--- O'9

Marrying the Gay .


Her Point of view;

Choi Minho, walked me to my room and saved my life, Choi Minho, the love of my life saved my life.

"Thank you again, for saving me." I bow to him as he gives me a flash of smile as he nods and stares at me.

"I wasn't really saving. Let's just say, I was watching over." He grins.

"How did you know I was there though?" I asked as I leaned on the wall a little to feel the coldness.

"Like I said, I was watching over you." He says as my face began to flush into redness.

"Now get in, I want you dried so we can have a delicious meal Kibum and Jinki made." He said as I nodded and took out my card as I slid into it.

"You can go ahead first, I'll be out." I replied."

"It's fine, I'll wait." He assured as I nodded and walked in.

I lean on the door as I see his face waiting for me to dry up as I quickly wore my shirt and jeans as I dried my hair with a towel as I combed my hair and added on some lipgloss.

I wasn't a lip gloss kind of girl, but somehow today, made me wear them.

"Wow, you come out pretty quick." He says amazingly staring at me as I came out as I straightened my hair with my hands as I cheekly smiled.

"Yeah, ready to go?" I giggled as he put his arms out for me to link arms with as I stared at it for the longest time of period.

"Don't worry, Jonghyun won't have to know." He winked as he put my arms around him as my face began to get red as I nod and got dragged out with him as I thought I was in heaven.

I wish this day stayed like this forever.


His Point of View;

"Hyung, why aren't you eating? I thought you were hungry?" Taemin asks as he was eating his rice along with Jinki next to him feeding Taeyeon some meat he grilled as she giggled.

"Don't worry, I'm eating." I grumbled not focused on anything as I just put the randomest things in my mouth.

"Yeah, you're only eating cucumbers. Didn't know you were such a fan of veggies." Kibum says rolling his eyes as I flash him a glare when I hear Minho and ______ laughing near me as I turn to see them linking--, arms?

My wife, is linking arms with my best friend?

Before I knew it, I dropped my cucumber which Doojoon stared at me for a while as he looked at his sister as he gawked.

"Yun ______!" He yelled before she shockingly stared and took her arms out of his arms as he chuckled as she blushed and walked towards me and sat down feeling her cheeks.

I stared at her for a while as I threw my left over cucumber at her face.

"Are you having fun with your prince charming, wifey?" I whispered towards her as she lifted her chopsticks up to grab the meat as her face faced me as I glared at her.

"Yes. Oh, Jonghyun--, did anyone tell you?" She whispered as I looked at her.

"Someone invited someone else here." She says.

Before I could say who it was, I heard a girly voice behind me as I stared to see myself dropping another piece of my cucumber.

"Jonghyun, you were really here." He says as he walks past everyone and sits down next to me on the other side as I see himself up and down.

"Jokwon, what're you doing here?" I managed to ask as he eyes me and points out ______.

"Your dear wife had invited me." He says as Seulong, Jinwoon, and Changmin came and plopped next to Kibum and Minho as _____ kept staring at Minho.

"I thought you didn't want to talk to me." I grumbled as he shrugged.

"I guess I came here to talk to you?" Jokwon said as I put my chopsticks down and my cucumber as I looked at him.

"Are you sure?" I questioned before I heard a screeching sound from the chairs as I see Doojoon standing up and walking towards me as he taps my shoulder.

"If your done eating that cucumber, mind coming and talking with me? I have things to tell you." He says as I nodded and followed after him.

"Wait, Jonghyun--" I heard Jokwon's voice trail off as I ignored him for a while and followed Doojoon towards the beach.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"Is there something wrong between you and my sister?" He asked concerned as he put his hands in his pockets as I stared out into the ocean.

"That is what I want to ask myself." I mumbled looking over and crossing my arms.

"I've known she had a crush on that Choi Minho guy from the start--, I didn't know he was best friends with you?" He says.

"Why do you think that?" I ask.

"Come on, you're gay. I didn't expect a flowerly looking boy like him to be friends with you--, you know--, you." He says rubbing his jaw as I gawked at him.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I said crossing my arms as he chuckles.

"I'm kidding--, only some parts." He says before facing me.

"I'm not saying this because I like you." He starts off before I swallow hard.

"I'm saying this because you're my brother in law, even though I don't, or you don't seem to like me. I'm also saying this because you are my sister's first boyfriend slash husband and I don't want you to ruin it for her." He says eyeing me as I nod.

"Yeah, what is it?" I asked.

"I don't want my sister near that Choi Minho guy." He says in a dead serious tone as I tilt my head.

"Not my problem that she likes him." I said shrugging even though it is some parts of my problem.

"I don't like you with her either. But if I had to chose between you or that guy over there--" He says facing Minho's direction then coming back to me.

"I'd rather chose you." He says.

"Why me?" I asked in an irritated tone to see my wife staring at Minho, and Jokwon just staring at me.

"Because you're gay, and I am a boy." Doojoon says as I confusingly stared at him.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I asked.

"I am a boy, I know who's a playboy or not. Choi Minho, looks like one. You, on the other hand, may be a playboy to boys like the ones you get attracted to, but I know you won't be able to play my sister's heart."  


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Chapter 13: don't give up on this?? :(
please update..i'm begging you author-nim :'(
Chapter 13: i'm new reader and already subscribing...

update soon, please...
Chapter 13: update plsssssss~~~~
update soon! c:
Please update soon! I love this fanfic! >.<
when u r going to update please me and my sister are dying to find out what is going to happin:'(
please update more ... i like it soo much <3