Because I Won't

All You Have To Do Is Stay


The cold from Seulgi’s hands startles Seungwan when she slips under the covers, next to her, arms wrapping around her from behind. She feels Seulgi press her face into her back and she has to hold her breath in anticipation.


“You’re really warm, Seungwan-ah.” Seulgi mutters, voice muffled against her back. Seungwan blinks, not knowing what to say.


Minutes pass and Seungwan starts to think that Seulgi has fallen asleep but then she starts to whimper.  She also feels warm wet tears seeping through her shirt and she tries to turn to face Seulgi but Seulgi holds tight to her, not allowing her to move. Fear threatens to take over as closes up and her breathing becomes heavy. She swallows thickly.


“Seulgi?” Seulgi doesn’t answer but lets her whimpering grow louder and Seungwan is becoming more and more worried. What happened between her and Soojung? Did Soojung do something to her?


“What’s wrong? Talk to me.” She says, tries to keep her voice even.


A few minutes pass before Seulgi could even bring herself to answer.


“I’m so mad.” That answer doesn’t help Seungwan much and she feels her inside light up in anger.


“Why? What happened?” Seulgi’s hold on her slackens and she’s finally able to turn. As she does, she cups Seulgi’s face with both hands and looks at her carefully, searching every part of her, trying to see where she was hurt.


“Soojung… I…” Seulgi hesitates.


“It’s okay, Seulgi. Go on.” She urges her. If Soojung had done something to Seulgi again, Seungwan wasn’t sure what she would do. It’s not right for that girl to hurt Seulgi even more than she already did.


“I wanted to see her unhappy. I wanted to see her hurt. I wanted to show her that I’m finally getting on with my life without her.” Seulgi pauses. “But I couldn’t. It’s not right. Is it right to think of something so mean? Is it okay for me to be mad? I-”


Seungwan doesn’t let her finish. Instead, she presses her lips on Seulgi’s and kisses her, relieved and feeling silly. She starts to laugh when she pulls back. She wipes tears from her own eyes and Seulgi looks at her with something akin to surprise in her eyes.


“Oh, Seulgi.” Seungwan could only say.


“What? What did I do? Why are you crying?” There’s a hint of panic in her voice and all that Seungwan wants to do is to hold her and kiss her.


“I don’t deserve you.” Seulgi blinks back, confused and Seungwan just smiles at her.


For the longest time, Seulgi blamed herself. Now she has every reason to get mad at Soojung but she finds it wrong to? Seulgi is too kind and too pure and Seungwan only has a couple of things to say to that.


“I love you and I’m never letting go of you.” She says, eyes never leaving Seulgi’s.


Seulgi still looks a bit lost but she finally smiles. “I love you too, Seungwan.”


“You scared me there for a moment.” Seungwan says, breathes deeply.


“What? Why?”


“I didn’t know what you were going to say. I didn’t know what you two talked about.” It would suffice to say that Seungwan was prepared to throw water in Soojung’s face and to pull her hair out if she finds out that she did something more to hurt Seulgi.


“Were you worried that I would want to be with her again?”


“No, I wasn’t.” She replies with certainty. They were past that and they should never go back to that. “I was worried if she did something more to you. I agreed to let you talk to her because I know you would need it to get your closure but I won’t let her hurt you again.”


Seulgi finds herself smiling wider than before. The feeling of having someone to protect her and having someone who deeply cares about her is amazing. Seungwan is amazing.


“You know what? Because I have you, I don’t think anyone can ever hurt me again.” She says out of the overwhelming feeling in her chest that permeates through her entire being.


“Really?” Seungwan asks, starts to feel the same.


Seulgi nods.


“There’s actually something I forgot to say to Soojung.” Seulgi continues.


“And what’s that?”


“Thank you. I forgot to say thank you.” It’s Seungwan’s turn to look confused. “I wanted to thank her for what she did even though you dislike her for it.”


“Why is that so?”


But Seungwan had nothing to worry about because all that Seulgi is trying to say is if she would have to go through all the pain one more time if that means meeting Seungwan, she would and this she has no intention of keeping to herself. 


“If she hadn’t broken me, you wouldn’t have found me to put me back together.”




The morning comes light and hopeful like all mornings should, like mornings have been for Seungwan for some time now. A light breeze ruffles the half-drawn curtains and the sunlight peeks through it. She lies on her side and looks at Seulgi. For once, she’s the first to wake up. Last night must have really been tiring for her. It was for her too, maybe not as much as it was for Seulgi. With this in mind, she gets up, careful not wake her, so she could make breakfast for her.


Seungwan tiptoes down the spiral staircase, stops when she sees a figure standing in her peripheral vision, facing the living room window. She swallows, thinks if she should go back to the bedroom and wait for Seulgi to wake up instead of doing what she had planned. It’s awkward to be in the same room with one’s girlfriend’s ex, that’s a given. Like what Seulgi said last night, it was clear that Seungwan disliked her.


But before she can take one step back, Soojung sees her, turns her body to face her.


“Oh, good morning.” Seungwan has to take the last step down. The point of no return. “We weren’t properly introduced last night.” Soojung’s face takes on a look. Like she’s thinking that there’s no way there would have been properly introduced to each other anyway. It’s good that she knows.


“I-I’m Soojung. Jung Soojung.”


“Seungwan. Son Seungwan.” Seungwan says, moves toward the kitchen in an attempt to escape, maybe? But Soojung follows her like a puppy.


“I’m sorry for the inconvenience.” She looks up at her. Soojung was a head taller than her. How infuriating. “I’d like to make it up to you somehow. Is there anything I can help you with? Breakfast?” Did she just apologize and offer her help?


That’s what she heard so she slowly nods.


The two of them quietly work in the kitchen; Seungwan makes the rice while Soojung beats the eggs.  The water from the sink and the whisk hitting the side of the bowl were the only sounds to be heard. But it all feels too uncomfortable like the one of them was dying to say something and it’s not Seungwan.


“I don’t know if Seulgi ever told you but we didn’t have breakfast like this when we were together.” Seungwan stiffens. She’s not sure if it’s the mention of Seulgi’s name or the word ‘when we were together’. “The only thing we both knew how to make was ramyeon and that’s not exactly good.” Soojung ends with a laugh.


“You seem pretty okay with doing that.” Seungwan replies, points to what Soojung was doing.


“Oh, that’s because I have learned to cook since then.” Her voice comes up weird, like was closing off. She clears it. “I learned a lot while I was away. Things I should have known when I was younger.”


“You’re still kind of young. Aren’t we the same age?” Soojung doesn’t answer but stops beating the eggs.


“I don’t know if you would understand me but two years ago, I was naïve and selfish. I only cared about myself and I deeply regret it now. I guess what I’m really saying is… you’re good for Seulgi in a way I never was and I can’t ever compete with that. I’m not going to compete with that.”


Seungwan stops what she was doing.


“You probably know by now all the bad things I’ve done to her. I know I shouldn’t have come barging in here like this when you’re both so happy now. I’m sorry to Seulgi and I’m sorry to you too. I guess I was just… scared for a moment.”


“Everyone is.” Seungwan mutters. “We’re all scared of something.”


 “But mostly, we’re scared of change because we got so used to living in a certain way. Seulgi was used to wishing that you would come back. I was used to thinking that my life ended when my wife, Joohyun, left.” Seungwan takes a deep breath.


“I guess you had something you were used to that was about to change and that scared you.” Seungwan finishes with a shrug. “I wonder if it has something to do with that ring on your finger.”


Soojung stares hard at her hand, fiddles with the silver band on her ring finger.


“It does.” Seungwan mutters. She came running back to Seulgi because she was scared. Of what, Seungwan doesn’t know. “I know that look. I’ve seen it before in front of the mirror.”


“You did?” Soojung looks intently at her. Seungwan nods. Just because she married her first love, doesn’t mean she wasn’t the least bit scared when she made the decision to.


“Like I said, we’re all scared of change.”


“It has nothing to do with him.” Soojung starts.


“I know that too.”


“Running away just seems to be my thing. I must really be allergic to engagement rings.” She says, laughs bitterly.


“It doesn’t have to be that way. Whatever you did wrong with Seulgi… you can make it right with him.” Seungwan doesn’t know why she’s saying these things when this mere girl’s appearance was a threat to her no less than six hours ago.


Soojung looks away, contemplating Seungwan’s words.


“But that’s none of my business. So if you’re done with that, please pass them to me.” Seungwan finishes, points to the bowl of half-beaten eggs.




Seulgi jumps out of bed the moment she opens her eyes, the empty space next to her scaring the life out of her. She runs down the stairs only to bump into the person she was looking for at the bottom.


“You scared me.” Seulgi whispers to Seungwan’s ear as she wraps her arms around her.


“I was just about to wake you. I made breakfast.” Seungwan explains. Seulgi pulls away, studies her face. “Shall we go?”


Seungwan takes Seulgi’s hand and pull her to the kitchen and as they pass by Seulgi sees Soojung, standing with her back to them, seemingly on the phone, talking to someone. She doesn't miss the way Seungwan peeks at Soojung through the corner of her eye and she wonders. Did something happen while she was asleep? Did they get the chance to talk? What did they talk about? Did they talk about her?


When she sits down on her chair, that cup of coffee waiting for her confirms everything. Seungwan doesn’t give her coffee for breakfast. Because she thinks it’s too acidic, she gives her tea or fruit juice in the morning. Seulgi can tell that this isn’t from Seungwan so she looks up at her curiously.


“She helped.” Seungwan answer the unvoiced question, places chopsticks in Seulgi’s hands.


Seulgi allows herself to look over her shoulder, to look at Soojung. But she was already done with her phone call in the time it took Seulgi to get to the table. Soojung is now standing a few feet behind Seulgi.


She's still in pajamas Seulgi lent her and she holds in her arms the clothes she wore from the party, all neatly folded like she was ready to leave.


“I called him. He’s gonna be here soon to pick me up.” Soojung avoids Seulgi’s gaze so she’s not really sure if she was talking to her or Seungwan. “I’m really sorry for the trouble I caused you two. If you don’t mind, I’ll just go outside and wait for him there.”


She offers them an apologetic smile and a small bow before she turns on her heel and goes.


Seulgi turns to face the table again, drops her gaze to her food, aware that Seungwan’s eyes are on her. They hear the door close with a click and the automatic lock beep. Silence threatens to engulf them but Seungwan doesn't allow it.


“It’s okay to get mad.” She suddenly says.


“What?” Seulgi looks up.


“I’m really proud of you for being mad. I didn’t get to tell you this last night so I’m telling you now.” Seungwan smiles at her, reaches for her hand across the table. “It’s okay to get mad. But staying mad is another thing.”


Seulgi blinks at her. How could Seungwan know without her having to say anything? How could she untangle the mess that is her thoughts when Seulgi couldn't do it herself?


So maybe she wanted them to hurt, hurt as much as they hurt her just to make things even. And maybe after hearing what Soojung had to say last night, she couldn’t stay mad at her or Jongin. But some parts of her wanted to because she had a right to. She had her pride too. And Seungwan understands that. Maybe that's all she really needs right now.


“What do you think I should do then?” She asks.


“I don’t know, Seulgi. That’s completely up to you.” Seungwan gives her a small smile.


Seulgi looks over her shoulder once more and sees a black SUV pull up in front of their house through the living room window.


She looks back at Seungwan, eyes asking.


“I would suggest not leaving things unsaid again.” Seungwan says.


Seulgi gets up, runs to the door and pulls it open just in time to see Jongin getting off the car. He walks towards Soojung who was waiting on the sidewalk.


Seulgi watches him as he takes off his own jacket and wraps it around Soojung. He looks very much relieved to see her and it shows in his face, in the way he holds her by the shoulders. Then he gives her a tight hug and that’s when he sees Seulgi. Jongin slowly pulls back from the hug, stares into Soojung’s eyes, trying to tell her something.


Soojung nods before looking back at Seulgi one last time and getting in the car, leaving Jongin and Seulgi outside.


“Seulgi,” Jongin calls. She approaches him, stops just behind the gate. “Have you been well?” He looks embarrassed and uncomfortable.


Seulgi doesn't want him to be even though she could just let him.


“I see that you’re still the same. You and her. You greet the same. You still sound like each other.” She says, tries to liven up the mood.


But Jongin doesn't know what to say to that either. He scratches the back of his head.


“Uh, thanks for letting her stay. She told me.” Jongin looks down on his hands, starts clenching and unclenching them.


“Bros look out for each other.” Seulgi shrugs. Jongin finally smiles, not the helpless smile he keeps on trying to muster.


Just then, Seungwan comes out the front door, a coat in her hand. She steps by Seulgi's side and puts the coat on her much like the way Jongin did to Soojung moments ago. Seulgi notices him watching with curiosity and suddenly it's easier because Seungwan is next to her.


“Don’t get mad at her for what she did.” She finds herself saying. “Let her sleep for a long time first.”


“Yeah, I won't get mad and I'll do that. Thanks for everything.” Jongin says, takes a step back. “I guess we should go now.”


Seungwan's hand slips in hers and it's warm. She's not sure how but somehow it pushes her to speak again.


“Hey, Jongin.” He stops in his tracks, turns to her once more. “Congratulations on your engagement.”


He looks confused on how to react, not sure if he was being attacked or not. But there was no hint of bitterness in Seulgi's voice. Not even a little. And when she continues, Jongin finally understands.


“You take care of each other, alright? Don’t get hurt. Don’t regret and don't feel guilty about anything because I won't.” She finishes, holds Seungwan's hand more securely in hers.


Jongin sees it all and he smiles again, nods. “Thank you, Seulgi. You take care of yourself too, friend.” 



A/N: I'm back! So sorry for making you all wait so long. I know this chapter probably won't be on par with your expectations but give me a chance to redeem myself in the last two chapters which I am working on now. I just felt like elaborating more on Soojung's return and to actually give Jongin more exposure. That's all. I sincerely thank you all for being with me and this story thus far. Thank you all so much for your support. Until next time. - Bluekimchi

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Expect a double update by the end of the week! 8/15


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bluejin #1
Chapter 25: author-nim, i dont know if you’re gonna read this or not considering u uploaded this a long time ago, but im obsessed with your writings 🤩 i’ve been binge reading your stories for a few days now and im now out of stories to read haha well, thank you for writing this. it’s an amazing story
bluejin #2
Chapter 23: its almost 3 am and im way too deep to stop here
bluejin #3
Chapter 21: i sense trouble goodness
bluejin #4
Chapter 20: god the feeling of finally seeing both of them happy after seeing them go through depression is exhilarating
bluejin #5
Chapter 19: ugh the insecurity that she has is so real.. sometimes when people hurt you, you are bound to think that maybe there is something wrong with you. its amazing that seulgi has seungwan to remind her that she’s an amazing person
Chapter 25: Yeah, what a great story. I was in search of quality Seuldy/Wenseul ff, and as I found this I was very happy. I would say that everything was amazing. The emotions, the development, the pace of the story and most importantly how Seungwan dealt with all of her thoughts and made closure were all perfectly written. But, I would say that writing style in the story and manner of speech of Seulgi at the beginning were a little childish. P.S. Sorry for my English.
oncepandasone214 #7
love this story😍😭😍 the developments..felt the emotions....the storyline..just wow *chefs kiss* i love it all😍😭❤❤ the ride was amazing,thank you👏☺️😄
totapulchraes #8
Chapter 25: sis, i loved this story ♡ i loved the growth of the characters ♡ thank you
totapulchraes #9
Chapter 3: that's such a wholesome story ♡
totapulchraes #10
Chapter 1: this looks so promising ❤️ will read on