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'Eunhyukkie! Wake up! Wake up~ Have you forgotten what day it is?' Sungmin squealed loudly while drawing the curtains, waking me up from my sleep since the Sun was streaming in from the windows. I groaned and sat up on my bed reluctantly while putting on my glasses. I looked at the bedside calendar. What day was it anyway, to make Sungmin so excited?

Calendar: Saturday.

Saturday? Oh right.. The makeover was going to commence today. No wonder he was so excited. How could I forget?

'Helloooo?' Sungmin said as he waved his hand in front of my face when I just sat on my bed like a statue.

'Alright alright.. I'm awake now, Sungmin.' I replied him while yawning and stretching. I wasn't a morning person and it was 9AM for goodness' sake!

'Good! Now go and take a shower! The others will be meeting us in 10 minutes, we're going to be late if you don't hurry up!' He ordered, shooing me into the shower.

Whaaaaaaaat? 10 minutes? We're going to be late for sure! I didn't want to keep them waiting, so I quickly scrambled into the shower, showering as fast as I could. When I finished showering, I realized that I'd forgotten to bring my clothes in with me. Wrapping a towel around my lower part, I went out of the shower only to find Donghae in our room. He shifted his attention to me. I blushed, realizing that I was half-.

'H-hae? What are you doing here?' I managed to ask.

'Uh.. I wanted to borrow some toothpaste since me and Siwon ran out of it..' He told me, avoiding eye contact.

'Here you go, Dong-- OH MY GOD Eunhyukkie! Are you trying to seduce me or something? I'm telling Kyuhyun!' Sungmin teased while gasping dramatically. I shaked my head rapidly. I wasn't trying to seduce him!

'No!! Why would I want to seduce you? I forgot to bring my clothes in the shower, that's all!' I protested.

'I was just joking, Eunhyukkie~ Hey, you know what! I didn't know you had abs! You're hot.' He winked at me while handing the toothpaste over to Donghae.

'Whaaat? Stop checking me out!!' I screamed slightly, covering my body with my hands. I was self-conscious, and since I had scars on my body, I didn't like people seeing my body. Both of them laughed at me, but Donghae said, 'He's right Hyukkie, you're hot.' He laughed.

'No way! You too, Hae? erts.' I pouted while searching for clothes to put on so that I could cover up my scars. Thank God they hadn't noticed.

'You guys going somewhere?' Donghae asked with his big innocent eyes, curious.

'Well-' I started to say. 'It's going to be a surprise.' Sungmin interrupted, grinning.

'Can't Hae come with us?' I interjected.

'No, it's okay. I've got some things to do. I'll be looking forward to the surprise then! See ya!' Donghae answered, waving his hands cheerfully before leaving.

'Well. I'm all ready now. Shall we go?' I asked Sungmin, gesturing to the door.

'About time. Let's go!'


'Yah!! What took you guys so long?!' Key flared, a hint of annoyance evident in his face.

'Sorry, Key, I overslept.' I defended myself.

'At least you guys came. Shall we commence our makeover now?' Yesung smiled, calming Key down.

'Yeah, let's go!' The rest of the clique said in enthusiasm.


We arrived at a eye clinic, the interior of the clinic looked so elegant. It was white everywhere, from the seats to the wallpaper to the flooring. 

'Can you tell Mr Horvejkul that Key is here?' Key asked the receptionist at the counter. 

'Just a moment..'

'Alright, he says that you can enter now.' The young lady said, gesturing us to the door. All of us went into the room, only to find a young and handsome man sitting in his chair. 

'Hi, Key! It's been a while. Who are you working your magic on today?' He asked, smiling. He had big eyes. It was beautiful, his eyes. It somehow reminded me of Donghae, since Donghae had big eyes too.

'Hey, Nichkhun~ This one.' Key replied cheerfully while pointing to me.

'Ah, I see. Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Nichkhun Horvejkul, but please call me Nichkhun.' He smiled, extending his hand for a handshake. I accepted his friendliness and smiled at him back. He was really nice to me and even shared a few jokes so that I'd feel more comfortable. I appreciated it very much.


After going to various places for my makeover, we finally stopped at a cafe, Handel & Gretel to have our lunch. Turns out that Yesung's brother owned that place, so we ate for free. The food served there was delicious, and everyone kept making jokes along the way, so it was an enjoyable meal. As for my appearance, they had dyed my hair to a shade of maroon red and had my glasses removed and replaced with contact lenses instead. For my dressing, they bought tons of clothes, where one of them chose 10 clothes each. Crazy, right? I had protested to the idea, but they all comforted me by saying that it was okay, since they all got their allowance every week. After all, they were rich people. I was still reluctant but let them do as they pleased. After my drastic transformation, all of them had complimented me by saying that I looked gorgeous, beautiful etc. I blushed at their endless compliments. I still wasn't used to getting so many compliments in a day even though it's nearly been a week.


After a long day of walking around and receiving tons of compliments from the clique and random strangers, I finally went back to school. They had suggested to go clubbing, but I didn't like the idea of people dancing around sweatily all around me. I'd rather go back to school and hang out with Donghae than to go to a club filled with strangers. They didn't pester me any longer when I said that I wasn't comfortable with the idea, so they sent me back to school with Kyuhyun's car before they set off to the club. Originally, Sungmin wanted keep me company at school, but I shooed him away. I didn't want Kyuhyun to hate me for taking his valuable time with Sungmin away.

As I took out the keys to unlock my room door, I suddenly thought of Donghae and decided to go to his room instead. Would he like the way I looked now? My hands began to sweat and my heart began to pump faster as I knocked on his door.


'Hey, Sungmin-ah, sorry to disturb you, but do you have any extra toothpaste? Me and Siwon ran out of it.' I asked, slightly embarrassed.

'Oh, I think I have some in my bag. Why don't you come in?' He invited me in. I went in and waited as Sungmin disappeared into the room. Suddenly, the door to the shower opened, revealing a half- Eunhyuk. My mouth gaped open.

'H-hae? What are you doing here?' He asked, blushing. I snapped back to my senses and replied him, avoiding eye contact as I was blushing too. Suddenly, Sungmin came bursting in our 'moment'.

'Here you go, Dong-- OH MY GOD Eunhyukkie! Are you trying to seduce me or something? I'm telling Kyuhyun!' He teased, while gasping dramatically. Eunhyuk shaked his head fiercely in respond. How adorable! He started protesting, talking in the speed of lightning.

'No!! Why would I want to seduce you? I forgot to bring my clothes in the shower, that's all!' 

'I was just joking, Eunhyukkie~ Hey, you know what! I didn't know you had abs! Your body's hot.' Sungmin continued as he handed the toothpaste over to me. I took the toothpaste, muttering a 'thanks' as I stared at Eunhyuk. His abs were defined, water was trickling down his body, his hair wet, mmmm y.


So they were going to have a surprise, eh? I wonder what it was.. Suddenly, a pillow came flying to me.

'Yah, I had been calling you for so long! What were you thinking about, huh!' Siwon laughed.

'Aisssshh, I got the toothpaste for you and this is what you do to me?' I pouted, throwing all the pillows I had on my bed at him.

'Ahhh, hyung sorry!' He pleaded while shielding himself. I chuckled as I finished throwing all my pillows at him. 

'Now you know who's boss.'

'Right....' He rolled his eyes, lying down on his bed while reading his bible again. Siwon and his bible. They're never apart. Never ever ever. I swear to God. 


*knock knock knock*

I immediately sprang from my bed. Was it Siwon? He had left just now to meet Kibum, would he be home that early? And why didn't he have the key anyway? Groaning, I stood up from my bed and walked to the door lazily. As I opened the door, a redhead man was standing there. Upon closer inspection, I realized that it was Eunhyuk. I stood there, not able to say anything. If I had thought that he was gorgeous before, then this was.. wow. He's a living statue! Beautiful. 

'...Hae?' He muttered softly.

'Oh, uhm, who are you?' I joked lightly, smiling at him.

'Haeee!' He hit me lightly on my chest. I chuckled. 'So this was the surprise?' I asked.

'Yeah.. I guess so.. Do you like the way I look?' He asked innocently. 

'No.' I said bluntly, furrowing my eyebrows. 

'What? Really?' He asked, exasperated.

'I was just joking, Hyukkie. You're so handsome! Not like you weren't handsome before but.. yeah, I like the way you look.' I confessed.

His hair was red, he had his glasses removed and his style of clothing had completely changed. He looked so hot. And y. Oh my. I think I might really be falling for him now.

'Well.. I'm glad that you do.' He heaved a sigh in relief.

He looked so y, I couldn't control myself any longer.

'Hyukkie..' I said before I pulled him in for a kiss. I nibbled on his lower lip, asking for entrance. I mentally celebrated when he opened up his lips for me. 'Haee..' he moaned during our kiss. Oh god, did that . I decided to stop the kiss before I couldn't control myself any longer.

'Hae? W..what was that for?' He asked shyly, obviously surprised.

'Uh.. you.. you had something at the corner of your lips..' I replied uncertainly. , that was a lame excuse.

'Oh.' He simply replied.




Something at the corner of my lips? How embarrassing. And to think that he actually liked me more than a friend. Hyukjae, you're crazy. He was just a friend, a really good friend. But there was something about his answer that made my heart hurt. I didn't know why, actually. Maybe I was really falling for him. But....

'Oh.' I muttered, looking down. I couldn't find anymore suitable words to say.

'I guess I should go now, then. It's getting late and I just..uh, I wanted to show you what the surprise was.. so yeah, see you around, Hae!' I faked a smile while walking away, not bothering to wait for his reply.

'Hyukkie?' I heard him call out. I could sense him chasing after me, so I ran as fast as I could. I didn't know why, but tears were falling from my eyes and I didn't want him to see me in that state. When I couldn't hear him calling out for me anymore, I stopped running and broke down in tears. I stayed in that position for a while, confused by my own feelings. Why was I crying? I was supposed to be happy.. A new beginning, friends that gave up their whole day just to do my makeover, I was surrounded by a giving and caring community, but why was my heart hurting? I must be going crazy. Yes, maybe that was it.  I had undergone a makeover, I wasn't the old Eunhyuk anymore, I was going to be more stronger than the previous Eunhyuk. Comforting and convincing myself, I managed to stop crying and dried my tears. I shouldn't be feeling this way. No, I shouldn't.


As I was walking towards my room, a few girls approached me, their arms folded. They were wearing mini-skirts, their shirts were loosely ed and they appeared to be eating lollipops. I scrunched up my nose as their heavily scented perfumes slowly made their way to my sense of smell. What did they want? Directions..? I continued walking, trying my best to ignore them. They looked like such s, complete with heavy make-up. I mean, why would you put on so much make-up? Was your face a coloring book? I don't think so.

'Yah you!' One of the girls pointed to me while shouting audibly. I stopped in my tracks. Me? So they were following me.

'Yes?' I asked politely while turning around to face them.

'You're the new guy, right? Eunhyuk..?' She said as she tried to recall my name. I nodded slightly.

'Well then, you look different. But whatever. Listen here, new guy. Just because it's already been a week and no one's ever bullied or disturbed you, doesn't mean that there aren't people who want to do it. We didn't do it because you were always hanging around with Sungminnie oppa and the others, as well as Donghae oppa. Now that you're finally alone, I just wanted to say, STAY. AWAY. FROM. THEM. You hear me? If I catch you talking with Donghae oppa again,' She stopped, pushing me hard so that I stumbled and fell to the ground.

'-You're dead.' She continued and left, laughing along with the rest of her gang.

I stayed on the ground, traumatized. My body began to tremble. Memories of my previous school bullies flooded to me. Those horrible things that they did to me.. I couldn't move. I was shaken with fear. What if those girls did what they did to me, all over again? Would I have to endure it all again? Alone..? 

Just then, Donghae appeared in my sight, running over to me.

'Hyukkie? What are you doing on the floor? Oh gosh, why are you trembling? Did something happen?' He flooded me with questions worriedly.

'Hae..' I muttered as I touched his face softly with my trembling hands. So smooth.. Then, I thought of the girls just now and immediately pulled my hands back in fear. 'Oh God, I'm sorry, please don't hurt me.' I pleaded, my hands flung atop my head protectively. I knew Donghae wasn't going to hurt me, but images of the girls coming back to beat me up started to flash through my mind. I was, after all, talking with Donghae. What if they had cameras set up all around the place, and they could see my every move?

'Hyukkie? Did something happen? Are you okay? Do you want to go to your room?' He asked again. I snapped back to my senses. My room. Yes, maybe I would be safer there. I nodded my head absent-mindedly and stood up, still trembling. I wanted to go to my room so badly. Donghae helped me up, but I refused his help and slapped his hand away while I ran to my room, unlocking the door for me to enter and locking it back as I entered. Immediately, I lied on my bed, not caring if my clothes were dirty. I lied there, releasing all my fear, crying. I also cried for Donghae. I wanted to talk to him. I wanted to get to know him more. I wanted to be best friends. Now, the possibilities of those things happening were at a zero. If I did all those, history would repeat itself all over again. Getting beaten up physically, messed with mentally.. I couldn't put up with those things anymore.. I cried more, confused and frustrated. Not long after, sleep engulfed me, calming me down.



Why has Eunhyukkie seem like he's being avoiding me and the rest of my friends these few days? His gummy smile was nowhere to be seen, and he kept making up excuses when I asked him to hang out with us. I wonder what happened? Did he not like his makeover? No.. he already said that he liked it before.. I could sense his sincerity. Was he mad?

'Eunhyukkie..? Want to go out with us?' I tried asking him again.

'Nah.. You guys go ahead, I'm tired.' He said, not looking up from his bed. Sighing, I mumbled a 'okay.'.


'Eunhyukkie..? Want to go out with us?' Sungmin asked me for the thousandth time. I shook my head lightly and rejected him. He seemed dejected when he mumbled an 'okay' to me. I felt so guilty. I didn't want Sungmin to feel bad, but I couldn't bring myself to tell him the truth. I sighed when he left and took out two letters from below my pillow, reading the both of them again and again.

First letter:

If you tell anyone, you're dead, loser.

Second letter:

Hyukkie? Why have you been avoiding me this past few days? Are you okay? Are you mad at me? If you are, I'm sorry, Hyukkie. Tell me what's going on, please? -Hae

I sighed again before chucking those two letters underneath my pillow once again. I didn't know what to do. Every choice had its pros and cpns. Indeed, choices have consequences.


*In Class*

'Class, I just wanted to inform you of our school's annual camp! It'll be taking place this Thursday, so please get your items ready before then! If not, you'll suffer out there in the forest~ Oh, and I've already picked out your partners for the camp, the easiest way!' The class groaned, and complaints could be heard everywhere. Everyone including Eunhyuk knew what was going to come out of Mr Kwon's mouth.

'-Your partners will be your desk mates!' Mr Kwon continued happily, ignoring the endless complaints from the class. 

'In the forest?!'

'Why does it have to be our desk mates???'

'ARGH! Nuuuuuu! We're going to dieeeeee~!!' 

. Desk mates huh? It's already hard enough for me to ignore Donghae these past few days, now I have to share a tent with him? Damn it... What would those girls do if they found out? I raised my hand high up in the air.

"Yes Eunhyuk-ssi?" Mr Kwon asked as he looked at my direction.

'Can I not go?' I asked.

'Haha, very funny.' Mr Kwon replied sarcastically. '-I'm afraid not, Eunhyuk-ssi. It's compulsary for every student to take part in.' He continued.

Damn. How was I supposed to avoid him now...?


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Asterius #1
Chapter 26: Ahhhhhhhhh I'm like super late in discovering this fic. HAHAHA love your story and you are God damn funny with the gifs. HAHAHAHAHA OuO
Chapter 26: Please sequellll!! This is tooooooo cute
Chapter 1: Awh, I'm glad eunhyuk has a new friend. Hopefully he'll make more along the way
EunHaeLove42 #4
Chapter 26: Really sweet and fluffy ending. :)
Thanks for sharing =DD
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 22: Way to go KyuMin. :)
EunHaeLove42 #6
Chapter 18: So mister Lee Teuk and his sorry a** goons. I have it in my mind to jump into this story and beat the living hell out of them. >_<
Kick their a**es Sungmin :P
Nice chapter and thanks for a cute EunHae date! :)
EunHaeLove42 #7
Chapter 16: ??? Memories?
Nice chapter! :)
EunHaeLove42 #8
Chapter 7: So far this story is good I just don't really like how scared of them girls Hyukjae is. It's like he's some spineless p***y that don't have any balls what-so-ever.
I know he went though a lot in his past but still he is a man, I guess! lol
Good chapter all the same. =D
EunHaeLove42 #9
Chapter 3: Poor EunHae went trough so much at a young age. I hope that Hae doesn't do anything to Hyukjae to make him scared seeing that he's scared of his own shadow.
Also I very curious about his past. Was the boy that had started the mass his friend at one time? And at least I know it wasn't Hae. =D
EunHaeLove42 #10
Chapter 1: Hummm I wonder who's Kyuhyuns best friend? I think it will be Donghae or Siwon. Because I'm a little confused on who the orange haired boy and his gang was. At first I thought of him being Hae but then I thought about Sungmin's boyfriend best friend.