Thank You




I stayed in Hae's embrace, enjoying the comfort that he was giving me. I hadn't felt so relaxed in so long. I had already stopped crying and calmed down, but Hae was still hugging me as tightly as before. Suddenly, he pulled away from me gently. I whimpered at the loss and looked down, avoiding eye contact with him. Not that I could see him clearly though, since it was nighttime and we were in a tent with no electricity and lights. 

'Hyukkie..' He said softly as he cupped my face so that I would look at him. His hands were trembling. Why?

'H-hae? Why are you trembling?' I asked. Was it because of me? Did I do something?

'Nothing. I'm just so angry. Who're they? The girls that threatened you, the people that beat you up in your previous school? Who, Hyukkie, who?' He replied, his voice shaking. I hesitated before answering him.

'I don't think I should--' 

'What? Why shouldn't you? Are you scared Hyukkie?' He interrupted me.

'Uhm.. yes, Hae. Honestly, I am very scared. Terrified.' I confessed.

'...Have you told Sungmin and the others?' He asked me, his voice softening. I looked away. Sungmin, eh? I felt so guilty.. And Eunhyuk, you know you can tell me anything, right? Sungmin's voice kept echoing in my head. He was a nice person, which made me feel more and more guilty.

'No, Hae.' I told him.

'Well you should. Are you okay, Hyukkie?' 

'Y-yeah.' I muttered.

'Great.' He replied. Suddenly, he hugged me, this time not so tightly, but gently. Even though the hug was gentle, I could still feel his warmth, as strong as ever.


'Let's go to sleep. You need the rest. We'll talk tomorrow, okay?' He replied gently. I nodded in his embrace. Soon, we were lying down again, all snuggled up. I hugged Hae back, happy to be in his embrace. After a few minutes, I heard Hae snoring softly, his chest going up and down (a/n; lol omg I don't know how to describe it. you know, breathing >//<) I didn't know why, but I couldn't sleep. I was still troubled. Had it really been okay for me to tell Hae? I decided to not think about it. 

I pulled away from Hae gently and sat up, looking at him sleeping. He looked like an angel. I could almost picture the halo on his head and wings forming on his back. Maybe he really was an angel sent from Heaven to help me. I smiled at that thought. My angel. My guardian angel. I bent down to look at his face more closely. I traced my finger along his face, his nose, his eyes, his cheeks, and eventually stopped at his mouth. He stirred in his sleep, but I didn't move my finger away. He continued sleeping.

'Hae.. thank you so much..' I whispered to myself. Then, I pecked him on the lips softly, before laying down beside him again to sleep.




'Wake up, wake up you sleepyheads!' Mr Kwon shouted through his megaphone. I stirred in my sleep, annoyed by the disturbance. I yawned loudly and rubbed my eyes. I looked next to me and found Hyukkie still sleeping. He didn't seem affected by the noise that Mr Kwon was making. His body was close to mine, and his hands were wrapped around my waist. I smiled. His mouth was slightly opened, and I almost touched his face when our tent was zipped open, revealing Mr Kwon with his megaphone.

'Yah!! Wake up, you two lovebirds! You're the only ones not out of the tent!' He nagged. I covered my ears. Crazy old man, shouting through his megaphone in our faces. Hyukkie groaned lightly as he woke up, covering his ears as well.

'Good! Now that you two are up, hurry up and bathe! Time waits for no man!' He nagged through the megaphone again before finally leaving us alone.

'Ugh!' Hyukkie groaned once more as he laid back down again. I chuckled at his behaviour. How adorable! 

'Hyukkieee, wake up!~' I chimed, pulling his arm lightly. He tugged his arm away and buried his face in his blankets.

'Hyukkieeee~' I tried again. No response. So he wasn't going to answer me now, huh? 

'Fine, don't answer me then, Hyukkie.. If there's any more high elements, you're on your own!' I smirked. He immediately sat up, his eyes wide open.

'I'm up, i'm up!!' He said quickly. I laughed, he was so cute. I pinched his cheeks. I didn't know why, but I wanted to do it. 

'You're so cute~' I said while pinching his cheeks. He blushed, avoiding eye contact with me. I could tell he was embarrassed, so I stopped pinching him. I'm sucha nice person~ I mentally complimented myself.

'Let's go wash up now, we're the last ones to go, so I think many of them would've washed up by now..' I told him while getting up and fetching fresh clothes to change to. After that, I went out of the tent, getting some fresh air while waiting for Hyukkie. Soon, he was by my side. 

'Eh? Why didn't you go first?' He asked innocently. 

'Why would I let you go alone? Besides.. I can't let you go alone. Some petty girls are threatening you after all, right?' I told him, getting slightly angry again by the fact that some girls had went around threatening my Hyukkie.

'Ah, right..'

'Well then, let's go?' I asked. He nodded and we went to the shower in silence. Then I suddenly thought of something.

'Hyukkie, if you see those girls, tell me, alright?' He looked at me in surprise before nodding again. I smiled and patted his back.

'Nothing to be scared about, Hyukkie. I'm here for you! The almighty Hae is here for you~' I comforted smiling. He laughed at my 'almighty Hae'. The sound of his laughter was so fresh, it made me smile more. It'd been a while since I heard his laugh.


As we got out of the shower and changed to fresh clothes, we walked back to our tent, wanting to put our dirty clothes away.  After doing that and walking to the meet-up point, we bumped into Sungmin.

'Hey, Min~' I waved. He waved back to me cheerfully and smiling. I walked to him, and Hyukkie's expression turned grave. Oh, right, he hadn't told Sungmin yet. Maybe I could get Hyukkie to tell him now. I smirked at my wonderful plan.

'Hey, Donghae! Hey, Eunhyukkie!' Sungmin smiled. Hyukkie smiled at him weakly.

'Where's Kyu?' I asked. They were always together, why weren't they together now? Did something happen?

'Kyu? He's in the tent, he forgot to bring his cap along, so he ran back to get it.' Sungmin smiled. Ah, I thought too much.

'Oh.. anyway, Hyukkie here has something --' I stopped as I felt Hyukkie tugging my arm and whispering to me, 'It's them.'. I immediately looked at where he was looking at. In his direction, he was looking at a group of girls, around 6 of them, all wearing short skirts and blouses that were a size too small for them. Ew, why the hell would they wear that in a freaking forest? So those were the girls that had been threatening my dear Hyukkie? I felt myself boiling in anger.

'Yes?' Sungmin interrupted me from my thoughts. I calmed myself down. After all, I already caught a glimpse of those girls, and I always remember faces. I would deal with them later on, I didn't want to cause a scene.

'Hyukkie I think you should tell him..' I whispered to Hyukkie. He nodded slightly. Just then, Kyuhyun ran over to us, panting.

'Hey babe, sorry to keep you waiting. Anything happened? Oh hey, Eunhyuk, Donghae~' Kyuhyun panted. 

'Hey~' Both me and Hyukkie said at the same time. Wow, great minds think alike, I chuckled to myself.


'Hyukkie I think you should tell him..' Hae whispered to me, his voice dangerously low. He was right, I should tell Sungmin. He had done so much for me, he was such a great friend. He deserved to know. I nodded. I was about to say something when Kyuhyun ran over to us.

'Hey babe, sorry to keep you waiting. Anything happened? Oh hey, Eunhyuk, Donghae~' He panted. Well, it's better to tell both of them at the same time, right? 

'Hey~' Both me and Hae said in unison. I smiled and looked at Hae. He sent me an approving glance, as if to say, 'Go ahead, Hyukkie. They'll understand.'.

'Oh right, as I said earlier, Hyukkie here has something to say to you two.' Hae said. I guess that was my cue to confess. Damn, I hated confessing. I just hoped that I wouldn't cry.

'Yes?' Sungmin and Kyuhyun asked eagerly.

'Uh.. Sungmin, Kyuhyun, I'm so sorry for avoiding you guys and the others.. It's just that, uh.. I had been threatened by some people to not talk to you, or I'd be dead, and uh.. I've been bullied and beaten up by some bullies in my previous school, that's why I took them seriously and ignored you guys..' I confessed, glancing over to Hae, as if to tell him that I was sorry for avoiding him too. He looked at me encouraging me to go on.

'I'm so sorry.. I didn't want to transfer to another school again just because I was bullied.. There were so many great people here, I didn't want to leave. I guess I was selfish, I'm so sorry..' I continued, biting my lip and looking down so that the tears wouldn't fall. Don't cry, Hyukjae, don't cry..

'Omo.. really? Why didn't you tell me? Oh wait.. you couldn't. Oh gosh Eunhyukkie.. You've been hurting for so long, are you okay? And who the hell are those people that threatened my dear roommate? Tell me!' Sungmin said.

I nodded. I was okay, as long as they were with me. 'Well--' I started to say in response to his, 'who?' question when I was interrupted by Hae.

'You know those girls that walked past us just now?' He said. Sungmin nodded, while Kyuhyun looked lost. He had looked at me understandingly when I confessed, but now, he had no idea what was going on since he hadn't seen those girls.

'Those y looking girls? You mean those were the ones?' Sungmin asked. Hae nodded. Sungmin then looked at me, and I nodded at him.

'What? What y looking girls?! What they were the ones?' Kyuhyun asked, confused.

'Aish Kyu, you can be so slow sometimes! y looking girls were the ones that threatened Eunhyukkie, my dear yeobo~' Sungmin teased.

'Ah..~' Kyuhyun said and made a face in response to Sungmin's teasing.

I laughed, they were so cute together.

'Yah you!! Why are you laughing!! I haven't forgiven you yet!! Ignoring me for so long...' Sungmin glared at me accusingly. I immediately stopped laughing.

'Hahaha I was just kidding, you look so cute when you're scared!' Sungmin teased while pinching my cheeks.

'Yah what are you doing!' Both Hae and Kyuhyun said at the same time. Sungmin looked at the both of them while still pinching me.

'Aigooo, Donghae are you jealous?' He teased again.

I watched as Hae pouted his lips while saying, 'Of course! Only I can do that to my Hyukkie!'. I blushed as he said that and Sungmin eventually let go of my cheeks. 

'Omooo!! Kyu-ah! Don't they look cute together!!' Sungmin squealed. I blushed harder.

'Now that you say it... Hey, they do!' Kyuhyun agreed.

'Ey~ What are you talking about..' Hae protested. I could see his face getting red too. I'd never seen him embarrassed before. My angel, getting embarrassed, how cute.

'What are YOU talking about? Look at the two of you! Already turning red!' Sungmin giggled.

' Anyway, what shall we do about those girls?' Hae asked, changing the subject and ruffling his hair.

'Ey~ Changing the subject eh, Donghae? But you're right.. we have to do something about those girls..' Sungmin teased.

'Hmm, why don't we ask Yesung and the others too?' Kyuhyun asked. Oh right, I still had to tell them about the reason why I was avoiding them. Damn it. 

As if sensing my worry, Sungmin suddenly said, 'Yeah, we should. Don't worry, Eunhyukkie, we'll tell them for ya.' He said while winking at me. I smiled.


'Oh there you guys are!! Where have you been! Everyone's waiting for you! Hurry up!' Mr Kwon shouted in his megaphone, suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

'Oh crap we're late, let's go, guys!' Hae said while looking at his watch.

'Guess we'll talk about this later then!' Sungmin said as we walked to where we were supposed to be.

'Minnie.. I'm still jealous about you pinching Eunhyuk.. I'm going to punish you later..~' Kyuhyun smirked while squeezing Sungmin's . I blushed at the scene and looked away. What they do is none of your business, Hyukjae. I was lucky that Hae hadn't seen that, or I would be embarrassed more. I wonder what they were planning to do to the girls? I hope that it wasn't anything bad.. Sure, I was angry at them, but I didn't want anyone else to go through what I'd gone through, even though they'd been bullying me. What if they decided to beat those girls up? I shrugged that thought off. Sure they won't, they were such nice people. Or would they? I looked at Hae worryingly. He looked at me back and smiled innocently, making my heart skip a beat. No, they won't, they surely won't do that.


Anyway, just wanted to share this picture, I found it super funny c:

Anywho, if you read but didn't subscribe/comment....



@shelly; Oh no!! *revives* Heh heh, the sleeping was GOOOOD c:

@tsundere_zen; Yeah, he did!! you're welcome! heh~ <3

@funsize92; Hope this chappie doesn't disappoint T_T thanks for the long comment, hahaha ^^

@strawberrypie13; HI!! *waves* Finally decided to subscribe? what were you doing before that?! hahaha <: Thanks tho! Whuaa, your first comment?! Hehe. Older than you? Hmmm~ How old are you? ;) *eats the cookie*

@eunhaeislove; YEAP HE DID. Well in this chappie they did kiss.. somehow. hahaha ! Enjoy <3

Well then, see ya soon!! 

p/s more comments; faster updates!! heh heh. keep me motivated people! xD

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Asterius #1
Chapter 26: Ahhhhhhhhh I'm like super late in discovering this fic. HAHAHA love your story and you are God damn funny with the gifs. HAHAHAHAHA OuO
Chapter 26: Please sequellll!! This is tooooooo cute
Chapter 1: Awh, I'm glad eunhyuk has a new friend. Hopefully he'll make more along the way
EunHaeLove42 #4
Chapter 26: Really sweet and fluffy ending. :)
Thanks for sharing =DD
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 22: Way to go KyuMin. :)
EunHaeLove42 #6
Chapter 18: So mister Lee Teuk and his sorry a** goons. I have it in my mind to jump into this story and beat the living hell out of them. >_<
Kick their a**es Sungmin :P
Nice chapter and thanks for a cute EunHae date! :)
EunHaeLove42 #7
Chapter 16: ??? Memories?
Nice chapter! :)
EunHaeLove42 #8
Chapter 7: So far this story is good I just don't really like how scared of them girls Hyukjae is. It's like he's some spineless p***y that don't have any balls what-so-ever.
I know he went though a lot in his past but still he is a man, I guess! lol
Good chapter all the same. =D
EunHaeLove42 #9
Chapter 3: Poor EunHae went trough so much at a young age. I hope that Hae doesn't do anything to Hyukjae to make him scared seeing that he's scared of his own shadow.
Also I very curious about his past. Was the boy that had started the mass his friend at one time? And at least I know it wasn't Hae. =D
EunHaeLove42 #10
Chapter 1: Hummm I wonder who's Kyuhyuns best friend? I think it will be Donghae or Siwon. Because I'm a little confused on who the orange haired boy and his gang was. At first I thought of him being Hae but then I thought about Sungmin's boyfriend best friend.