winked at her. She rolled her eyes, “I have the whole day off, what do you want to do?”


“I want to sleep all day”


He grinned, “I can help with that”


She glared, “You already helped enough” she pushed him towards the table, “Eat your breakfast and clean it up please”


“Can we go on a date afterwards?” he asked, obediently taking a seat.




“Sehun…” Nanhee rolled her eyes.


“Yes baby?” he tilted his head, “Do I look more handsome from this angle? Or this angle? A or B?” he asked.


“C, None of the above” she rolled her eyes, “Now will you stop checking yourself out through the reflection you see through my sunglasses?”


He fixed his hair, “Does it bother you?”


“Yes!” she groaned, “We’re on a date and you looked at your reflection more than you looked at me!” she clicked her tongue, “Do you even remember why we’re here? We’re shopping for my dress since I have to go to the stupid party with you”


“Why are you calling it stupid? It’s important to me. A lot of important people will be there”


“Why do I have to go?” she whined. She went to one of those with Sehun and Chaewon once and she felt so out of place because she was the only one without the ‘celebrity aura’. Even the directors and producers had a special important aura around them.


“Because you’re my wife!”


She groaned.


Just as she expected, she felt out of place once again. Except this time it was worse because Chaewon didn’t come. She wanted to rest since she was completely drained after taking her final exam, so Nanhee was completely lost while Sehun talked to important people. It was as if everyone there wanted to make sure Nanhee didn’t feel important. They would glance her way once and chuckle. She even heard one of the actresses asking another why Sehun would marry me of all the people. If someone that didn’t know Nanhee came up to Sehun, they would ask about her but once they find out she isn’t a celebrity, they won’t ask any further.


“I feel like it would’ve been better if you came by yourself” she sighed. She waited for Sehun to deny it but she didn’t hear any respons, “Sehun?” she followed his gaze and saw the rising actress, Lee Bomi, “Sehun” she put her hand on his arm.




She rolled her eyes, “Was it really necessary for me to come? I’m clearly not wanted”


“Hm” he hummed, not really agreeing or disagreeing with her. He wasn’t even listening to her.


As stupid as it felt, she was almost sure Sehun was checking Bomi out. Throughout the night, when Nanhee was talking to him, he would steal glances at her and at those times he wasn’t even listening to her.


“Sehun” she called him once again.


“Yeah” he turned his attention back to her again.


“Do I look good?”


He chuckled, “No. Don’t you see all the people you're surrounded by?”


Ouch. Those words hurt even if she knew he was joking. She already felt insecure after catching him staring at Bomi and being snorted at by others. Yes, Bomi did look beautiful and elegant in the dress, but Nanhee still expected to have Sehun’s full attention on her since she took the time and effort to look pretty for him. She turned around without a word and walked away while Sehun was talking to one of the directors he worked with before.


Sehun tried calling Nanhee multiple times but she would not answer the phone. When he was about to call her again, he received a text message from Chaewon, telling him that she just got home alone and asked him if everything was okay. He felt irritated that Nanhee would just leave without saying anything to him. He started his car and drove home.


“Nanhee” he walked inside their room, “What are you even doing? Can’t you say something to me before leaving?”


He became more irritated when she didn’t respond when she is clearly awake, he pulled the blanket off of her, “I’m talking to you…” his voice faded away when he saw her crying. He sighed, “Are you seriously crying just because I said you didn’t look good? It was a joke” he rolled his eyes, “What, do I have to tell you you’re beautiful 24-7?” he snorted, “I was alone the rest of the time. Do you know what people will think if you leave early like that? My image-”


“I’m sorry!” she cut him off.


“Funny, Because you don’t sound sorry at all” he eyed her.


She felt frustrated that she couldn’t express her feelings clearly. How do you tell your husband of six years that you suddenly feel insecure being his wife? She di

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Chapter 15: Wow this story is so good and over funny.sure nanhee is rising two kids.
Chapter 15: Wow authornim, I love your story a lot. I accidently happened to find your story 'Ideal Husbund' and got too excited to read your other stories too. I'm glad I decided to read this. I like your writing style. Hope to read all of your other stories too.. Thank you authornim!!!
Chapter 15: wow! I'm glad that I found this story. my stomach is hurting from laughing too much. I like your sense of humor
I'm glad I found this story..