I'm Sorry




I watched as Eunhyukkie and Donghae were carried onto the stretchers carefully, still hugging Kyu. Please let them be okay. I prayed silently, hoping that my prayers would be answered. Why shouldn't they be okay? I couldn't think of any reason. They were just enjoying their innocent date when all of a sudden some bastards had to beat them up and all. I felt myself trembling with anger. Kyu sensed my trembling and whispered that it was going to be okay to me over and over again in the hopes that I would calm down, which I did. I would always calm down in Kyu's embrace and comforting words. 


Now both Eunhyukkie and Donghae were in their respective operating rooms of the hospital, being tended to by some doctors and nurses. I paced outside of their doors nervously, unable to sit still. Kyu just watched me pace around the room. He was dead worried too, but he was better at concealing his emotions better than I was. An hour had passed and I was getting impatient by the long wait. I paced back and forth, groaning. Kyu had already called the school to tell the principal about our current situation, and he had insisted that we stay here until we get news about them for the sake of me. He had a hard time convincing the principal, but he managed to do it. Of course, my Kyu is the smartest after all. I looked at the clock on the wall. 1AM. It was getting late, or rather, it was already late, but I wasn't tired at all. My mind didn't care if I had battled with some bastards today, or had been walking around for many hours, it didn't care. My mind only thought about Eunhyukkie and Donghae. Would they be okay? What will happen? What if they get beaten up so badly that they have to be wheechair-bound? Thousands of questions popped into my mind, I was getting dizzy. Nontheless, I kept pacing back and forth, frowning as I did so.

Suddenly, Kyu called my name, making me get out of my trance. I looked at him, still frowning, but my facial expression softened when I saw Kyu's worried face.

'Minnie baby, sit down. You walking around like that isn't going to make them better faster.' He stated as a matter-of-factly. I stared at him and thought about what he said. Kyu was right, he always is. I proceeded to sit beside him. He held my hand tightly as I did so. 

'Look, I know you're worried, I'm worried too. Looking at you pace around like that makes me more worried. Plus, you're tired, so you should rest baby..' Kyu told me softly. I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder, playing with his fingers. Sitting beside my Kyu made me feel less stressed. I wondered why I hadn't done so sooner. Right, I had so busy thinking about Eunhyukkie and Donghae that I'd neglected my Kyu. I felt guilty, so I gave him a peck on the cheek before settling my head on his shoulder again. As much as I wanted to attend to Kyu, I was dead worried about the two of them in the operating rooms. I sighed as I tired my best to shrug off my negative thoughts. It was making my mood down. I closed my eyes, wanting to get some rest. Just as I closed my eyes, the door to Eunhyukkie's operating room opened. I immediately fluttered my eyes open and scrambled out of the chair. Kyu followed suit.

'How is he?' I asked desperately when the Doctor came out of the room. He smiled at me as he took off his mask. Why did he smile? Was that a good sign? No? Yes? Damn it, just answer already you damn doctor! I literally screamed in my mind.

'He's fine, don't worry. It's just a bruise on his head. It'll heal in no time, even though he took the beating head-on. So don't worry, he's absoloutely fine. Just give him some time to rest and don't make him think too much, he'll heal faster that way.' The Doctor told us. I heaved a sigh of relief. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I felt lighter. At least one of my troubles were down. I mentally apologized to the doctor for cursing him earlier on. I stayed silent, still celebrating in my mind. Thank you God for making Eunhyukkie alright.

'Can we see him?' Kyu asked the Doctor. The doctor nodded and gestured us to the door. I quickly went in. I was both excited and worried. Sensing my mixed emotions, Kyu held my hand and led me through the door. Sometimes I wonder if Kyu can read minds. He can read me so well, it almosts scares me. Almost.

As we went in, Eunhyukkie immediately sat up from his bed, smiling at us weakly. Was visiting him the right decision? Should we leave him alone? Thoughts ran through my head, but I shrugged them off, wanting to think positively. Kyu was still holding my hand as he walked over to Eunhyukkie's bed, dragging me over. 

'Are you okay?' I managed to say. Well, wasn't that a stupid question. Eunhyukkie continued smiling and nodded. 

'Yeah, no biggie.' He told us, pointing to his head. I smiled at him and let go of Kyu's hand to hold Eunhyukkie's hand. Kyu just let me be without complaining. He knew better than to be childish in this kind of situations.

'Thanks, you guys. I really.. appreciate it..' He smiled to us gratefully. I couldn't help but smile. When I was about to say something, Eunhyukkie suddenly interrupted me.

'How's Donghae?' He asked, his smile immediately disappearing. Guilt, sadness and anger replaced his innocent smile. I looked at him, not knowing what to say. Should I lie? Say that he's alright even though I don't know the results yet? At times like these, I glanced at Kyu, sending a telepathic message to him, asking what I should say. He looked at me and nodded.

'We don't know the results yet, Eunhyuk. We'll tell you as soon as we hear it, okay?' Kyu told Eunhyukkie reassuringly. Eunhyukkie sighed and nodded weakly. He must be feeling terrible now. I was in a dilemma whether to stay with him and keep him company or leave him alone to give him some personal space. When I saw Eunhyukkie turn away from us, I realized that we should give him some time alone. He needed it. 

'Hey uh.. we'll be outside if you need anything, alright?' I told him, trying my best to sound cheerful. He turned his gaze back to us and nodded, saying 'thanks' once again. I quickly went out of the room, dragging Kyu with me and shutting Eunhyukkie's door close softly to give him some time alone.


'How's Donghae?' I asked Sungmin, wanting to know if he was okay. I needed reassurance that he was okay. I looked hopefully at Sungmin's face, praying that he would say something like 'Donghae's fine.'. But of course, that didn't happen. I looked as Sungmin's face turned grave. He was apparently thinking hard about something as he looked over to Kyuhyun. Was something wrong? Why were they hesitating to tell me about Donghae? Did something bad happen to him? Wait, of course something bad happened to him. It's your fault, Hyukjae, your fault..

'We don't know the results yet, Eunhyuk. We'll tell you as soon as we hear it, okay?' Kyuhyun told me, his voice calm. So they didn't know the results yet? I hope Hae's okay.. What if something really bad happened to him? Something really really really bad? I sighed at my thoughts and Kyuhyun's answer before nodding at the two of them. I felt like crying. It was my fault, it has always been my fault. Lee Hyukjae's. I was nothing but misfortune. I was stupid to think that everything would be okay. I was too blinded by love and selfishness to think about Hae. I was too greedy,  too selfish, and look what it ended up with. Me and Hae being hospitalized, with Hae beaten up to a pulp. If I hadn't opened up to Hae, nothing like this would ever happen. I could've admired him from far, I could've gone here by myself, I could've been beaten up alone. Hae would never had been beaten up if it wasn't for me. As I was deep inside my thoughts, Sungmin suddenly interrupted me.

'Hey uh.. we'll be outside if you need anything, alright?' He told me, hesitantly but still cheerful nontheless. I snapped out of my thoughts and felt like crying again, but I quickly nodded and thanked them once again. I watched as they left the room quickly and closed my door. If it weren't for them, who knows what could've happened. I shivered as I thought of the possible things that could've taken place. And then I broke down. I couldn't keep my cool anymore. I buried my head into my hands, crying my heart out. The pain that I felt in my head was nothing compared to the pain in my heart. My mind went back to the scene of Hae lying on my lap, saying my name so gently. My name didn't deserve to be said by him. He sounded like an angel saying my name, and my name sounded like the devil. Yes, I am the devil, I must be. To bring such horifically bad fate to such an innocent angel. I cried more, unable to hold my emotions any longer. I'm so sorry, Hae. I'm so sorry. If it wasn't for me.. you would have been so much happier. I'm so sorry.. I'm a bad person, I'm so sorry..


As we got out of Eunhyukkie's room, I immediately heard sobs coming from the room. I wanted to go inside and hug Eunhyukkie, reassuring him that everything was going to be alright, but my conscience told me not to. I should give him some time alone, let him have his personal space. Kyu heard the sobs too, and looked at me worriedly. 

'Should we g-' He started to say before I shook my head gently. He got the message and nodded. I held his hand as we sat down again, waiting for Donghae's results to be out. I felt so anxious. My heart was thumping. What if Donghae was in a crucial condition? What if he couldn't recover? I held Kyu's hand tighter, and his grip around my hands tightened too. Around 10 minutes after, the door to Donghae's room finally opened. I jumped out of my chair, walking over to the doctor quickly.

'How.. how is he?' I asked the doctor, my voice trembling. I looked hopefully at the doctor, but was returned with a serious face.

'I'm afraid it's bad news..' The doctor told me. My heart literally sank to the floor when he had said that. Bad news? How bad..could it be?



'How..how bad is it?' I managed to ask the doctor despite shock. Please say that it's not that bad or something... I prayed in my mind.

'Well, his ribcage was fractured, and a piece of his broken ribcage was dangerously close to his lungs, but thankfully, we had managed to get it out before it punctured his lungs.' The doctor told me. I heaved a sigh of relief. That wasn't so bad, so why did he say that it was bad news? I was about to say something when the doctor cut me in.

'The thing is, he has Cerebral Contusion. It is a form of traumatic brain injury, but to put it simply, he has a bruise on his brain tissues. He had been beaten up, right? So the external injuries had caused him to have this. He would not be in a coma, thankfully, but when he does wake up, he is expected to be experiencing headaches, confusion, sleepiness, dizziness and many other negative side effects.' The doctor continued. I stared at him wide-eyed, not knowing what to say. Nothing could come out of my mouth, it was like I had gone mute. 

'So, is he going to be okay?' Kyuhyun asked in my place. I stared at the doctor's face hopefully. Thank God the doctor nodded.

'Yes, he is going to be okay with further treatment. Would you like to see him? Even though he's not awake right now..' The doctor asked. I nodded and immediately went into the room. Like Eunhyukkie, he was surrounded by bags of fluid and everything. The only difference was that Donghae's condition was more severe. His right arm and legs were bandaged, and he had tubes everywhere. I tried my best not to cry. It was so hard seeing Donghae like this. Just then, I felt secure arms around my waist. Kyuhyun, of course. I held his arm and leaned onto him.

'Should we tell Eunhyuk?' He asked me gently. I thought about it for awhile before nodding. We should tell Eunhyukkie, he deserved to know. At least Donghae would be okay. That was what they had all hoped for, right? I just hoped that Eunhyukkie wouldn't blame himself for everything that had happened.


*knock knock* I looked up at the door, wondering who it was. 'It's Sungmin and Kyu..' Sungmin's voice answered my thoughts. I quickly wiped my tears and told them to come in. I watched as the two of them walked over to me quickly. Did they receive the results of Hae already?

'Eunhyukkie-ah, Donghae.. He's going to be okay. He just needs further treatment..' Sungmin started to say slowly. I slowly took all of that information in. Hae was okay? Further treatment? What happened to him? I looked at Sungmin encouragingly, motioning him to continue talking and explain about Hae's condition. 

I listened carefully as Sungmin explained to me everything, with Kyuhyun helping him when he didn't know what to say. I felt my tears threatening to fall again. Cerebral Contusion? Brain damage? I knew that they said Hae would be okay with further treatment, but I couldn't help thinking about the negative things. What if he didn't make it? What if he died halfway? What if he had memory loss or something? It would all be my fault, mine, not anyone else's. Not those bullies, not Hae, but me. Lee Hyukjae's fault. Lee Eunhyuk's fault. I wanted to say something to Sungmin and Kyuhyun, but I couldn't. The tears would fall anytime now. I bit my lip, trying to control my tears. If only I hadn't kissed Hae, if only I hadn't been so selfish...

'Eunhyuk?' Kyuhyun's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked at him, my eyes glistening with unshed tears. 'Are you okay?' He continued, his voice so gentle. That was when I couldn't take it anymore. My tears streamed down my face, not able to be held in anymore. I buried my head in my hands, crying and cursing myself. 

'It was my fault.. Everything is my fault.. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry Hae.. It's my fault..' I sobbed. I felt like stabbing myself in the heart to make Hae suffer like that. I continued crying as both Kyuhyun and Sungmin hugged me, telling me that it wasn't my fault. I wanted to believe them, but I couldn't bring myself to. I cried in their embrace, and soon felt sleep overcoming me.


I woke up with a throbbing head, only to find Kyuhyun and Sungmin still in my room, with Kyuhyun sleeping on Sungmin's lap on the couch that was available in my room. They had actually bothered to stay in here with me.. I felt myself on the verge of tears again. Why did they care about me? Shouldn't they hate me for bring pain to Donghae? I controlled myself from crying and tried my best to stand up from my bed. I didn't like being bed-bound. It made me feel handicapped and restricted. I groaned as my head throbbed harder, but I didn't settle back onto my bed. I continued being stubborn and finally managed to stand up properly. I took off the tubes that were attached to me. I know I wasn't supposed to do that, but I wanted to see Hae.

After much hassle, I finally reached Hae's room. Thank God there were no nurses in there, or I would have been caught. I trudged over to Hae's side, preparing myself to see his condition. When I finally saw him, my legs felt wobbly. I didn't know if they could withstand my weight anymore. Seeing Hae in that kind of condition, it made me so guilty. I touched Hae's face gently, careful not to wake him up. This angelic and innocent person.. I was so lucky to have him, but he was so unlucky to have me.. The only person that benefitted from this relationship was me, only me and not him. I felt myself breaking down again. The throbbing pain in my head was nothing compared to how I was feeling right now. Finally, my legs gave way and I sat on the floor, my head on the railings of Hae's bed. 

When I thought that I couldn't cry anymore, I started crying again. Guilt washed me like a Tsunami wave. Reality smacked me in the face. I didn't deserve Hae, I never had. I started apologizing again, that being the only thing that I could do, considering the pathetic loser I was. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder, patting it softly. I winced at the sudden contact and looked up, my tears still streaming down my face to see who had tapped on my shoulder. 

Donghae. My heart literally skipped a beat. Seeing his angelic face made all my insides melt. I immediately felt my tears stop. There was something about Donghae that made me feel so.. relaxed.

'Hyukkie? What's wrong?' Hae asked me, confused. I wanted to answer but then stopped when I saw Hae clutch his head in pain. My legs immediately felt strong again as I stood up and looked at Hae in concern.

'Hae? What's wrong?' I returned his questions. 

'Nothing..' He told me unconvincingly, still clutching his head. Trying to act strong now, huh? I wanted to press the button for the nurses to come into Hae's room to check on him, but Hae prevented me from doing so.

'Let go of me, we need to have the nurses check on you!' I glared at him. Hae shook his head furiously, pouting. I sighed as I pulled my hand away.

'What is it?' I asked him, my voice softening. It was true that I felt guilty and that I didn't deserve Hae, but I couldn't help myself. Selfish, I know.

'Nothing.. Why were you crying just now?' Hae asked. 'Is it because of me?' He continued asking, curious. I avoided eye contact with him, not knowing what to say. What was he supposed to say? Dust went into his eyes? Mosquitoes had bitten him in the eye, explaining the redness and puffiness?

'I'm sorry, Hae, it's my fault..' I confessed, gazing down on the floor. Tears were threatening to fall again. Aish, why couldn't I stop crying? Lee Hyukjae you weak coward.

'No, it's not your fault, Hyukkie, don't be sorry.' Hae said gently to me. I ignored his comfort and continued looking on the floor.

'Hyukkie, look at me. Hyukjae. Eunhyuk, look at me.' He continued firmly. I had never heard his tone like this before, so I looked up to meet his gaze. 

'Aigoo, is my dear Hyukkie crying?' He immediately turned soft again. I couldn't help but continue crying.


'Hyukkie, look at me. Hyukjae. Eunhyuk, look at me.' I told Hyukkie firmly. I wanted him to look at me in the eyes, I wanted to know if he was okay. When he finally looked at me, I was surprised to see him crying. I felt my heart break into a million tiny pieces.

'Aigoo, is my dear Hyukkie crying?' I cooed, trying to comfort him, but to no avail. He continued crying. His tears were endless and his eyes were puffy and red. I sat up from my bed, trying to ignore the pain and soreness that I was feeling. I held out my only free arm and tugged Hyukkie's arm for him to come closer to me. He just obeyed when I told him to squat down too. When he was finally at my eye level, I held his chin up to look at me. I wiped his tears away, not wanting him to cry anymore.

'Hyukkie, listen to me, it's not your fault okay? It never was your fault, so stop blaming yourself. And, don't cry anymore, it hurts to see you cry. Please? For me? Stop crying, and stop blaming yourself!' I told him, my tone turning serious. I had meant every word that I had just said, and it really did hurt for me to see him so weak and vulnerable. I smiled and patted his head as he nodded and wiped his tears away. With that, I pulled him closer and closer to me, so that I could kiss him on the lips. He seemed surprised at first but gladly returned my kiss soon after. I smiled in the kiss, not bothering to seal my happiness. Sure, I had got beaten up oh so pathetically, but at least I was able to protect my Hyukkie. Almost. He still suffered though. During the kiss, I tried my hardest and best to ignore the pain that I was feeling. Hyukkie's kiss had made at least a few of my pain go away. I was thankful for that. But for now, I only wanted to kiss Hyukkie, nothing could stop me. Not even the pain that I was feeling right now.


A/N; Hallluuu ~ Double update today ^_^ Hope you enjoyed! And so so so sorrrryyy for my long windedness. I am a very long winded person, so please bear with me >.< 

@tsundere_zen; hooray for Kyumin! haha~ yeah, will be, at least. :)

@Eunhyukkie07; you didn't cry though, did you?! o: hehe nah, your english isn't that bad, ^_^

@ShawolCassieElf; yeah.. i think Kyumin secretly has secret powers or something... haha whoops, did you not like the 3 chapters? >< memory loss eh? haha ^_^ Omfg don't throw that piano at me! *hides somewhere*

@crilleray; yea, Sungmin is the best ^_^  you're welcome! and hope you enjoyed this one!

@StormyViolet; Yupyup! Thankfully Kyumin were there to save the day! hope you liked this one~

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Asterius #1
Chapter 26: Ahhhhhhhhh I'm like super late in discovering this fic. HAHAHA love your story and you are God damn funny with the gifs. HAHAHAHAHA OuO
Chapter 26: Please sequellll!! This is tooooooo cute
Chapter 1: Awh, I'm glad eunhyuk has a new friend. Hopefully he'll make more along the way
EunHaeLove42 #4
Chapter 26: Really sweet and fluffy ending. :)
Thanks for sharing =DD
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 22: Way to go KyuMin. :)
EunHaeLove42 #6
Chapter 18: So mister Lee Teuk and his sorry a** goons. I have it in my mind to jump into this story and beat the living hell out of them. >_<
Kick their a**es Sungmin :P
Nice chapter and thanks for a cute EunHae date! :)
EunHaeLove42 #7
Chapter 16: ??? Memories?
Nice chapter! :)
EunHaeLove42 #8
Chapter 7: So far this story is good I just don't really like how scared of them girls Hyukjae is. It's like he's some spineless p***y that don't have any balls what-so-ever.
I know he went though a lot in his past but still he is a man, I guess! lol
Good chapter all the same. =D
EunHaeLove42 #9
Chapter 3: Poor EunHae went trough so much at a young age. I hope that Hae doesn't do anything to Hyukjae to make him scared seeing that he's scared of his own shadow.
Also I very curious about his past. Was the boy that had started the mass his friend at one time? And at least I know it wasn't Hae. =D
EunHaeLove42 #10
Chapter 1: Hummm I wonder who's Kyuhyuns best friend? I think it will be Donghae or Siwon. Because I'm a little confused on who the orange haired boy and his gang was. At first I thought of him being Hae but then I thought about Sungmin's boyfriend best friend.