Secret meetup in the city

High school drama - The aftermath

I got a phone call thinking it was J-hope but it wasn’t, it was Jongdae. “You must be drunk if you’re ringing me. What do you want?” “No I’m not drunk for a change and trust me I don’t even wanna speak to you but Je mi hasn’t spoken to me since we broke up and I wanna get her back. She hasn’t returned my texts, calls, nothing. You’re her closest friend and I just... I just wanna know if she’s been thinking about me, please Hyobin” “well since I don’t care about you, the last thing I would do is ask my best friend if she’s been thinking about you. me being honest here, you’re as low class as an earthworm in soil but as far I know, no she hasn’t mentioned you at all and since she’s going to uni, nothing or no one else will matter to her right now” “she got in? And Je mi didn’t even tell me. I lost my popularity and my girlfriend” “hey, that’s your fault, not mine so let’s get that clear. Listen, I absolutely hate your guts but when we were partnered in competitions and games at school, we done damage and we were unstoppable, remember that. I’m in the city, meet me here”.

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