Almost Lovers




Falling in love is the best yet a painful feeling...

A story of a girl who shut down love from her system and a boy(even in his time of despair) who continues to believe in the power of love even if he was already hurt because of it. In a sudden place and time they met and had this different feeling. A feeling that they never experienced even once in their life . A feeling that made Im Yoona more scared and Lee Donghae bring his old him back.





Warning: Not all love stories end happily.





In an unexpected time, we met.

In an unexpected way, I fell in love...funny isn't? I fell in love, which is in fact the most thing I avoid to experience, still happened.

And in an unexpected event, I lost the guy who, not only introduced the most genuine meaning of love, but also taught me how to love.

And that unexpected event, made us almost lovers.


I didn't... never..ever regret loving him. In fact, it is the most wonderful thing that happened to me. What I regret is that it.

Telling you won't matter. It will always be my fault. If only I could turn back time, I shouldn't because he..Aish!!! I keep on going back to that topic! Geez! I can't forget it, him. The pain keeps on coming back. T.T


While him..him..he couldn't be able to remember us...??

He couldn't recognize me..because... his...





is already gone...


and It is all my fault.. my fault..


Piece of advise: Don't imititate what I did. Cherish all the moments you have with whoever you love. and Don't hesitate..Aish!!


Did I just use that effin' word??


Aish!! actually it isn't just my fault.. It is also the fault of this so-called word 'hesitate' I want to forget it already.. destroy or rip the pages or whatsover that has that word in it..


Arghh!! I am already acting like an irrational, stupid, crazy person..


Going back to my last piece of advise: Don't hesi-Aish forget it!! I can't bear to use that stupid effin word again.


I may be the cause of what happened to him, but that obtuse word h-e-s, Aish for sure you already know the word I am talking about right?? no need to explain?? If you can;t get it, screw you..

Arghh!! What the hell is happening to me?

Anyways... going back.. that obstuse word has something, no scratch that has everything to do with what happened to him.. Arghh!! Why am I blaming a word for his...forget it!


Lee Donghae,

I know this wish is absurd and will never happen.. but please... please come back to me.. I want to see you again.. I miss you so much.. Please.. let me see you again.. even if it's just in a dream, I'll do/accept everything just to see you again..Please let me see you, so that I can tell you how much I love you...let you feel that I truly love you..Please come back to me.. Let me see you again..

But what am I doing?? I should just let you be at peace with your new life up there..arghh! forget everything that I wrote.

Everything could change, Donghae. Everything. But my love for you will not. Never in a thousand years. Never.






This is my first Yoonhae and second Taeteuk fanfic. Sorry for the wrong grammar and spellings . Nobody's perfect..LOL. Anyways enjoy reading my story smiley You're free to comment just please avoid harsh words(if ever)




and please DON'T plagiarize



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valfair #1
Chapter 22: Please update
putrilovefishy #2
Chapter 20: Update soon authornim...
Chapter 19: Update soon please!
exotaeng9 #4
Chapter 17: update.....
exotaeng9 #5
Chapter 14: update....
exotaeng9 #6
Chapter 12: Update.....
exotaeng9 #7
Chapter 12: Update.....
Chapter 11: Wow. updated. :))))
update soon~~~~~
can't wait for coming up love triangle!
update s0on~ ^^