Time to learn our fate

High school drama - The aftermath

I wasn’t even away from school long but it felt like ages since I’ve been there. I was super nervous about what was going to happen today, I didn’t even have a convincing speech prepared but that wasn’t going to help anyway. I walked up the stairs to the second floor where Mr Jongin’s office was and I sat down on one of the chairs outside his office. I could see there were three more chairs next to me so I knew the others were definitely coming. Why was I freaking out so much? I couldn’t think about it any further for now so I put my headphones on and closed my eyes with Seoul fm radio playing in my ears. “Hey Hyobin. Are you ok? Gosh I’m so sorry I haven’t spoken to you lately, preparations for uni have been insane. Yeah I know I go in 3 months but I have so much to... Hyobin? Hello?” I felt quite a strong slap on my shoulder, I opened my eyes and I saw Je mi sitting next to me. “Must you hit my shoulder so hard?!” I gave her a disapproving look. “Well you didn’t listen to a single word I said so that was the best way to get your attention. I was saying that I’ve been so busy getting everything prepared for university, it’s so exciting! I’m sorry I haven’t spoken to you, I don’t want you to think that I’m putting university first before our friendship because that’s not true. I would never hurt you and I know for sure that you wouldn’t hurt me either” I stayed silent and smiled. We heard footsteps along the corridor; Jongdae arrived and sat down next to Je mi. I could feel the awkwardness in the corridor since this was really their first proper time seeing each other after we got suspended. I could see that Jongdae wanted to talk to Je mi but she wasn’t even looking at him as if he wasn’t there so I gave him a small hand signal telling him to leave her. “Hyobin, where’s J-hope? Jongdae asked me. “It’s 11:50am and he’s not here. He always arrives at least 15 minutes early for classes and meetings. Maybe he got cold feet and decided not to turn up” “no he sent me a text saying that he’ll be here right on time” I replied. All of a sudden, my chest started to tense up and tighten, not really from anxiousness but from anger and rage. The times where I wanted my dad to support me and watch me perform in competitions or anything I did throughout high school, he was never there. I was used to it anyway, my family never supported me in anything I did or wanted to do and I’ve accepted that because it will never change. “Jongdae, Mr Jongin will see you now” Mr Jongin’s PA escorted Jongdae into his office. Here we go.

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