Arete's Meeting With Faith

The Life That I Fought For

Arete POV 

I went upstairs to Tao's room to sleep because man was I tired from what's happened over the days.

 But as I dream it’s wasn’t a really dream it was more of a nightmare. The sky was red as blood even the moon was red as blood I look around it’s abandoned there’s no one here except me but why ? What it is trying to tell to me. 

That’s key of this nightmare, I walk around to see if I can find someone to see if they can what this place is. 

Cause this place is very creepy and unsettled which cause my fear to go off the charts in this place that I don’t even know at all. 

 After walking around for a long time I finally come across a cloaked figure that stand just like a women dressed in cloak white and dress from head to toe, I walk towards her but she raise her hand and stops me in my tracks. 

She looks at me in horror and maybe even sorrow but I’m scared wonder what she’s going to do to me. 

But there’s something there that makes relax at the same time but just there in fear is cowardly I won’t stand for it. 

I walk over to her and ripped the hood off her head but there’s something about her that is familiar. 

The women is 5’5 with long white hair and her skin is pale but the funny thing is she’s is younger than me. 

She turns to face me when she does I see her eyes are black as the night and she smiles at me. 

“ I’m glad I found you .” She said 

“ May I ask, what is your name ?.’ I ask her 

“ I’m called many things .” She says 

“ Such as .” I said questionly 

“ Fate, destiny, the inevitable but sometimes savior but I preferred Faith .” She says 


“ Ok I guess I’ll call you Faith because calling you the inevitable is kind of unsettled to me .” I said 

“ That is fine .” She said

 She sounds a lot older now. !

“ Mind your tongue !! .” She snapped 

“ You can read my mind .” I said 

“ Yes .” She said 

“ How come I can’t read yours then .” I said 

“ Because I put a spell that won’t allow it .” She says 

“ Ok but do you mind telling me where I’m at ?.” I ask nicely 

“ This is place that you see now was once beautiful place that you ever see in you life but also this place you be visit more in our dreams and even me .” She said

“ Ok .” I said 

“ Respect your elders .” She said 

“ Yes Ma’am .” I said 

“ That’s better .” She said 

“ Can please hurry up because I start today .” I said nicely 

“ Yes because I part my way as well I cannot stay any longer in this form .” She said 

“ Why ?.” I ask 

“ Cause it’s my energy it’s draining me I feel weaker every passing hour that we talked .” She says

“ Then this is goodbye for now .” I said 

“ Yes for now and have a wonderful day at school .” She says 

“ Thank you and have a good rest .” I said 

“ Thank you .” She said 

I awaken from nap and I look at the clock it’s 6:20am I need to get ready for school but school starts at 9:00am so why do I need to wake up early. 

But I soon hear Tao awaken from his deep slumber.

“ Arete go back to sleep we have plenty of time .” He said 

“ Time goes quick. It waits for no one Tao .” I said 

“ Yeah I know that .” He said 

“ Then we are in agreement .” I said 

“ Yes Ma’am .” He said 

“ Ok then get your out of bed and dressed like a normal teenage guy .” I said 

“ What do you mean dress like a normal teenage guy ?.” He asked me 

“ You know what I mean ." I said 

“ Oh .” He said 

“ Yeah .” I said 

 I jumped off the bed I walked to the closet and picked out a grey long sleeve v-neck also skinny jeans finally white low tops converses when I’m finally clothed I put my hair into bohemian romance fishtail braid. 

I look at Tao to see if he was dressed like a normal teenage boy and he was. 

He’s wearing long sleeve black v-neck sweater he also pull the sleeves up to his elbows and he also wearing slim fit jeans by levi but his shoes are the classic converses I’m so jealous about his shoes. 

Tao looks like male model but me I look like the shy, awkward girl that no one notices or even cares about as well. 

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