


-- After the camp --


Phew! Camp was finally over. Not that I didn't like it though. So many memories happened there, memories that will be hatched into my mind forever. Those girls hadn't disturbed me ever since they were confronted, I shared a tent with Hae, I patched up with my friends, cleared the misunderstandings, made new friends -- wonderful ones, I must say -- , lifted myself from my misery by sharing my past with my friends and most importantly, Hae loved me, and I loved him too. That made me feel the happiest. The adorkable, clumsy, cute, perfect living statue was mine. Hyukjae's. I grinned at that thought. Just then, a face popped out infront of me. 

'What're you smiling about, Hyukkie?' The adorable person asked with his eyes widened. I snapped out of my thoughts and smiled at him.

'Well.. you know~' I replied.

'Must be about me, right?' He teased, chuckling while handing me strawberry milk. I took it and immediately started slurping the delicious drink. It was break time, and we were sitting at Hae's favorite place, the rooftop. I'd learnt a lot about him since getting closer with him. He loved fishes, he was a relatively good dancer, a good singer, funny, warm, caring.. The list could go on and on. 

'The view here is really nice, right?' Hae asked, putting his arm over my shoulder and pulling me closer. I nodded in his embrace while still slurping my drink.

'The breeze is nice too.' I added after I had finished my drink. I stood up to throw it away, and returned to Hae's side.

'I missed you!! Where'd you go?' He pouted cutely. I stared at him blankly.

'What? I was just gone for a few seconds!' I argued.

'Yeah I know, but it felt empty without you by my side.' Hae continued, still pouting. I chuckled to myself softly. He was so adorable. I hugged him and pecked him on the cheek.

'I know how you feel Hae.' I said, letting him go, but he immediately pulled me in again and cupped my face so that I'd look at him.

'Only a peck on the cheek?' He asked, frowning. I decided to , since he was being so cute.

'Yes, Hae.' I insisted stubbornly while pulling away from his hug.

'Hyukkieee~' He called me, full with aegyo. I smiled to myself mentally, but kept my cool.

'Hae.' I said firmly. He frowned, muttering 'Fine.' while walking away. I chased after him. 

'Aigo, is my dear Hae sulking?' I asked to myself, but loud enough for him to hear.


'Now he's giving me the silent treatment?' I asked again.


I laughed softly. He can be so childish at times. 

'Fine then, no more kisses for you.' I teased. I expected him to look back and talk to me immediately, but he didn't. I was surprised. He had always done that when I . Was something wrong? 

'Hae?' I asked, worried. Still no response. I walked faster and stopped right in front of him, making him stop too. He avoided eye contact with me, looking down at the floor. I was concerned, why was he acting like this?

'Hae?' I asked once again. He still didn't look at me. I lifted his chin, forcing him to look at me in my eyes. I could see unshed tears in his eyes. My heart skipped a beat. , did I make him cry? Hurt?

'Hae? Why are you crying? Did I do something? Tell me? I'm sorry, don't cry please!' I started spurting out questions at the speed of lightning. Still no response. I was getting frustrated.

'Haeeeeeee~' I tried doing my aegyo on him. Then he burst out in laughter. Why was he laughing? I stood there and looked at him, confused.

'Aha...Hyukkie..hahahaha! You're so cute! hahaha~!' He managed to say in between his laughter. I didn't get what was so funny.

'Are you alright? You're not sad, are you?' I asked confused, but still worried because of his tears just now.

'Hahaha!! I was just acting, Hyukkie~ My acting is good, isn't it? Anyway, that's what you get for refusing a kiss!' He said, still laughing but turned serious at the last sentence. I heaved a sigh of relief. Ah, acting huh?

'Well, if that is what I get for refusing a kiss, I rather not do it again! It hurts to see you cry.' I said, pulling him into a kiss. He was surprised at first, but he opened his mouth for me, and our tongues swirled into each other's mouth, exploring every corner. When I pulled away, he smacked his lips with his tongue, smirking in satisfaction. 

'Since you hurt seeing me cry, I won't do it again, because it hurts me too when you're hurting.' He said, smiling innocently. I nodded, hugging him tightly. Then, he pulled me in for another kiss.


The bell rang, indicating that break time was over. Hae pulled away, cursing silently at the bell for disturbing us. I grinned and pulled him so that we would get to class on time. He groaned and reluctantly followed me. I grinned again, looking at him behaviour. So adorable. Lee Donghae.

'I love you, Lee Donghae.' I said, grinning as we were walking back to class. He grinned and blew me a kiss. From this day on, I can finally say that I'm happy. I am genuinely happy.



*in class*


I love you, Lee Donghae. I kept replaying that sentence again and again in my mind. It sounded like music to my ears, heck, it sounded like an angel had said it to me. The gummy grin that came with the sentence made it more perfect. I turned my gaze to him, not listening to whatever Mr Kwon was saying to the whole class. His side view was so gorgeous, his lips were so kissable, there were some blemishes on his face, but it didn't make him less gorgeous. I wondered why anyone would ever want to hurt him. Boy, if I ever met those freaking former bullies of him, I'd not know what I'd do to them. Kill them? Wait, what am I blabbering about? I can't take so many guys out at once, no matter how fit I was. Futhermore, I didn't want to go to jail just because I killed my lover's bullies. Suddenly, Hyukkie's face turned to look at me. He was surprised at the fact that I was staring at him, but he smiled shortly after. I felt butterflies in my stomach, his smile was so heavenly up close.

'Hae? What'cha staring at?' He asked, his eyes twinking and still smiling.

'At you, of course. I only have eyes for you.' I said, grinning at my cheesiness.

'Ey~~ Hae, you're so cheesy!!' He exclaimed, blushing a bit. I laughed at his reaction. My Hyukkie is so adorable sometimes. Wait, he always is! I looked around the classroom, wondering why it was so quiet. I was surprised when people were already shifting out of their chairs, going out of the classroom. Eh? Was class over? 

'Were you so busy staring at me that you didn't realize class is over?' Hyukkie teased, laughing. I looked at him and pouted. I had stared at him for too long!

'Hae~ Don't give me that face~ Anyway, we should pack up!' I nodded and started to pack up my stuff, shoving them all in my backpack messily.

'What was Mr Kwon talking about anyway?' I asked while watching Hyukkie pack up his belongings.

'Something about 'Outdoor Week'. A week where students were allowed to be out of the school premises for a week?' He told me, trying to recall what Mr Kwon had told the class. Ah! It was already 'Outdoor Week'?! Whew, time really waits for no man! Just as Hyukkie said, 'Outdoor Week' was a week that students could go out of the school premises for a week, but they had to be back by 11PM, or punishments would be given. Out of the school premises, eh? Maybe I should bring Hyukkie out somewhere.. But where? I snapped out of my thoughts when Hyukkie tapped me on the shoulders lightly.

'Hae? What were you thinking about?' He asked innocently. 

I grinned at him. 'About where to bring you to our date.' I answered as a matter-of-factly, still grinning.

'D-date?' He asked, taken aback.

'Of course! We should go on a date! Where do you want to go?' I nodded.

'Uh.. I don't know the places here very well, so you choose.' He said cutely. Oh right, he was the new student after all.

'Hmm..' I thought. The zoo? Nah, too boring. The shopping mall? Nah, it'll just be us walking around endlessly looking at random stuff. The swimming pool? HMM, that's good, I can see Hyukkie half-. I blushed at that thought and shrugged it away. I wonder where I'll take him..

'Don't think about it too much, I don't mind where we'll go, as long as I'm with you.' He said warmly. His sincerity made my heart melt. As long as I was with him, eh? I smiled at that thought and pounced on him, hugging him tightly.

'Alright baby. As long as I'm with you.' I smiled, still hugging him.

'Yes yes, as long as you're with me, but Hae.. I can't br-breathe!' He gasped. I immediately pulled away, apologizing. I didn't know I hugged him that tightly. He just smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

*Snap!* A loud click sounded as he kissed me on the cheek. Both of us immediately turned around to see what it was. To our surprise, Sungmin had taken a snapshot of us. He was squealing and showing the picture to Kyuhyun, making him smile as well.

'Well, hello to you too.' I grinned, waving at both Sungmin and Kyuhyun.

'Wuahh, this two lovebirds!! Already showing public display of affection!' Sungmin squealed again.

'We only learn from the best.' I smirked.

'He's right, baby, they only learn from the best.' Kyuhyun smirked, hugging Sungmin from his waist. Sungmin blushed and we both chuckled at the scene.


I kissed Hyukkie goodbye as I sent him to his room. His lips tasted so sweet, like strawberries, making me kiss him even longer, enjoying the taste. I didn't want to stop, but I had to, since some girls were staring at us, squealing in excitement. I pulled away and watched as Hyukkie entered his room safely, closing the door and blowing me a kiss. I smiled at his cuteness and tried my hardest to not skip happily all the way to my room. Where should I bring Hyukkie? Hmmmmmmmm... Just then, an idea got into my mind. I didn't know how it got there, it just flew in. Yes, that place would be fun to be at. I smiled at my brilliant plan.


I woke up 3 hours early, feeling excited about my date with Hae later on. I rushed into the shower, shampoo-ing myself as much as I could. I didn't want to stink later on. As I got out with a towel around my waist, I smelled myself, satisfied. Oh crap, I don't know what to wear! I searched my wardrobe, but I couldn't find anything suitable to wear. I groaned, and suddenly I heard someone laughing at me. Of course, Sungmin. 

'Omo~ You look so cute, Eunhyukkie!' He said, laughing. I frowned at him, furrowing my eyebrows. 

'Need my help?' He asked after he had finished laughing. His help, eh? I could use it. I nodded quickly. 

'Then step aside!~' He said, walking over to my pile of clothes. I stepped aside, feeling slightly embarrassed that I was half-. After a while, Sungmin finally finished choosing and brought me some clothes, shooing me away into the shower to change. I changed into the clothes quickly. It was the right choice to let Sungmin help me after all. He picked me a simple white v-neck shirt, topping it off with a black thingy(a/n; I forgot what that thing is called -,-). It didn't look too bad. 


(something like this, only with red hair, whoopwhoop~)

As I got out of the shower after changing me clothes, Sungmin looked at me smiling. He started complimenting me and I blushed. Since I was still early, well super early, Sungmin started chatting with me, keeping me entertained.

*knock knock* 

Both me and Sungmin averted our attention to the door. I looked at Sungmin and he encouraged me to go open the door.

I immediately rushed over to the door, revealing a very handsome Hae. Today was the day that we were going out on a date. I felt my heart skip a beat at that thought. I wonder where he was going to take me? I shrugged off that thought and looked at Hae. He was so gorgeous. Not that he wasn't, on normal days. He wore a sleeveless shirt, paired with red jeans. How striking.

'Ready to go?' He asked. his voice breaking me out of my trance. I nodded and waved goodbye to Sungmin, closing the door behind me. 

'Where're we going?' I asked, curious as we started walking. He looked at me and grinned, 'It's a surprise~'. I pouted and pestered him for answers, but he remained stubborn and refused to tell me where we were going.


'We're here!' Hae exclaimed as he looked out the window of the cab we were traveling in. I looked out too, where were we? Hae paid the taxi driver hastily and pushed me out of the taxi gently, while I was arguing about how we should have split the price between us.

'Hae? Why didn't you let me pay?' I pouted. 

'Hyukkie~~ It's all on me today, don't worry!' He smiled. What?! He was paying for everything today? 

'But Hae, I sho-' I was interrupted by his finger on my lips, silencing me. 

'Please?' He begged cutely. I sighed.

'Fine.' I said. I would treat him back someday. 'So where are we?' I continued.

'At the amusement park!' He exclaimed excitedly. Amusement park? Wow, I haven't been to one in ages!

'Really?' I asked, as excited as he was.

'You don't mind, do you?' He asked, a bit worried. I shook my head furiously.

'Like I said, I don't mind, as long as you're with me! But wow, I haven't been to the amusement park in so long! Let's go, I'm excited!' I squealed, unable to contain my excitement. He grinned and held my hand, dragging me along to the amusement park.


'Are you enjoying so far?' Hae asked me as sat down beside me on the bench. I nodded. I was happy. I didn't know that a person could bring so much happiness.

'Of course I am, Hae. Thank you.' I said, giving him a peck.

'Only a peck?' He asked, pouting. I grinned at his childish behavior before kissing him on the lips. I blushed when I heard someone comment, 'It's good to be in love.'. Could this day get any better?


A/N;Hehehe, hoped you enjoyed it, and thanks for your suggestions and understanding! Me loves you all~~ ;)


*hugs all of you*

as usual, if you didn't choose to subscribe/comment...

hahahha okay, that's all!! shall try and update soon, yay!

@shelly; scene?! hahahaha, :O and thank you for your suggestion dear!! I shall consider putting it in my fanfic, neyehehe.

@StormyViolet; Yeap, they are! yay! hope you liked this chapter ;)

@strawberrypie13; Thank you!! and they are cute together, i agree! xD

@salad92; Oh yeah, his nunchunks, i forgot about that, hahaha you're welcome and thanks for reading! <3

@seregilxalec; you love it? i love you! haha yeah, it's the iest tongue evarrr XD

@funsize92; thanks for your understanding!! hope you enjoyed this one and thanks again for your suggestions!! hehee <3

*gives a cookie to all of you :D*

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Asterius #1
Chapter 26: Ahhhhhhhhh I'm like super late in discovering this fic. HAHAHA love your story and you are God damn funny with the gifs. HAHAHAHAHA OuO
Chapter 26: Please sequellll!! This is tooooooo cute
Chapter 1: Awh, I'm glad eunhyuk has a new friend. Hopefully he'll make more along the way
EunHaeLove42 #4
Chapter 26: Really sweet and fluffy ending. :)
Thanks for sharing =DD
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 22: Way to go KyuMin. :)
EunHaeLove42 #6
Chapter 18: So mister Lee Teuk and his sorry a** goons. I have it in my mind to jump into this story and beat the living hell out of them. >_<
Kick their a**es Sungmin :P
Nice chapter and thanks for a cute EunHae date! :)
EunHaeLove42 #7
Chapter 16: ??? Memories?
Nice chapter! :)
EunHaeLove42 #8
Chapter 7: So far this story is good I just don't really like how scared of them girls Hyukjae is. It's like he's some spineless p***y that don't have any balls what-so-ever.
I know he went though a lot in his past but still he is a man, I guess! lol
Good chapter all the same. =D
EunHaeLove42 #9
Chapter 3: Poor EunHae went trough so much at a young age. I hope that Hae doesn't do anything to Hyukjae to make him scared seeing that he's scared of his own shadow.
Also I very curious about his past. Was the boy that had started the mass his friend at one time? And at least I know it wasn't Hae. =D
EunHaeLove42 #10
Chapter 1: Hummm I wonder who's Kyuhyuns best friend? I think it will be Donghae or Siwon. Because I'm a little confused on who the orange haired boy and his gang was. At first I thought of him being Hae but then I thought about Sungmin's boyfriend best friend.