Prepare for the fireworks

High school drama - The aftermath

ReJin rang me and started panicking over the phone because I wasn’t home yet so after I finished talking to Jongdae, I rushed back to her house just before sundown. I opened the door and my jaw metaphorically dropped to the ground, I was so surprised on who I just saw sitting at the dinner table. “What in the world are you doing here?!” to my surprise, it was J-hope. “You actually thought I wouldn’t be able to find you? I remember when you told me on our first date that the city was your place to get away and I will never forget that. After I got off the train, I saw you and I basically beat you back here, found a shortcut but all that doesn’t matter, I’m just glad you’re safe”. I’m not an emotional person but I couldn’t help but shed a tear whilst hugging him tightly, I have missed seeing him even though it’s only been a day. ReJin cooked her famous lasagne for dinner, it was so delicious that I had to take seconds but I was definitely full after that. “Do you think you guys will take your finals?”ReJin asked us. “I mean, they are only two days away and I think our headmaster would have informed us by now so it’s looking doubtful but I’m still staying positive, are you Hyobin?” the possibility of not taking finals made me sick to my stomach, I had to remove myself away from the conversation so I went upstairs and I went straight to bed. “Well I must go; I think Hyobin needs time to herself. Coming to see her was a bad idea I think” “no I think she did need to see you. J-hope, no offence to my cousin but you can see for yourself that she’s an absolute mess right now so it may look like she wasn’t happy but believe me; she needed her other support system. Thanks for stopping by and you’re more than welcome to visit anytime” I overheard their conversation downstairs and I cried yet again. J-hope cares about me so much and it made me regret being angry at Je mi. I got a text from Jongdae. ‘All dun. Prepare 4 the fireworks’

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