A Kiss from her

I Love you like a love song


When we came, I saw Myungsoo, Sungyeol, Sungjong and Woohyun “ShinHye!!” They were happily said, when they saw me, and ran towards my direction, but they stopped when they saw me holding JungKyu’s hand. The smile in their face fades. I was planning to release from holding his hand when somebody appear and he said “Director, we can’t continue the photo shoot today, there’s an emergency happen.” It was Sunggyu and he whispers something to the director that makes his face worried.

Sunggyu look at me with a plain face, he didn’t even bother to smile at me and then he walked towards the location of infinite members, and then I realized Dongwoo is missing, I saw Hoya, going to somewhere but… It could be Dongwoo? Is something happened to Dongwoo? I effort to ask what is going on, but they were leaving, I feel like… A ghost, they acting like they never saw me. It is because Im with JungKyu, I thought they will be happy that I finally move on (though it is an acting) especially Myungsoo. I restrained my tears that attempting to fall from my eyes. They were one by one passing to me with out saying Goodbye, they just ignoring me and finally somebody tapped my shoulder. “Where going, take care” it was Myungsoo. I hugged him tightly.

“Baby, what’s going on? Why did they avoiding me?”

“Hey! Crying Baby, don’t cry in a place like this huh!” he said, maybe he noticed my teary eyes.

“MYUNGSOOOO!” Sunggyu called him over.

He released me from hugging “Don’t worry okay? Trust me. I have to go…” then he ran and go.

“ShinHye, don’t forget to attend my Birthday party.” Myungsoo yelled at me while walking backward, Sunggyu pulled him to stop him from talking to me.


I sighed and look to JungKyu. I cant describe the emotion on his eyes, guilty? Anger? Jealous? The director greeted us; he apologized for what happened, he glance at me. “Are you ShinHye right? Hoya’s ex girlfriend?” I move my head up and down instead of saying yes. “oh aren’t you now concern to him?”

“Huh?” I mumbled.

“The photo shoot dismissed because, something happened to Hoya, Im going there, would you like to see him?” He offered.

I waved my hands to refuse. “No… thank you.”

“Oh okay, I have to go, I have to see him. Bye” he waved his hand.



“Yaaaaa! What happen to your face?” our manager groaned and touched the wounds in my face.

“Who maid this?” he asked with his wide eyes and angry face.

I pout my lips to point the direction of Sunggyu who’s rubbing the back of his head.

“Wooaa! i‘m innocent, blame my fist not me! HAHAHAH!” Every body laughed

“Yaaaa! Stop fooling around!” the manager said, the director is with him trying to stop him from yelling.

“All of you! Stop hurting each other.” He said and walked out.

After 15 minutes an unexpected visitor came, we are all shocked when she walked towards me and give me a smack kissed and then she hugged me. My eyes get widened. “Hoya you made me worried so much, don’t do that again okay?” she said and still hugging me, I looked around and look for Infinite’s faces, all of their eyes are widened and their mouth are hang opened. I am really sure, they are very shocked.





Kekeke~~ Sorry for this very late Update.

Hope you guys understand my situation, my situation to be born LAZY :)

Comments Please ^^

ADVANCE MERRY CHRISTMAS, Enjoy you're Holidays :)

Saranghae. <3

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bankrupt? what will happen now? :(
T.T aigoo, this appa.. Dx
Update soon!! :D
so they got back together? horaaay! but her appa saw them... omo...
hye_yong #4
HoYa..You are just SO AWESOME!!
awww that's right Hoya don't let her marry Jungkyu...
OMGOSH *o* I just... HOYA! Just make out with her already!! GRR!! OTL XD
CHRiBoom #7
Thank you for your comments! :))<br />
OMO! Uwa. Hoya really kiss her. Like it? Kekeke. Thank you guys :*
J-cryptic #8
EH? what just happened?<br />
hoya left. then came back?<br />
then KISS HER?<br />
then says GOODBYE?<br />
<br />
what the hekkk?~ O_O<br />
<br />
(ahaha. all questions...:3)<br />
<br />
HEY!HEY! <br />
UPDATE!! O_O <br />
hye_yong #9
What..HoYa you just kissed her out of the blue and said hi?
Hoya kissed her? omo ^^