



' can do anything to me, just.. just not him.' I heard Hyukkie say as I was being pinned down to the ground by some ruthless bastards that had bullied my dear Hyukkie. I wanted to scream to Hyukkie not to say that, but before I could mutter a word, a hand flew to my mouth, preventing me from talking. I tried to move his hand away, but there were too many of them. Just hurt me, not him.. My heart practically broke to a million pieces when I heard Hyukkie say that. His voice was filled with desperation. 


The orange-haired man looked at me after saying something to Hyukkie that I couldn't hear. Suddenly, he started to touch Hyukkie's face, wiping his tears. I wanted to slap his hand away. Nobody but me, Lee Donghae could touch my Hyukkie like that. I didn't know why, but then the people that were holding me down suddenly let me go. I stood up, walking over to the raccoon-like person, punching him in the face as a gift for him slapping my Hyukkie. He looked at me bewildered and surprised at my sudden attack. As I was about to walk over to Hyukkie, I realised that guys were gripping him, making him not able to move. I wanted to beat the out of them for making my Hyukkie suffer like that. Just when I was about to do that, I was knocked to the ground. I looked up to see who it was. Ah, the raccoon guy. I stood up in anger. He did not just do that. I punched him in the face again, making his mouth bleed. I was completely dominating the situation when a few guys started to step in and help that raccoon guy. The next thing I knew, I was on the ground once again, and they were kicking me in the gut, everywhere actually, mercilessly. I cursed to myself. If they hadn't joined in, I was sure that I could've handled the whole situation. As I was being beat up more and more, I started to lose my energy to fight back. I could only take in their beatings. My eyes wandered off to Hyukkie, who was still being gripped tightly by the few men there. I could see tears streaming down his face. My angel was crying. Oh how my heart hurt. I'm so sorry, Hyukkie.. I shouldn't have brought you here.. It's my fault, I'm so sorry..


Soon enough, the beatings stopped to a halt. I looked up weakly, wondering why they'd stopped. Seemed like their 'leader' had asked them too. My head was spinning, my body hurt like hell, and I could taste blood on my lips. Just when I was right about to faint, I saw my angel run towards me quickly, tears streaming down. He went by my side, holding up my head so that I would lay on his lap. When he was by my side, I felt the pain subside for a teeny-winey bit. I wanted to wipe out those tears so badly, but I couldn't feel my arms. I couldn't do anything for Hyukkie. In the end, I was only a useless person. 


'Hyukkie..' I managed to say. I wanted to apologize to him, apologize to him for being so weak, for bringing him here, for being unable to protect him. My mind was spinning, but I had to say it. I had to apologize to him. This angel was crying because of me. I wanted to say something but Hyukkie silenced me with his finger before I could even muster another word.


'Sshh.. Don't talk, it'll hurt less.' Hyukkie said, his tears streaming down all the way to my face. I decided to calm his heart, so I nodded. Also, I didn't have any more energy in me to say anything. It was like those bastards had eaten my soul or something. My body couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to reach out and touch Hyukkie's smooth face and make him stop crying, but apparently my body had other plans. Before I could do all those, I out. At least.. at least they didn't beat him up. My heart comforted me before I fainted.





'Minnie~ You know I love you, right?' Kyuhyun whispered into my ear. I nodded, saying 'Of course.'. I could feel him smirk as he pulled away from me. Like Eunhyukkie and Donghae, we too, were having a date with each other. Kyuhyun decided to bring me to a famous restaurant, and we were enjoying each other's company when we suddenly saw Eunhyukkie and Donghae come in through the doors of the very same restaurant we were in. How coincidental. I wanted to go over to them, but Kyuhyun stopped me, saying that we needed to give them some time alone. I smiled at him and nodded. Kyuhyun can be so thoughtful at times, despite his 'evil' character.

'Ah! Our food finally came!' I exclaimed happily, seeing the arrival of our food. Kyuhyun chuckled at my behavior. When the food arrived, I immediately took my eating utensils and began digging into the food. I was so hungry, I could've eaten a whole elephant. Well, maybe not an elephant, maybe just a huge chicken. 

'Sungmin baby~' Kyuhyun suddenly cooed. I looked up from my food, only to find him holding out a fork to me with his food entangled in the fork. I immediately opened my mouth wide for him to feed me. 

'Here you goo~' He said as he put the fork closer to my mouth, but when it was about to reach my wide-opened mouth, he pulled it away and ate it instead. I pouted at him. He laughed at me, trying his best not to spit out his food.

'How childish.' I told him still pouting.

'Aigoo, is my dear baby sulking?' He teased me. I ignored him and continued to eat my food. 

'Minnie~~ Baby~~ Sungminnie~~ Bunny~~ Look at meee~' Kyuhyun said, trying to do aegyo as best as he could. I tried my hardest not to laugh and keep my cool, but I ended up laughing and pinching his cheeks. He can be so adorable at times! When I finished pinching his cheeks, he immediately put food inside my mouth, feeding me. I was surprised at the sudden food being chucked into my mouth, but I ate it deliciously, nontheless.

When we had finished eating, I looked over to Eunhyukkie and Donghae. Seemed like they had finished eating too. How coincidental, again. Then I suddenly had a thought.

'Kyu ah, shall we go and follow them both? Ya know.. scare them halfway or something.' I told Kyuhyun with my puppy eyes. Surely he wouldn't decline my plan. He was about to protest but when he saw my puppy eyes, he sighed and nodded, approvingly. I cheered mentally and kissed him on the cheek. 

'My Kyu is the best!' I told him grinning. And so, our plan of stalking 'Eunhae' began. I eyed them observantly, and when they stood up to leave, I quickly got up from my chair and dragged Kyu with me. When we reached outside, they were being all lovey-dovey while walking, and I grinned looking at them. How cute. I hugged Kyu's arm as we walked, stalking them at a distance. Suddenly, Eunhyukkie stopped in his tracks, making the two of us panic. Had they seen us? We looked at each other, sending telepathic messages and ran to a nearby tree, hiding. My heart was pounding as I tried my best not to laugh again. Hiding behind a tree while stalking someone.. The idea just seemed hilarious to me. We stood there for a while and I was getting quite bored when they didn't approach us. Kyu was starting to get bored too, and he poked his head out from behind the tree, seeing if they were still there. I could hear him gasp, so I looked out too, curious as to what made my Kyu gasp. When I saw what Kyu had seen, my eyes widened in horror. I wanted to scream, but put a hand to my mouth. I couldn't risk us getting caught.

'Kyu..' I whispered. He looked at me. His face had the same expression as I had. I wanted to charge in at the people that were beating up Donghae up, but as if Kyu could read my mind, he held my arm tightly, shaking his head. 

'Listen, I know what you're thinking of, baby. Don't go running in there. You may have the skills of a martial artist, but I can't risk it. What if you get beaten up too? It'll all be for nothing.' Kyu said firmly, trying to talk some sense into me. I thought for a while and nodded. Kyu was right. If I charged in, I would probably be beaten up too. There were too many of them. But what were we going to do with the people beating up Donghae? As if reading my mind, again, Kyu took out his handphone and dialled someone. I wondered who he was calling.

'Police' He mouthed to me as he put the handphone next to his ear. Ah, of course. My Kyu is so smart. Of course we should call the police in these kind of situations. I closed my eyes as I heard Eunhyukkie screaming at the people, telling them to stop beating Donghae up. I wanted to cry, but I had to stay strong. Just then, a pair of strong arms wrapped around my body. I was startled, thinking that we were caught, but my worries were immediately washed away when the person breathed, 'It's okay, baby.' to me. Of course it was Kyu, who else would it be? I smacked myself mentally. I nodded in his embrace as I held his arms that were around my body. I felt myself calming down quickly in his embrace. Sometimes, I wonder if Kyu had some magical powers that would make me feel so relaxed suddenly. I smiled to myself as I imagined Kyu with a scar in his forehead, big round glasses and casting out magical spells like Harry Potter.

After what seemed like an eternity, Kyu's phone rang, indicating the police. He picked it up swiftly, and told the man on the phone where we were at. Suddenly, a group of policemen were at our side, startling me. Why hadn't they came in their police cars and sirens and everything? Oh right, I heard Kyu tell them over the phone not to come with their police cars and sirens as it might scare off the bad people and they might get away. Now I remember. I didn't know what had overcome me at that moment, but as the police came, I kept thinking to myself that I should charge into the scene and kick their asses, since the police would be here to back me out. Before my brain had the time to protest to my heart, I rushed out of the tree, charging into the scene, screaming at the people beating up Eunhyukkie and Donghae. I could hear Kyu scream at me, telling to me stop, but I didn't care. I was already out in the open, I can't turn back time.

Running over to Eunhyukkie, I kicked the person that had beat him up in the gut, making him groan in pain. The other people that had been beating Eunhyukkie and Donghae up immediately ran to me, and I tried my best to defend myself. Just then, the police came into the scene, running to me at full speed and beating up the bad people with their sticks and all. A raccoon-like person that hadn't been targetted by the police -- yet -- ran to me angrily. I prepared myself for a fight. 

'How dare you kick my baby!' The raccoon-like person screamed as he ran to me. Baby? Oh, that was his boyfriend? Damn, serves him right. I smirked as he tried to punch me but missed as I avoided his punch. Just then, Kyu ran to me, but I yelled at him to stay back. He obeyed me, staying away. The raccoon-like person looked at me and then to Kyu, and then to me again while smirking. 

'So that's your baby?' He smirked at me, looking at Kyu again. Before I could analyse what was happening, the raccoon-like person ran to Kyu, wanting to punch him. Luckily my reflexes were fast enough, and I was definitely faster than that raccoon-like person. When he was an inch away from Kyu, wanting to punch my dear boyfriend, I punched him in the gut, and he fell to the floor in pain. As if that wasn't enough, I kicked him again and again for wanting to hurt Kyu until Kyu stopped me.

'Baby, that's enough, calm down.' Kyu said firmly as he held my arm tightly. I winced at his strength but immediately calmed down at Kyu's words. I stopped kicking the guy and hugged Kyu. I looked hatingly at the raccoon-like guy as a policeman cuffed his hands together. Seemed like all of them had been defeated, huh. I smirked at the guy as he looked at me back, his eyes full of hatred. As I looked around again, I saw Eunhyukkie and Donghae lying on the ground, unconcious and unmoving. I let go of Kyu and dragged him over to the two of them. I gasped at the sight. Donghae's face was swollen, blood was coming out in various places, and Eunhyukkie had a huge bruise on his head. Donghae was lying on Eunhyukkie's lap, and Eunhyukkie was lying on the floor. What made me want to cry the most was that their hands were still intertwined, even though they were unconcious. I looked away from the sight, and Kyu held me lovingly, my hair.

'It's okay, everything's going to be okay.' He cooed, trying his best to comfort me. I hugged him back, trying not to picture what could've happened to him if I hadn't been there in time to block the attack from the raccoon-like guy. Before I knew it, I was crying in his embrace. Sensing me cry, Kyu's grip around me tightened, and he rubbed my back gently and comfortingly, trying to keep me calm. For now, I could only cry in Kyu's embrace and pray that Eunhyukkie and Donghae would be okay, despite the fact that they had been beaten up pretty badly.



Hope you guys weren't bored while reading like this ...

and were like this instead ...



@tsundere_zen; hope you enjoyed! :)

@StormyViolet; yeah, they met the bad guy T_T will they be okay, i wonder? hahah

@Meyochan; HEHEH glad you decided to comment! THANKS HAE! :D Hahaha, thanks for the cool comment! 

@koala_bear; aigoo, don't cry, Hae won't shoot you ehehe. New reader? Welcome to my story! hahaha. and yeah eunhae are so sweet! <3 Sungmin? I wonder... :P

@SujuELF17; yeah! oh no! bad people!! and yeah hae! protect hyuk!! haha~ you're welcome and thank you!

@shelly; is that bad guy cute enough? hehe big fight eh, hehehe ^^

@KyuMin_Obsessed; i didn't know why i put orange hair in the first place, hahahaha hope you enjoyed!

@funsize92; thank you so much! :) hope you enjoyed it!! 

@mxanimefreak; sungmin to the rescue? I wonder... hehehe

@arisa_loveskpop; it's okay, at least you commented heheh. yeah i love heechul too <3 :D hwaiting at school!

@Eunhyukkie07; first time here? *gasp* hahaha dramatic moment but welcome! ^_^ thank you for loving! I love you! haha

@crilleray; new reader again! hehe thanks for deciding to comment and loving my story! 

@donghae1111; yeah, sungmin better be kicking asses!! poor hyukkie, i agree T_T 


Okay byebye! :)

Can you sense the amount of swag Heechul has?! hehe :)

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Asterius #1
Chapter 26: Ahhhhhhhhh I'm like super late in discovering this fic. HAHAHA love your story and you are God damn funny with the gifs. HAHAHAHAHA OuO
Chapter 26: Please sequellll!! This is tooooooo cute
Chapter 1: Awh, I'm glad eunhyuk has a new friend. Hopefully he'll make more along the way
EunHaeLove42 #4
Chapter 26: Really sweet and fluffy ending. :)
Thanks for sharing =DD
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 22: Way to go KyuMin. :)
EunHaeLove42 #6
Chapter 18: So mister Lee Teuk and his sorry a** goons. I have it in my mind to jump into this story and beat the living hell out of them. >_<
Kick their a**es Sungmin :P
Nice chapter and thanks for a cute EunHae date! :)
EunHaeLove42 #7
Chapter 16: ??? Memories?
Nice chapter! :)
EunHaeLove42 #8
Chapter 7: So far this story is good I just don't really like how scared of them girls Hyukjae is. It's like he's some spineless p***y that don't have any balls what-so-ever.
I know he went though a lot in his past but still he is a man, I guess! lol
Good chapter all the same. =D
EunHaeLove42 #9
Chapter 3: Poor EunHae went trough so much at a young age. I hope that Hae doesn't do anything to Hyukjae to make him scared seeing that he's scared of his own shadow.
Also I very curious about his past. Was the boy that had started the mass his friend at one time? And at least I know it wasn't Hae. =D
EunHaeLove42 #10
Chapter 1: Hummm I wonder who's Kyuhyuns best friend? I think it will be Donghae or Siwon. Because I'm a little confused on who the orange haired boy and his gang was. At first I thought of him being Hae but then I thought about Sungmin's boyfriend best friend.