Daffodils Final



A week had passed. My head was gradually getting better and I would be able to take off my bandages soon. When I returned to school, students would look at me and whisper quietly amongst themselves. Some of them talked about me in disgust, some of them talked about me just for their gossipy ears. I was a bit self-concious when they started to do that to me, but of course, Kyuhyun, Sungmin and the rest of the clique helped me out. Whenever I was around them and people started whispering about me, they would diss them off right there. Kyuhyun had told me not to think too much about it, so I didn't. I couldn't bother. 

The girls that had threatened me previously gave me glares that could somehow, kill. I just kept quiet and ignored them to the best of my ability. But when Sungmin saw their glares, he immediately glared at them back asking, 'What'cha looking at? Didn't I tell you to stay away?'. Those girls immediately shied away when Sungmin said that. I couldn't thank him more. I was so lucky. One could point at me saying how fortunate I was, considering my past. Speaking of my past, I found out that my former bullies, KangTeuk and his gang were all arrested that day. Arrested for what? Well, gang fights, taking drugs, women/men, those kind of things. I was relieved that those idiots were locked up in jail. They deserved it, for what they'd done.

A week had passed. Where are you, Hae? You said that you'd come back soon. Where are you? I miss you. So damn much. A week without Hae, it feels so empty. Yes, I was having fun with the company of my friends, but without Hae, it just felt that something was missing. It was like, well how do I say it? Maybe it was like a beautifully decorated dish that didn't have much flavour. Get what I mean? Well if you don't, that's okay. You just need to understand that me, Lee Hyukjae, without Hae felt wrong. Empty. Lifeless.

I sighed as I turned over on my bed. I looked at the clock. 4:30PM. What was I doing in bed? It was only 4:30PM. I sat up on my bed, surveying the room. I was alone, since Sungmin had went out on a date with Kyuhyun. I looked over at the door, laughing to myself about how I was so scared to open it on the first day. On my first day, I was so scared about everything. But today, I wasn't. I had great friends, - yes, friends. Great friends I must say. Or rather, true friends, that helped me get through my past. Not to mention a great boyfriend too. I looked over to the washroom and immediately remembered when I came out of there half-, only to find Donghae in the room. Then I remembered about my makeover, chuckling to myself. So many memories.. Whether good or bad, I would still remember them. If not, I would treasure them very dearly. It wasn't a bad decision coming here after all. My life had changed so much. So so much. Even though there were still bad, unfortunate events that occured the whole time I was here, well, at least it all turned out to be alright in the end. If I hadn't come here, who knows what could've happened to me? Getting beaten up, , bullied, ah, I don't want to think about it. Chills ran down my spine as I thought about what could've happened. 

I shrugged off the thought as I looked over to Sungmin's side of the room. How could I have been so scared of a cute bunny on the first day? Asking if he was going to hurt me, ha ha ha. I was glad that I'd accepted his friendliness. Thank you, Sungmin.

I jumped off my bed, wanting to walk around the school to while my time away since it was still early. I didn't know why, but soon I found myself in my classroom. I entered it, looking around. I smiled to myself as I remembered how I was so nervous the first day, how I had flinched at Sungmin's touch, how Hae had ignored me and then made up for it. I walked over to my table, and then remembered Sungmin introducing Kyuhyun to me. I remembered how he was so friendly, so calm. Thank you, Kyuhyun.

*growl* Oh boy, was I hungry. I rubbed my belly as I got out of the classroom to the cafeteria. As I bought strawberry cake, I sat on a table to eat my delicious meal. As I was eating, my eyes suddenly wandered off to a table. A particular table. Why did it seem so familiar? Wait why was it familiar? All the tables in the cafeteria were the same. That was when it hit me. I suddenly pictured Yesung, Key, Kevin, Min, Sungmin, Kyuhyun and me sitting there. Right, that was the table where I first ate with all of the them. My friends. I smiled to myself as I ate my cake, remembering how I had looked at Yesung's small hands instead when he was staring at me. That was the place where they had all suggested the makeover. The place where my life or rather, appearance started to change. Thank you, Yesung, Key, Kevin, Min.

As I finished my strawberry cake deliciously, I started to move. I still needed to go to a another place. An important place. Where, you ask? How about you guess? Ha ha ha, of course it's the rooftop. Hae's favourite place. My boyfriend's favorite place. As I reached the rooftop, I breathed in the fresh air, enjoying the view and stretching a little bit. Hae was right, the air here was much fresher and nicer to breathe in. I sat on a bench, closing my eyes as I was enjoying the soft breeze. Closing my eyes, I pictured when me and Hae had our first real kiss during camp. How Heechul and Hangeng had prompted me into kissing Hae. If not for them, I would never have had such an amazing boyfriend. Thank you, Heechul, Hangeng.

Hae oh hae, where are you? I sighed, wanting to see him so badly.

'Hae, are you missing me like how I'm missing you?' I questioned out aloud.

'Well that depends, how much are you missing me?' Came an answer. My heart skipped a beat at that voice. It couldn't be...... or could it? I quickly spun around, searching for the person that had answered me. My heart skipped a beat again and started beating twice as harder when I saw him. Him, Hae, standing in front of me, in the flesh.

'HAE!' I squealed like a fangirl that had just seen her bias. I stood up from my bench, hugging him tightly. Oh how I'd missed him.

'Well hello to you too Hyukkie~' Hae answered as he returned my hug. Then I realized that he had just got out of the hospital, so I released him.

'Oh my, did I hurt you Hae? Are you hurting anywhere? Was my hug too tight? Are you-' My questions were silenced when I felt something soft touching my lips. Hae's finger.

'No baby, you didn't, no I'm not, no you hug wasn't too tight and yes, I'm alright.' Hae replied grinning. I stared at him, but then started to grin with him as well.

'Well I'm glad that you're fine..... I missed you.' I told him as I removed his finger and held it.

'I missed you too baby. Very much. I missed you so much. I felt so empty. I missed you.' He replied with his twinkling eyes as he pulled me in for a kiss. I was surprised, but I didn't care. I missed those lips so much. It was a soft kiss at first, but I deepened it, wanting to taste more of Hae's mouth. Hae just complied with what I wanted. When we pulled away, we were gasping for air.

'Hyukkie, what were you doing here anyway?' Hae questioned. 

'Hmmm, I was surveying the school as I suddenly ended up here.' I told him smiling. 'Besides, this place reminded me of you.' I continued.

'Ah~ How's your head? Were the people here nice to you? Any bullies?' Hae asked again, this time concerned. I laughed at his seriousness.

'It's getting better thank you~ And yes, they were nice to me, thanks to Sungmin and the others. And no Hae, no bullies, thankfully.' I replied.

'Well that's good baby.' Hae said as he pulled me in for a hug. It wasn't so rough, it was rather a gentle hug as if to say, 'I missed you so much.'. 


So the two lovebirds just sat on the bench of the rooftop, enjoying each other's company, the view, the soft breeze and everything. Everything seemed picture perfect to them, since they had their significant other by their side. The two of them had felt so empty before, but now that they were together again, they felt fulfilled again.

For Donghae, he had never onced regretted being with Eunhyuk, no matter what he'd gone through. That was how he really felt. He was too much in love to regret being with Eunhyuk. It didn't matter if he got beaten for Eunhyuk. He would get beaten up for all he cared, as long as he was with Hyukkie and protecting him. That was what love made to him. He didn't mind sacrificing himself for Eunhyuk, his lover, his boyfriend. He would do anything for Eunhyuk.

For Eunhyuk, he had felt so blissful, so grateful, so blessed. He never knew that he could feel true happiness, considering his past. Same with Donghae, Eunhyuk had never once regretted being with Donghae. He loved him, more than anything in the world. Yeah, he loved Donghae more than strawberries. That's pretty big, considering how much Eunhyuk loved the sweet sweet flavour of strawberries. He would spend the rest of his life with Donghae. 

Soon, night came, and the sky was filled with stars. Donghae had a plan, oh yes he did. He had prepared everything oh so carefully before coming back to school. He just hoped that his research would be successful. Sure, it would be cheesy, but oh well. Donghae mentally celebrated when the stars on the sky started to show. 

'Hyukkie?' He called out as Eunhyuk was resting on his shoulder. 

'Yes, Hae?' Eunhyuk replied, wanting to know why the younger had called him. He removed his head from Donghae's shoulder as he waited for what Donghae wanted to say.

'See that star?' Donghae said, pointing to one of the biggest stars in the sky.

'The biggest one? Yeah, why?' Eunhyuk nodded, slightly confused by what Donghae was asking him.

'Uh.. well, that's well.. When my love for you is too much and my heart is too small to contain it, that big star over there will carry my love for you. And you see the star beside it? Well that's you... you'll always be by my side, and vice versa. I would always be by your side, Hyukkie. I love you Hyukkie. Very much. Too much.' Hae confessed, blushing slightly at his own cheesiness. 

For a moment there, Eunhyuk was stunned by Donghae's sudden confession. He was so touched, he wanted to cry. Could the day get any better? When he was about to say something, Donghae silenced him, taking out something from his pocket.

'That's not all. Hyukkie, I love you, will you marry me in the near future?' Donghae confessed again as he opened the small heart-shaped box. Inside, there was a ring, a simple yet elegant one. Eunhyuk couldn't take it anymore. He was too touched, so he started to cry. He covered his face, embarrassed. Marry him? 

'Hyukkie? Oh God why're you crying? I'm sorry, were you not ready for this?' Donghae asked, worried by Eunhyuk's endless tears while hugging him tightly.

'N-no, Hae, I'm so sorry.. I'm just so touched.. Of course! Of course I'll marry you Hae. I love you too. I love you. I love you so much. I love you more than anything, ever.' Eunhyuk managed to say in between his sobs. 

Donghae's heart skipped a beat at what Eunhyuk told him. He agreed, HE AGREED! Donghae screamed in his mind.

'Baby don't cry, it's alright now. I just want to be with you. You'll be in my heart, forever and ever. Baby it's alright~ I love you too baby. Don't cry.' Donghae soothed as he hugged Eunhyuk tightly. When they pulled away, Donghae slipped the ring onto Eunhyuk's finger. It fit perfectly. That was when Eunhyuk realized that Donghae was wearing the same ring too.

'Hehe yes baby, I'm wearing the same ring. I was already kind of expecting you to say yes so...' Donghae explained smiling while looking at their intertwined hands that had the rings on it.

'I love you Hae,' Eunhyuk spoke gently, his eyes twinkling. Donghae's heart skipped another beat at those four magical words. Then he pulled Eunhyuk into his embrace. As they embraced each other, in their arms, they slowly became one.

Donghae was glad that Eunhyuk had said yes, and Eunhyuk felt so blissful that he would be spending the rest of his life together with Donghae. Even though they weren't officially married yet, they were engaged, and they loved each other. That was all that mattered in that moment. The lonliness that they felt when they were apart from each other, it was just a test from God to see how deep their love was, together with the beatings that they had both faced together. In the end, they really did love each other. 

'I love you, Hyukkie.' 

'I love you too, Hae.' 

At those few words, they leaned in for a long kiss, the two of them enjoying the night and each other's presence. It was more or less, a perfectly wonderful day. What laid ahead of them? Honestly, they didn't know. But one thing was for sure. They would go through the future, together.


A/N; OMG IT ENDED!! *SOBS*. I'm going to miss this fic so much, together with all of your comments! T___T But well, aren't you glad that it's a happy ending? Hehehe, anyway, I would just like to thank all of my subscribers, my commenters, my readers, silent reader or not!! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH. SARANGHAEYO! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME <3333

@taengoo_love; hahah nah, i changed my mind :b thanks!

@StrawberryQueen; glad you loved it ^___^

Aren't you all going to miss me and my fic? HAHAH just joking :) I'll probably get started on a new fic, but hrmmm, we'll see. Once again, thank you my lovely readers! 

Oh yeah guys, add me as a friend, i'm so lonely HAHAHA K BYE. Hope you enjoyed <3

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Asterius #1
Chapter 26: Ahhhhhhhhh I'm like super late in discovering this fic. HAHAHA love your story and you are God damn funny with the gifs. HAHAHAHAHA OuO
Chapter 26: Please sequellll!! This is tooooooo cute
Chapter 1: Awh, I'm glad eunhyuk has a new friend. Hopefully he'll make more along the way
EunHaeLove42 #4
Chapter 26: Really sweet and fluffy ending. :)
Thanks for sharing =DD
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 22: Way to go KyuMin. :)
EunHaeLove42 #6
Chapter 18: So mister Lee Teuk and his sorry a** goons. I have it in my mind to jump into this story and beat the living hell out of them. >_<
Kick their a**es Sungmin :P
Nice chapter and thanks for a cute EunHae date! :)
EunHaeLove42 #7
Chapter 16: ??? Memories?
Nice chapter! :)
EunHaeLove42 #8
Chapter 7: So far this story is good I just don't really like how scared of them girls Hyukjae is. It's like he's some spineless p***y that don't have any balls what-so-ever.
I know he went though a lot in his past but still he is a man, I guess! lol
Good chapter all the same. =D
EunHaeLove42 #9
Chapter 3: Poor EunHae went trough so much at a young age. I hope that Hae doesn't do anything to Hyukjae to make him scared seeing that he's scared of his own shadow.
Also I very curious about his past. Was the boy that had started the mass his friend at one time? And at least I know it wasn't Hae. =D
EunHaeLove42 #10
Chapter 1: Hummm I wonder who's Kyuhyuns best friend? I think it will be Donghae or Siwon. Because I'm a little confused on who the orange haired boy and his gang was. At first I thought of him being Hae but then I thought about Sungmin's boyfriend best friend.