


(A/N; Daffodils aren't really Eunhyuk's favourite flowers)

So, this is it huh? I'm finally leaving all those bitter memories behind, starting with this new school. New surroundings, new people, a new dialect.. Are they really worth it? No wait.. Eunhyuk, what are you thinking! This is a new beginning, a BETTER beginning. You've already come this far. You can't give up now! Lee Eunhyuk, hwaiting!

The blonde-haired boy pushed up his thick black framed spectacles, motivating himself with a loud 'Hwaiting!'. But even after the loud 'Hwaiting!', he couldn't move his legs to go pass the gate of the huge and elegant-looking school. What if the people here were worse than those of his previous school? What would happen then? What if... Aish! He shouldn't be thinking like this. He hit himself on the head lightly before heaving a sigh and walking pass the gates. He could only hope for the best. 

Holding his recommendation letter tightly in his sweatly palm and his luggage in another hand, he entered the school. Oh my god, it's huge! His eyes widened at the sight. He stood in awe for a moment before continuing his way to the school's office. It was a bit -- well maybe A LOT -- hard to find, as he had walked up and down the staircase as well as around the blocks several times before he finally found a sign that read, 'OFFICE'. He followed it, eyes darting everywhere and his palms still sweaty. Soon, he had reached the school's office. He was awfully tired from all the walking with his heavy luggage. He entered quietly, not wanting to disturb anyone with the bell that was attached to the door. Inside, he found an old lady at the desk, reading the local newspaper very intently while holding a cup of coffee. Her grey hair was bunned up, and her reading glasses were at the tip of her nose. When she heard the bell ring, she reluctantly put down her local newspaper and glared at the blonde-haired boy. 

'Annyeonghasaeyo.. L-Lee Hyukjae imnida.' Eunhyuk bowed nervously.

'Ah. The boy with the recommendation letter, right? May I see it?' The old lady replied, her voice surprisingly soft and gentle.

'Ne.. here it is, ma'am.' Eunhyuk walked to her table and put the recommendation letter on her desk.

'Ma'am? You may call me Mdm Park, Hyukjae-ssi.' She chuckled lightly while reading through the letter and doing some administrative stuff on her computer.

Eunhyuk just nodded and watched what she was doing.

'Okay Hyukjae-ssi, your first class, English, starts in an hour, so you would have time to unpack and change into the school uniform before heading to class. Your room number is 015, and here's a map of the school, your room key and the school uniform.' Mdm Park informed him. 

'Araso.. Kamsahamida, Mdm Park.' Eunhyuk bowed and took all the stuff that Mdm Park had handed him. 

As he got out of the office, he could see Mdm Park staring intently at her local newspaper again. He grinned to himself. She was so nice, but looked so scary and stern when reading newspapers. Maybe the people here wouldn't be so bad after all.

Oh well, time to find my room! He thought to himself, wondering whether he would be sharing his room with someone else. If so, how would his roommate be like? Surely not the mean and abusive sort.. He shuddered at that thought before shrugging it off. He shouldn't be so quick to assume things.

Finally, after about 5~10 minutes of walking around with his heavy luggage, he found his room. 015. He unlocked the door slowly, scared out of his wit if anyone were to be in that room with a knife in his possession, ready to hurt him. He shuddered again before shrugging the thought off. Surely there wouldn't be anyone inside the room, the students were having classes, right? Convincing himself, he pushed the key inside and twisted the doorknob, slowly but surely. He embraced himself if there were to be some kind of murderer in the room. When the door was fully ajar and he had stood there with his eyes closed for about 10 seconds and nothing happened to him, he opened his eyes slowly, feeling slightly stupid. He heaved a sigh of relief, seeing that nobody was present and that nobody had seen his weird reaction to opening a freaking door. He dragged his luggage into the room and closed the door, locking it. He analyzed the room, eyes wide opened.

The room was huge! There were sofas, two televisions, a bathroom, and two beds. Wait.. two televisions and beds, that meant that he was sharing his room with someone else. He glanced at the two beds. One of them was occupied, with clothes and music books scattered on the bed. The other one, however, was empty. It seemed that that was his bed. After he finished analyzing the whole room, he threw his school uniform and map onto his bed, and soon threw himself on the bed too. The bed was suprisingly soft, and it felt so.. warm. It'd been so long since he'd been on a bed, he had forgotten how it felt like. Hugging a pillow, he closed his eyes, thinking about his past life. Had it really been the right decision for him to come here?


'Please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me.. I'll do whatever you say, please don't hurt me..' Eunhyuk chanted over and over again with his hands flung atop his head protectively. He was lying sprawled on the floor, covered with his own blood. He could taste it too, since his lips were busted and bleeding. His hands were trembling, he was feeling dizzy; he couldn't take it anymore. All that was left to do was to beg for them to not do anymore harm to him. They had done enough, after all. 

'Hah! Look at this punk, begging us to not hurt him. So pathetic. And what's that you say? You'll do anything?' The orange-coloured hair boy smirked while kicking the side of Eunhyuk's stomach rather harshly. His friends laughed, looking at Eunhyuk trembling in fear. 

Eunhyuk just nodded and held in his pain as he clutched the side of his stomach.

'Well then, if you'll do anything, come here, my lovely Eunhyuk.' The orange-coloured hair boy continued. Eunhyuk hesitated a while before proceeding to him, but decided to do so, in fear of getting beaten up again.

'Good, good~' The orange-coloured hair boy cooed. 'Now come.. sit on my lap~' He purred, his lips. Eunhyuk obeyed obediently. The next thing he knew, his clothes were abandoned on the ground, and guys were groping him everywhere. Oh how much it hurt..

-End of flashback-

Without Eunhyuk realizing it, tears began to escape from his eyes. Oh, what he'd do to get those bastards back, to make them suffer the way he did. More importantly, he'd wanted to forget those memories. They were just too painful and unbearable. He hugged his pillow harder, wanting and needing reassurance. If only his parents were still alive..

'OH MY GOD WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?' A voice shrieked at Eunhyuk in shock. That made Eunhyuk jump out of his bed, wiping his tears immediately. What greeted his sight was a rather handsome young man. Was this guy going to hurt him? 

'Uh.. I-I'm the new resident of this room, Lee Hyukjae but I'd prefer it if you call me Eunhyuk.. Y-you are? You're not going to hurt me, are you?' Eunhyuk managed to stutter through his frightened state.

'Whaaaaaaaat? Me? Hurt you? I'd never hurt a fly! So, you're the new student, huh? You're pretty cute! Anyway, I'm going to be your roommate for the rest of your school life, so, let's try and get along well! My name's Sungmin, Lee Sungmin!' The young man, identified as Lee Sungmin smiled cheerfully while extending his hand for a handshake.

Eunhyuk stared at his extended hand hesitantly. Should he accept his friendliness? He did seem nice though, this Lee Sungmin. So awfully bright and cheerful. Not to mention cute too.

'Well? Are you going to keep me waiting forever?' Sungmin pouted. Eunhyuk snapped out of his thoughts and grinned at him. 'Sorry.' He said and willingly shook Sungmin's hand. It wouldn't hurt trusting a guy like him, right?

'Uh, Sungmin-ssi? Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be having classes?' Eunhyuk asked politely after much hesitation. Sungmin looked at him with a surprised expression.

'Sungmin-ssi? Haha, Eunhyuk-ah, it's okay, you can drop the -ssi, we're going to be friends now!' Sungmin said, smiling. Eunhyuk just stared at him, surprised as well. Friends? It had been a while since he had heard that word. Friends.

'-And yes, you're right, I'm supposed to be having classes now, but I forgot to bring my textbook with me on the way to class, so here I am! Getting the textbook. Pretty dumb of me, right?' Sungmin chuckled to himself while ruffling his own hair. Eunhyuk didn't say anything and just looked at him. Sungmin was adorable in his own way, and Eunhyuk had felt so touched when he had said that they were going to be friends. He wanted to tear up, but held it in. He didn't want to cry in front of someone he'd just met. He wasn't that weak.

'Aren't you going to say anything?' Sungmin pouted, puffing up his cheeks in an adorable manner. 

'Ah, sorry Sungmin-ssi.' Eunhyuk quickly replied, startled and afraid that Sungmin would get angry at him. He didn't realize that he hadn't said anything.

'Eunhyukkie!! I told you to drop the -ssi, didn't I?' Sungmin frowned. Eunhyukkie? Since when did he come up with that nickname?

'Oh right.. Sorry Sungmin-ah~' Eunhyuk replied while fiddling with his fingers, feeling a little embarrassed. He hadn't been anyone's friend for a while now.

'Anyway, Eunhyukkie, when's and what's your next class?' Sungmin asked curiously.

Oh , he had forgotten about his classes! He hadn't even changed to the school uniform yet! Looking at the clock on the wall, he heaved a sigh of relief. There was still 30 minutes left. 

'My next class is.. English, and it's in 30 minutes time, actually..' Eunhyuk told him as he looked at his timetable. 

'Oh really?! My next class is English too! Want to go together?' 

'But what about your class?'

'It's okay Eunhyukkie, I'll ditch it~ Not like I like the class anyway! Oh, but I'd better text my boyfriend first.' Eunhyuk's eyes widened at Sungmin's sentence. Boyfriend? Sungmin seemed to sense Eunhyuk's shock. 

'Yes Eunhyukkie, I'm gay. Do you mind?' He smiled sweetly. Eunhyuk absorbed what he said before shaking his head. Of course he didn't mind. As long as two humans loved each other, it didn't matter about their gender, right? 

'Oooo~ Really? You don't mind? I'll introduce you to my boyfriend and his best friend later on then!' Sungmin giggled.

'But now, you should get dressed in your school uniform so we won't be late for English!' He continued. Oh right, English. Eunhyuk had forgotten for a while there that he had a lesson in 30 minutes. He quickly scrambled to the bathroom to change his clothes. When he got out, he found Sungmin staring at him.

'W-what? Is there something on my face?' Eunhyuk asked, worried.

'Nono~ Sorry for staring Eunhyukkie~ You know, you're really handsome! With a few tweaks here and there.. You have a really defined jawline! My boyfriend might be jealous of you!' Sungmin giggled. 

Eunhyuk's face went red with embarrassment at the sudden compliment. 'T-thanks Sungmin.' Eunhyuk smiled, revealing his gummy smile.

'You should smile more! Your smile is really beautiful!' Sungmin complimented again. Feeling incredibly awkward to hear Sungmin's never-ending compliments, Eunhyuk decided to compliment him too. 

'You're really cute, Sungmin.' Eunhyuk tried to compliment Sungmin. 

'I've heard that a lot, but thanks!' Sungmin smiled. 'You'd better not say that infront of my boyfriend though, he gets jealous pretty easily.'

Eunhyuk nodded. This Lee Sungmin, he really did seem like a nice person. Always smiling; so bubbly; so cute. Maybe the people here weren't that bad after all.


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Asterius #1
Chapter 26: Ahhhhhhhhh I'm like super late in discovering this fic. HAHAHA love your story and you are God damn funny with the gifs. HAHAHAHAHA OuO
Chapter 26: Please sequellll!! This is tooooooo cute
Chapter 1: Awh, I'm glad eunhyuk has a new friend. Hopefully he'll make more along the way
EunHaeLove42 #4
Chapter 26: Really sweet and fluffy ending. :)
Thanks for sharing =DD
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 22: Way to go KyuMin. :)
EunHaeLove42 #6
Chapter 18: So mister Lee Teuk and his sorry a** goons. I have it in my mind to jump into this story and beat the living hell out of them. >_<
Kick their a**es Sungmin :P
Nice chapter and thanks for a cute EunHae date! :)
EunHaeLove42 #7
Chapter 16: ??? Memories?
Nice chapter! :)
EunHaeLove42 #8
Chapter 7: So far this story is good I just don't really like how scared of them girls Hyukjae is. It's like he's some spineless p***y that don't have any balls what-so-ever.
I know he went though a lot in his past but still he is a man, I guess! lol
Good chapter all the same. =D
EunHaeLove42 #9
Chapter 3: Poor EunHae went trough so much at a young age. I hope that Hae doesn't do anything to Hyukjae to make him scared seeing that he's scared of his own shadow.
Also I very curious about his past. Was the boy that had started the mass his friend at one time? And at least I know it wasn't Hae. =D
EunHaeLove42 #10
Chapter 1: Hummm I wonder who's Kyuhyuns best friend? I think it will be Donghae or Siwon. Because I'm a little confused on who the orange haired boy and his gang was. At first I thought of him being Hae but then I thought about Sungmin's boyfriend best friend.