I Kissed...?




'Hahaha I was just kidding, you look so cute when you're scared!' Sungmin teased Hyukkie while pinching his cheeks. I felt myself getting jealous. Only I could pinch Hyukkie like that.

'Yah what are you doing!' Both me and Kyuhyun said at the same time. Seemed like he was jealous too! We looked at each other and smiled.

'Aigooo, Donghae are you jealous?' Sungmin teased me. Of course I was jealous! He was pinching my Hyukkie! Wait, he wasn't mine. Ah, but I'd like to think so~

 'Of course! Only I can do that to my Hyukkie!' I pouted, folding my arms. I saw Hyukkie blush and Sungmin eventually let go of him while squealing 'Omooo!! Kyu-ah! Don't they look cute together!!'. It was my turn to blush then. Hyukkie was turning redder by the second. 

'Now that you say it... Hey, they do!' Kyuhyun smirked. I protested, my cheeks getting hotter. As they continued teasing us, I decided to change the subject. After all, we hadn't decided on what to do with those girls.

'Uh..er.. Anyway, what shall we do about those girls?' I stammered while ruffling my hair.

'Ey~ Changing the subject eh, Donghae? But you're right.. we have to do something about those girls..' Sungmin teased once again.

'Hmm, why don't we ask Yesung and the others too?' Kyuhyun asked. Yesung and the others, eh? Maybe I could ask Heechul hyung for some advice too. But wait, he's too sadistic and violent to be asked for advice. Oh well, I'll just ask him though. He is my favorite hyung after all~

Soon, Mr Kwon popped out of nowhere, like he always did, yelling and nagging at us. 

'Oh there you guys are!! Where have you been! Everyone's waiting for you! Hurry up!' Mr Kwon scolded. I glanced at my watch. Oh damn! We were so busy talking that we hadn't realized the time! We quickly walked to the meeting place.


'Now that's EVERYONE--' Mr Kwon said through his megaphone accusingly at us. 'is here, I can finally announce the activities lined up for today.' I looked over to Hyukkie. He seemed to be praying about something. Maybe something like, 'Please let there be no high elements.'. I chuckled to myself softly.

'Today, we'll be having team bonding exercises! You'll be paired up with people that may not be in your class. I'll give you your groups now~' Mr Kwon continued. 

'I hope that it'll be Sungmin and Kyuhyun.' Hyukkie whispered. I nodded. I didn't want to bond with other people. Anti-social, right? I know. But I've got Hyukkie, that's all I needed.

'Group 5: Donghae, Eunhyuk, Heechul, Hangeng, Sungmin, Kyuhyun~' Mr Kwon announced. Both Hyukkie and I sighed a sigh of relief. But then, Hyukkie widened at the names 'Heechul' and 'Hangeng'. Right, he hadn't seen or talked to them before.

'Don't worry, Hyukkie, Heechul's my hyung, he's a very nice person. Oh wait, maybe he isn't. But oh well, he is. Hangeng's his boyfriend so don't worry, they won't harm you.' I comforted. He relaxed and nodded.

'Ah, I see.' 

'Now get into your groups then!~' 

Hyukkie and I scrambled over to Kyuhyun and Sungmin's side. Sungmin was grinning at us happily. 

'Well now I guess we can discuss about what to do with those girls!' He chirped. 'But we're with Heechul and Hangeng, eh? Heechul, the sharp tongue.. I'm a bit scared of him, actually.' He confessed.

'Scared of him? Don't be, babe, I'll protect you if he tries to do anything.' Kyuhyun comforted Sungmin, patting his head. I chuckled.

'There's nothing to be afraid of, Heechul's my hy--' I was cut off when suddenly a hand swinged by my shoulder, and someone screamed 'Donghaeeeeeee!~' into my ear. I looked to see who it was. Ah, of course, Heechul.

'Yah, hyung! You didn't have to do that you know!' I said, rubbing my ears and hitting him lightly.

'Hahaha sorry, just that I overheard my name in your conversation, and you know I don't like it when people talk about me, right?' He said, putting on a serious face.

'Right...' I groaned. My ears still hurt. Then I realized that the others were looking at Heechul and I.

'Oh, this crazy person who just screamed into my ear is Heechul.' I introduced him.

'WHAT. Lee Donghae you're dead!' Heechul joked, pulling my head under his arm.

'Ah, ah hyung, sorry sorry~~' I begged for mercy. Just then, Hangeng ran to us, panting.

'Yah! Chul, how dare you run off without me! And what are you doing with my dear fishy?!' Hangeng panted while pointing to me. Heechul immediately let go of me.

'Aigooo~ Are you jealous?' Heechul purred, touching Hangeng's face. 'Hmm, sweating, eh? y.' He his lips. Hangeng stared at him and smiled.

'Ah, and that's Hangeng.' I introduced, rubbing my neck and pointing to Hangeng. He broke out of his trance and smiled, waving.

'Halu~ Nice to meet 'ya. I'm Hangeng~' He waved smiling. 

'Hi, nice to meet you too.' The 3 of them said in unison.

'Eh? What are you guys still doing here!? Go and go to the field to do some team-bonding activities!' Mr Kwon commanded, popping out of nowhere again. Aigo this old man, always appearing out of thin air.

'Come on, let's go~ Follow me, follow me!' Heechul said cheerfully while walking, holding hands with Hangeng. I chuckled at his behaviour. My hyung can be so adorable some times.

'Come on, let's go, Hyukkie.' I gestured to Hyukkie. He nodded. 'They seem like nice people.' He told me softly.

'Yeah, they are.' I whispered back. 


'Sooo, what are we going to do with those girls?' Sungmin asked me. I was thinking when suddenly Heechul cut me off from my thoughts.

'What girls?' He asked, curious. 

'Can I tell him?' I whispered to Hyukkie. He nodded, so I told Heechul everything.

'Omooooo~ They bullied Eunhyuk? Who, who?' He asked again.

I pointed to where the girls were. 'Oh, them?! Tsk, I've always didn't like them. They've been hitting on Hangeng and me for years!' He cursed silently.

'You have a grudge on them too? Why don't we plan something together then?' Sungmin asked, his eyes widening.

'Plan something eh? Hmmmm, why don't we throw a piano at them? Burn their tent? Release insects in their tent? Steal their clothes? Not like they wear anything anyway. How about we push them in the lake? Beat them up?' Heechul started spurring ideas. 

'Yah Chullie, are you crazy?' Hangeng asked, laughing. 

'What? They deserve it, for bullying that guy over there.' Heechul said seriously with his big eyes while looking at Hyukkie.

'Hm, now that I look at you...' Heechul said, moving closer to Hyukkie. 'You're really handsome!' He purred, touching Hyukkie's jawline. Hyukkie just looked at him blankly.

'Hyung!! Don't do that!' I pouted. He pulled away and looked at me instead. 

'Ah, are you guys a couple? Sorrryyyyyy~' He chirped. I blushed, and Hyukkie followed suit. I shooked my head, still blushing.

'Huh, fishy, you're bad at lying.' Hangeng teased. 

'I know, right!' Sungmin suddenly chirped. Hangeng looked at him and smiled.

'Now that I look at you too.. you're really cute!' Heechul purred, moving closer to Sungmin. Kyuhyun's expression immediately turned grave when Heechul touched Sungmin. 'Don't do that.' He said coldly. Heechul looked at him, 'Ah, another couple? Sorryyy~~~' He pulled away, settling beside Hangeng while giving him a peck.

'So back on topic.. What are we going to do with them?' He asked, playing with Hangeng's fingers as he spoke.

'I have a great idea.' Kyuhyun suddenly said. We listened as he started to tell us about his great idea. 

'Wahh~ That's a great idea, yeobo-ah!!' Sungmin said happily, pecking him on the cheek. Kyuhyun smiled at his actions. I thought about his idea. It wasn't bad.

'What do you think, Hyukkie?' I asked.

'I think it's okay. Not too bad, not too weak.' He said, thinking about what Kyuhyun said too.

'So now we have permission?' Kyuhyun asked. Hyukkie nodded. 

'Thanks, guys. I owe you one.' Hyukkie muttered softly. He seemed embarrased. 

'Well then, now that you owe us one, why don't you kiss Donghae on the cheeks? Lips if you want to.' Heechul said playfully. I stared at him, surprised.

'Hyung!! What are you talking about?!' I stammered, spurting out words in the speed of lightning. Just then, everyone was chanting, 'Do it do it do it!'.


'What do you think, Hyukkie?' Hae asked me as we finished listening to Kyuhyun's great idea. I thought about it. It didn't seem too bad, it wasn't going to hurt those girls.

I nodded and said what I thought about it.

'Thanks, guys. I owe you one.' I muttered, embarrassed. I was so grateful to have friends like this. Heechul and Hangeng seemed like nice people too. They were really close to Hae, as I could see.

'Well then, now that you owe us one, why don't you kiss Donghae on the cheeks? Lips if you want to.' Heechul suddenly said, looking at me with twinkling eyes. What? Kiss Hae? Now? On the cheeks? Lips? I stared at him.

'Hyung!! What are you talking about?!' Hae started protesting, but they all soon started to drown him in their chants of 'Do it, do it do it!'. I looked as Hae looked at me. Should I do it? I've always wanted to. Not that I haven't. I debated with myself and eventually ended up pressing my lips against Hae's soft pinkish lips. I heard everyone cheering and some stranger's eyes on me, but I didn't care. Kissing Hae made me feel like I was in Heaven. I smirked as Hae opened up his lips for me to enter. Our tongues battled for dominance, but Hae eventually let me win. I explored his mouth, tasting every corner. He seemed like he was enjoying it too. I pulled away and Hae just looked at me, confused and wanting more.

'Woooaaah~~ That was an intense kiss! Are you guys sure you aren't couples?!' Hangeng cheered. Everyone else joined in the cheering. I felt myself turning red.

'Couples, eh?' Hae said, putting his arm over my shoulders. 'We'll see about that.' He continued. I smiled as everyone cheered. Couples, eh? I wonder.. Suddenly, a rock hit my back. I looked back, only to find the girls glaring at me. I poked Hae and he immediately looked back. When he looked back, the girls turned their glares away from me. 'What? What happened?' He asked. He saw the rock behind me and widened his eyes. I felt him lowering his hand to take the rock. He stood up, walking towards the girls, still holding the rock. Everyone else stared at him, wondering what was going to happen.

'Who did this?' He asked softly, showing the rock to the girls. They kept quiet and didn't say anything. Thank God that we were the only ones there, no other groups were here. When they didn't answer Hae, Hae threw the rock, screaming, 'WHO DID THIS?!'. Heechul immediately ran to his side. We followed suit.

'Hae.. relax.' I comforted him. He turned his back and glared at me.

'No.' He told me firmly. Suddenly, one of the girls stood up, touching Hae's chest. 

'Oppa.. it wasn't me.~' She purred flirtily, pushing up her chest to show Hae her s. Hae pushed her hand away. 'What the do you think you're doing?' He asked angrily, his voice shaking. 

'Oppa..' She tried again. This time, not able to control his anger, Hae pushed her, making her fall.

'Donghae, calm down.' Heechul said in an authoritative voice, holding Hae's arms down. I saw him start to relax. I was scared. I hadn't seen him in this state before.

'Might as well commence the 'mission' now.' Hangeng said to all of us. Kyuhyun nodded.

'You guys, stay away from Eunhyuk. And us. We don't need s to come up to us threatening our dear Eunhyuk and flirting with us. You es, stay away, got it?' Sungmin glared. The girls just looked at us, scared.

'Oppa, it really wasn't us...~' Another girl tried. 

'! Didn't I tell you to stay away?' Sungmin shouted in her face while kicking her in the stomach, using his martial arts skills. We all looked at him, surprised.

'Minnie, relaxxx~' Kyuhyun cooed.

'Right, sorry.' He apologized to Kyuhyun, smiling. The girl fell to the floor, wincing in pain. The other girls looked at us in horror before slowly backing out. Soon, all of them had disappeared.

'Hah, guess that turned out well.' Heechul said, trying to lift the mood. I walked over to Hae, he was still angry.

'You okay?' I asked softly. He looked at me and his eyes softened.

'Are you?' He asked back. I nodded. He then pulled me into his embrace, hugging me tightly. I hugged him back. Why was he hugging me? Suddenly he pulled away, but not letting me go and looked at me in the eyes.

'Hyukkie..' He said softly. Wait, I've experienced this before. Where?

As soon as he said that, he crashed his lips onto mine, interrupting my thoughts. I was shocked, but eventually replied to his kiss. Everyone was cheering, saying 'I knew it!' and 'Awwww~'. I smiled in the kiss, and so did Hae.

When he pulled away, I finally realized where I'd experienced this before.

'There wasn't anything at the corner of my lips, were there?'(a/n; if you don't remember, go back to chapter7's ending :b) I asked. He seemed surprised but laughed softly after realizing.

'No.' He simply replied. 

'I love you, Hyukkie.' He confessed, still smiling. I was taken aback, but he kissed me again before letting me answer and process my thoughts.

'Oh my gosh, about time!' Heechul said, along with Sungmin. They were back to cheering again. I pulled away from Hae. I decided to a bit.

'Well, I don't.' I teased. Heechul gasped dramatically. I looked over to him and smiled.

'Are you.. sure?' Hae asked, disappointed. 

'Hmmm.' I pretended to think before answering him.

'No. I love you too, Hae!' I smiled, grinning as I pecked him on the lips. Nothing could go wrong, right? I loved Hae, he loved me, I had supportive friends, those girls were out of the picture, and oh my god I KISSED HAE. 


A/N; WHOOPS SORRY FOR LATE UPDATE T_T I think this update was lame -_- but oh well~~ I'm sleepy >< Enjoy!! 

If you read but didn't comment/subscribe...


mxanimefreak; hahaha it's Mr bean!! hahahah thanks for the suggestions :P Enjoy reading!

tsundere_zen; I <3 Kyumin too!!! hahaha Yes i was inspired, thank you so much <3

funsize92; it is funny, right? xD hahah you gotta love Mr Kwon :P Updated, sorry for the long wait T_T

strawberrypie13; I might or might not be :P HAHA HELLO FELLOW SINGAPOREAN! xD hmm an eye for an eye? true! hope you enjoyed!

salad92; hahaha updated, hope you like it <3

taengoo_love; it is, right?! hahahah xD

JennyLalaalaaaa; Thank you love <3 Updated, yay!

shelly; KILL THEM!? hahah they'll end up in jail T_T hahaha yeah, who are they to tell hyukkie to stay away!! thanks for reading <3

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Asterius #1
Chapter 26: Ahhhhhhhhh I'm like super late in discovering this fic. HAHAHA love your story and you are God damn funny with the gifs. HAHAHAHAHA OuO
Chapter 26: Please sequellll!! This is tooooooo cute
Chapter 1: Awh, I'm glad eunhyuk has a new friend. Hopefully he'll make more along the way
EunHaeLove42 #4
Chapter 26: Really sweet and fluffy ending. :)
Thanks for sharing =DD
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 22: Way to go KyuMin. :)
EunHaeLove42 #6
Chapter 18: So mister Lee Teuk and his sorry a** goons. I have it in my mind to jump into this story and beat the living hell out of them. >_<
Kick their a**es Sungmin :P
Nice chapter and thanks for a cute EunHae date! :)
EunHaeLove42 #7
Chapter 16: ??? Memories?
Nice chapter! :)
EunHaeLove42 #8
Chapter 7: So far this story is good I just don't really like how scared of them girls Hyukjae is. It's like he's some spineless p***y that don't have any balls what-so-ever.
I know he went though a lot in his past but still he is a man, I guess! lol
Good chapter all the same. =D
EunHaeLove42 #9
Chapter 3: Poor EunHae went trough so much at a young age. I hope that Hae doesn't do anything to Hyukjae to make him scared seeing that he's scared of his own shadow.
Also I very curious about his past. Was the boy that had started the mass his friend at one time? And at least I know it wasn't Hae. =D
EunHaeLove42 #10
Chapter 1: Hummm I wonder who's Kyuhyuns best friend? I think it will be Donghae or Siwon. Because I'm a little confused on who the orange haired boy and his gang was. At first I thought of him being Hae but then I thought about Sungmin's boyfriend best friend.