Jongdae's final decison

High school drama - The aftermath

“Where is J-hope? It’s 12pm and he’s not here” Je mi asked me. “Yes I am. Phew! The traffic from my house was unbelievable, it’s not like me to be this late” me and Je mi breathed a huge sigh of relief as J-hope arrived just on time. “You haven’t missed anything, Jongdae is in Mr Jongin’s office as we speak but me and Je mi haven’t seen him yet” “oh alright then. What do you think Mr Jongin meant by ‘discussing our future’? I may be smart but that had me stumped” “hmm well I think he might allow us to take our finals now, I’m still hoping for it” Je mi replied. “Can you please stop living in this crazy fantasy land?” I shouted back. One of the teachers told me to quieten down after I started raising my voice in frustration. “All we can do right now is sit here and wait alright? None of us have psychic powers so why waste our energy by-” I got interrupted by Jongdae coming out of Mr Jongin’s office. “How did it go?” J-hope asked. “Well he was just rambling on as expected but basically, I’ve got a criminal record, a final warning but I’ve been allowed to take our finals exams. That’s what’s up yo!” we were all kinda shocked that he is now allowed to take finals but we still congratulated him. My anxiety started to build, nerves were higher than before... urgh! Now is the time for me to remain calm. “Hoseok, could you please follow me to Mr Jongin’s office? He’s ready to see you now” J-hope followed Mr Jongin’s PA towards his office. “Good luck man, fighting!” I whispered to him, he gave me thumbs up in reply. The tension started to build between Je mi and Jongdae, none of them have said a word to each other since the fight but I guess it’s a good thing because if they do talk, it will turn into another full blown argument.

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