


'You'd better not say that in front of my boyfriend though, he gets jealous pretty easily.'

Eunhyuk nodded. This Lee Sungmin, he really did seem like a nice person. Always smiling; so bubbly; so cute. Maybe the people here weren't that bad after all.

'Well then, let's go!' Sungmin said as he got up from his bed and walked towards the door. Eunhyuk followed suit, trailing Sungmin closely. Throughout the whole journey to their English class, Eunhyuk had not said anything and only listened to Sungmin's never-ending chattering. He was talking about the school, the students here, the education, the food, anything and everything, actually. 

'Oh and you know, Eunhyukkie, the food's here really good! And... -oh! We've reached the classroom, I didn't realize.' Sungmin smiled sheepishly. 

'Anyway, you don't talk much, do you?' He asked. 

'Not really.. I'm naturally quiet, but I promise, whenever somebody talks, I listen. I find it more easier to listen to them than talk to them, if you know what I mean.' 

'Ah~ So you're that type of person.. Oh well, at least you listened to me, right?' Eunhyuk nodded, smiling.

When they entered the classroom, heads turned to look at them, shifting all their attention to the blonde-haired guy. Eunhyuk started feeling nervous. What if they didn't like him? What if they were no different than the people in his previous school?

'Eunhyukkie?' Eunhyuk was snapped out of his thoughts when Sungmin's hand suddenly tapped him on the shoulder lightly. He flinched at the touch, surprised. He hated the fact that he was so sensitive. Sungmin didn't mean any harm, right? 

'Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about some things.' 

'You're nervous aren't you? Well, don't be! The people here won't bug you, I won't let them!' Sungmin smiled warmly.

'Yeah, I'm nervous. Thanks, Sungmin. You don't know how much that meant to me.' Eunhyuk returned the smile.

Just then, a stern voice called out to Eunhyuk and Sungmin.

'Sungmin, why don't you go to your seat now? You're already late. But I'll excuse you for now. And the boy beside you, is it Lee Hyukjae?' The middle-aged man asked, his voice authoritative.

'Ah, yes Mr Kwon. This boy? Hyukjae? No.. his name is Eunhyuk, oh wait, his name is Hyukjae.' Sungmin thought aloud as he recalled Eunhyuk saying that he was Lee Hyukjae but would prefer to be called Eunhyuk.

'I guess I'll be going to my seat now. Good luck with the introductions, Eunhyukkie!' Sungmin waved happily.

Eunhyuk was alone at the front of the class now. He started to feel nervous again. It felt so much better with Sungmin at his side. At least then, he wasn't alone.

'Would you please introduce yourself, Hyukjae-ssi?' Mr Kwon asked.

Eunhyuk nodded and bowed to the class politely. 'Annyeonghasaeyo.. My name is Lee Hyukjae, but you can call me Eunhyuk. I am 18 years old.' The class remained silent, and when Eunhyuk stole a glance at Sungmin, he had been given an approving nod followed by a thumbs up. 

'Okay Eunhyuk-ssi, thank you for your introduction. Please take a seat next to Donghae-ssi over there, by the window.' Mr Kwon pointed.

Eunhyuk nodded and went to his seat. As he sat down, he stole a glance at his seatmate. What was his name? Donghee? Donghae? Should he introduce himself and be polite?

'Annyeonghasaeyo.. Eunhyuk imnida.' Eunhyuk introduced himself, trying his best to sound confident. Then, he extended his hand for a handshake.

Donghae just looked at his extended arm and looked away towards the window shortly after that.

'Mm. Donghae.' He replied curtly, ignoring Eunhyuk's attempt of a handshake. Eunhyuk let down his hand, feeling stupid. Well, wasn't that rude, he thought. As he sat down, he took out his English textbook, and while doing so, he stole a glance at Donghae.

His hair was a shade light brown, he had double eyelids, and his face seemed incredibly smooth. His eyes looked longingly outside the window, as if waiting for something to happen. When Mr Kwon was talking, he had no interest whatsoever. His mind seemed to have drifted somewhere else. There was something about Donghae that made Eunhyuk want to know more about him. He seemed so beautiful. I wonder how his milky skin feels like?  Ey, Hyukjae, you're so weird, why would you think about that? He shrugged off the thought and opened his textbook to page 15, like what Mr Kwon had instructed, trying to ignore the living statue beside him and to pay attention to Mr Kwon's class. 

*RING DING DONG RING DING DONG* (A/N; lololol. Imagine your school's bell as SHINee's RDD :b)

'Alright class, you may go now.' Mr Kwon dismissed the whole class. Everyone stood up to bow thanks to Mr Kwon until he got out of the classroom 

Eunhyuk was packing up his stuff when Sungmin came skipping to him happily, smiling from ear to ear with another man beside him. The other man had double eyelids, was kind of muscular, and was definitely taller than Sungmin. He was handsome too. Maybe that was his boyfriend?

'Eunhyukkie~~ This is Kyuhyun. my boyfriend~ I told you I'll let you meet him, right?' Sungmin chirped. Eunhyuk had guessed correctly. Just as Eunhyuk was about to reply Sungmin, Donghae stood from his chair loudly, walking out of the classroom. Eunhyuk gazed at him for a while before answering Sungmin. 

'Ah yes, annyeonghasaeyo Kyuhyun-ssi, Eunhyuk imnida.' Eunhyuk said politely. 

'Annyeong, Eunhyuk! You may drop the -ssi, you know. All of Sungmin's friends are my friends.' Kyuhyun smiled while holding Sungmin's hand.

Eunhyuk nodded and smiled his gummy smile.

'Anyway, Eunhyukkie, I kind of pity you for having to sit beside Donghae, he's pretty anti-social,' Sungmin said. '-but don't get him wrong though, he's only like that because he had lost his father just a month ago. He was actually very bubbly and cheerful before that.' He continued.

So he had lost his father? I know how that feels. 

'Alright, I won't judge him then.'

'Aren't you hungry? Shall we go for lunch and meet my other friends as well as Kyuhyun's best friend?' Sungmin asked.

Oh, right.. I haven't had anything to eat from just now.. Eunhyuk nodded. 'Well, I am a little hungry.'

'Okay!! Let's go then!' Sungmin tugged Eunhyuk's hand, forcing him out of his chair.

'My cute bunny, you shouldn't do that to Eunhyuk, he can get up on his own you know~' Kyuhyun said, pouting. Was he jealous?

'Aish~ Yeobo, don't be jealous! You know I only love youuuu, Cho Kyuhyun.' Sungmin said cutely and pecked his cheek.

Eunhyuk giggled at the scene. They matched each other perfectly. 'Why are you giggling?' Both of them said at the same time. 

'Nothing, you guys just look really cute together.' Eunhyuk replied grinning. Maybe he should just let go of his fear that these people were going to hurt him. They seemed so nice, and they didn't seem to be the abusive type.

'Well of coursee! Let's go then~' Sungmin smiled. Sungmin and Kyuhyun walked on, leaving Eunhyuk behind in his thoughts. 'Aren't you going to follow us?' Kyuhyun asked, looking back. I'm going to trust them.. Eunhyuk decided firmly.

'Oh, sorry.' Eunhyuk grinned while catching up with them. Nothing could go wrong, right?


Donghae's POV

'Annyeonghasaeyo.. My name is Lee Hyukjae, but you can call me Eunhyuk. I am 18 years old.' The blonde haired boy greeted and bowed politely to the class. I looked at him, uninterested and hoping that he wouldn't be instructed to sit beside me. He seemed nervous, and his eyes were hidden behind his thick black framed glasses. 

'Okay Eunhyuk-ssi, thank you for your introduction. Please take a seat next to Donghae-ssi over there, by the window.' Mr Kwon instructed while pointing to me. . Well, I guess this was inevitable, the seat next to mine is the only empty one. Tsk, can't he sit on the floor or something? I didn't want to be bothered by anyone in class, especially by this nerd-looking blonde-haired boy, Eunhyuk. I watched as he sat beside me, and then continued to look outside the window. Nothing much happened outside, just the trees swaying with the wind. But staring outside the window made me feel so.. calm and relaxed, like everything was alright. I miss you, appa. 

'Annyeonghasaeyo.. Eunhyuk imnida.' Eunhyuk told me, and extended his hand for a handshake. I looked at his fingers. Such long and slender fingers.. Looking away, I replied a short, 'Mm. Donghae.' while looking outside of the window yet again. It was rude of me, but what the heck, I don't care. I don't feel like talking to anyone right now. If only I could be like the trees outside, swaying with the wind, not feeling any pain..


'Eunhyukkie~~ This is Kyuhyun. my boyfriend~ I told you I'll let you meet him, right?' Somebody suddenly chirped cheerfully. I glanced over at the person talking. Ah, this rabbit-looking person, Sungmin. He was so bubbly and cheerful, it made me feel disgusted. Would he still be like that if somebodyhe knew or rather, his parent passed away, never to come back? Tsk. I couldn't take his cheerfulness any longer, so I dragged my chair loudly to show my annoyance and walked out of the classroom. Once I was out, I headed towards my favorite place. The place that made me feel most relaxed and at peace. 



Upon reaching the rooftop, Donghae sat on a bench, closing his eyes enjoying the breeze. This was the place that he loved the most in school. Not the gaming room, the cafeteria, the movie theater, but the rooftop. Hardly anyone ever went to the rooftop, so a disturbance-free environment was ensured. As he closed his eyes, he began to think about his father. He had so many regrets..


' you! I hate you, appa! No, you don't deserve to be called my father if you can't accept who I am. You.. you're worth nothing!! No wonder umma left you, you're pathetic! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you so much! I wish you'd disappear from my life forever!' Donghae screamed and cursed at his father.

With that, he ran out of the house, trembling with anger. If his father couldn't accept that he was gay and wanted to force him into an arranged marriage, he'd never go and see that man again. What the was wrong with being gay?! Sungmin was gay, Kyuhyun was gay, Heechul was gay, many other students were gay in his school, and everyone didn't mind. He couldn't see why his father thought that it was wrong. 

Before going back to school, he stopped by a bar, drinking to relieve his stress. 


'Donghae-ah~ You should go and apologize to your father.. He's your father after all, right?' Heechul tried to talk some sense to him.

', hyung! Why the should I go and apologize to that man? He's not worth being my father if he can't accept me for who I am.' Donghae snapped back.

'Donghae, who the do you think you are to talk to me like that?' Heechul scolded while cursing, not able to stand his dongsaeng's rudeness. Yeah, for sure Donghae was his favorite dongsaeng, but that did not give him the right to talk to him, Kim Heechul, that way. 

'I'm sorry hyung.. I just.. I just don't know what to do anymore..' Donghae replied, his voice trembling and his tears threatening to fall. Heechul lifted up his chin so that he would look at him, and suddenly, Donghae burst out in tears. Seeing his favorite dongsaeng like that, Heechul couldn't stay mad any longer and hugged him.

'I'm sorry too.. But he's your father.. Go and make things right again before you regret it, my dear Donghae.. Maybe you could go this weekend? I'll go with you for support if you want to.' Heechul comforted. Donghae nodded in his hyung's embrace. Maybe he really should go and forgive his father. He was his father after all, the one that brought him up and all. If his father still didn't accept him, well, at least he could leave knowing that he'd tried to make it up with him.


With flowers and a gift wrapped in a box in hand, he heaved a sigh and ringed the doorbell of his father's door. Heechul was there with him, giving him support.

When the door was opened, the two of them were surprised when a young woman was the one who had opened it. 

'Who are you?' Donghae asked.

'I'm the new resident of this house, why?'

'What happened to the old resident of the house?' Heechul asked, confused.

'Ah, Mr Lee? He passed away due to cardiac arrest a few days ago.. Did you know him?'

'I'm..I'm his son..' Donghae managed to say. His eyes were already b with tears. 

'Oh, really? I'm so sorry for your loss.. Oh! Wait here.' The young woman said. She disappeared into the house, appearing to search for something.Heechul put an arm around Donghae's shoulder, not knowing what to say since he too was shocked. 

A few minutes later, she reappeared at the door again.

'When I moved in here, I found this.' She said, handing Donghae a letter. 

'Thank you. Sorry for the disturbance.' Heechul said gratefully.

'You're welcome.'

-End of flashback-

appa... Did you have to go just like that? Donghae opened his eyes and took out a letter, re-reading it for the umpteenth time.

Donghae-ah.. I'm so sorry. You're right, Donghae, I don't deserve to be called your father if I can't accept you for who you are. I'm really sorry. I'm such a pathetic father, right? I guess I wasn't in my right state of mind when I said that I couldn't accept you. I realize now that I'll always love you, Donghae, no matter what you are. Straight, bi, gay, it doesn't matter. You're still the Donghae that I raised up. I love you. I accept you. -Love, appa.

'DAMN IT!' He screamed, standing up and releasing his anger. The tears couldn't fall anymore, he had cried too much over the past month. Aish Donghae.. You're crazy you know that..? Your father has already accepted you, he has already gone to Heaven, why are you still being so ing emotional? Maybe it's time that he moved on. That's what his father would want. That's what would make him happier. Yes Donghae, let's move on.. Step one, stop being so ing anti-social. Step two, apologize to that blonde-haired boy for earlier on and be friends with him. Yes, this was it. He should move on. He sat down on the bench again, closing his eyes, waiting for lunch break to be over. Yes, he'd do those two steps later on, but for now, he just wanted to feel at peace and enjoy the soft breeze.




@StormyViolet; THANK YOU FOR THE THUMBS UP!!~ *hugs*

@ParkKimYen; Best story you've read so far?! I'm so honoured!! :D Thank you<333

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Asterius #1
Chapter 26: Ahhhhhhhhh I'm like super late in discovering this fic. HAHAHA love your story and you are God damn funny with the gifs. HAHAHAHAHA OuO
Chapter 26: Please sequellll!! This is tooooooo cute
Chapter 1: Awh, I'm glad eunhyuk has a new friend. Hopefully he'll make more along the way
EunHaeLove42 #4
Chapter 26: Really sweet and fluffy ending. :)
Thanks for sharing =DD
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 22: Way to go KyuMin. :)
EunHaeLove42 #6
Chapter 18: So mister Lee Teuk and his sorry a** goons. I have it in my mind to jump into this story and beat the living hell out of them. >_<
Kick their a**es Sungmin :P
Nice chapter and thanks for a cute EunHae date! :)
EunHaeLove42 #7
Chapter 16: ??? Memories?
Nice chapter! :)
EunHaeLove42 #8
Chapter 7: So far this story is good I just don't really like how scared of them girls Hyukjae is. It's like he's some spineless p***y that don't have any balls what-so-ever.
I know he went though a lot in his past but still he is a man, I guess! lol
Good chapter all the same. =D
EunHaeLove42 #9
Chapter 3: Poor EunHae went trough so much at a young age. I hope that Hae doesn't do anything to Hyukjae to make him scared seeing that he's scared of his own shadow.
Also I very curious about his past. Was the boy that had started the mass his friend at one time? And at least I know it wasn't Hae. =D
EunHaeLove42 #10
Chapter 1: Hummm I wonder who's Kyuhyuns best friend? I think it will be Donghae or Siwon. Because I'm a little confused on who the orange haired boy and his gang was. At first I thought of him being Hae but then I thought about Sungmin's boyfriend best friend.