--- 1`O

Marrying the Gay .


Her Point of View;

I saw Doojoon oppa taking Jonghyun all the way out to sea, I wonder what he's going to talk about.

"Have some, it's really good." I heard Minho's voice next to me as I swore that was Jonghyun's seat.

I didn't care though, the fact Choi Minho was next to me was good enough.

"Thank you." I murmured slightly as I went to grab the piece of lettuce when he stopped me.

"Here, I'll put it in your mouth for you." as my face reddened from blushing too much.

"It's okay, I got it." I managed to say as I took it from his grip as I put it in my mouth and chewed it slowly.

"I wonder what Jonghyun and Doojoon are talking about." He muttered as he rubbed his jawline as I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm wondering that too." I replied drinking my cup of water as he smiled at me.

"Do you want to go for a walk on the beach?" He asked as I stuttered not knowing what to say.

"S-sure." I said as he took my hand and led me outisde towards the beach as I stared at the stars up on the sky.

He stared at me as I closed my eyes and looked up only as I smelled the salty air.

"Wow, I love the beach at night." I said amazingly as he stared at me before he chuckled.

"Yeah, it's beautiful." He muttered as I nodded before looking straight at him as he coughed.

"How do you like this vacation so far?" He questioned me putting his hands in his pockets as I shrugged.

"Not the best, but it's good." I managed to say before I felt his fierce gaze towards me as I decided not to look at him back as he crept closer.

"You want me to make it better for you?" He asked as came closer to me as he held onto my shoulders.

"B-better?" I asked stuttering my mouth off as he came closer to my face, inches away as he leaned closer to me as I felt his arms off my shoulders as I see him on the floor holding on his lips.

Shocked, I stare up to see Jonghyun behind me as his fist was in the air panting hard as Minho looked at his fingers which wiped the blood of his face as he smirked.

"What was that for?" He questioned him as he panted harder and glared at him.

"Don't try to kiss her, you sly dog." He gritted his teeth, clenching his fist as I walked up onto him.

"Are you okay, Minho?" I asked him as he nodded as I helped him up.

"Aren't you going to say sorry?" I yelled at Jonghyun as I was holding onto Minho as Jonghyun stared at me like I was crazy.

"Sorry, why would the hell would I say, sorry?" He asked angrily as I glared at him.

"You punched him with no reasons!" I yelled as his eyes were red as he stared at me.

"He was trying to kiss you!" He yelled.

"--And what if I like it!" I fought back as he stopped yelling at me as he looked at the ocean not saying a word.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." I said very upset with him as I walked towards the hotel leaving Jonghyun and Minho alone on the beach.

"Jonghyun, it was suppose to be the best day of my life."


His Point of View;

I was finished talking to Doojoon, when I saw Jokwon on the side crossing his arms and looking at the sea.

Walking up to him, he didn't turn his head, but he knew I was there, waiting for him to say something.

"So, it's true." He muttered as I looked at him confused.

"About what?" I asked slidding next to him and looking at the ocean he was looking at as he faced me.

"The fact you and ______ are married!" He yelled flinging his arms in the air as I looked away.

"Yeah, I told you before." I said bluntly as he chuckled.

"Yeah, thinking we were nothing." He says as I felt guilty for leaving him but didn't say a word.

"I still like you--." He says quietly as I stare at him as he shifted his gaze and body towards me.

"And I came here when she invited me, to find out if you liked me too." He says as I didn't say a word.

"Come on, Jonghyun. You like me too, right?" Jokwon asked as I couldn't say a word again.

"Come on, tell me, you like me too, Jonghyun." He pleaded as he put his arms on me as I looked at it then left his grip.

"I like you, but I don't know if I still do." I said to him as his arms fell to the side.

"Don't tell me you're falling for her?" He asked.

"I'm not." I told him as he smirked and looked at me with stern eyes.

"Why are you lying, I know what you are saying!"

"I'm not lying. I don't like her, and that's final." I said as he laughed.

"You're quite funny, Kim Jonghyun." He says looking straight at me.

"Jokwon, she has nothing to do with this. She's just someone I live with, I don't like her."

"You love her then?" He asked an unusual question.

"No, I don't. I'm gay." I murmured.

"You're gay, if you're gay, why don't you like me anymore!" Jokwon yelled furious from my answer.

"Becuase--, I don't okay?" I asked as he looked away from me.

"Sure, Jonghyun. Sure." He says before walking back where the others were as I felt myself bite my lips when I began to turn to see Minho and ______ walking outside towards the sand next to me as they were talking.

Walking closer, I saw him talking to her.

Going closer, I see his face inches away from hers as my eyes started to widen.

He was going to kiss her.

Choi Minho, was going to kiss Yun _____.

Without notice, I ran up to them and punched Minho as hard as I could to see him fall, and to see her, eyes widened as she glared at me.

She yelled at me a lot before walking back to the hotel where I stood there with Minho laughing at me.

"You think that'll make her like you?" He questioned me as I gave him a glare.

"Don't think you won, yet, Choi Minho." I said to him as he kept laughing like he was crazy.

"But Jonghyun, you're gay. Why would you protect your wife too much?" He asked tilting his head like he really didn't know.

"I am gay. But she's my wife. I don't want her with you. If you know what I mean." I said as he tilted his head more.

"You sure, Jonghyun?" He questioned coming closer to me as he looked down at me.

"I thought you were quiet happy." He says making me confused this time.

"What're you talking about?" I yelled at him as he chuckled rubbing the side of his jaw.

"I'll let this off easily, Jonghyun." He says before heading off as I stopped him.

"What are you trying to say!" I yelled at him this time even louder to make him turn around.

He kicked the sound, putting his hands in his pockets as he smiled.

"I thought you'd be happy you're plan was working, I guess not." He muttered at me before leaving as I Was there speechless.

Stupid, Choi Minho. Stupid smart , Choi Minho.

"I thought I'd be happy too."


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Chapter 13: don't give up on this?? :(
please update..i'm begging you author-nim :'(
Chapter 13: i'm new reader and already subscribing...

update soon, please...
Chapter 13: update plsssssss~~~~
update soon! c:
Please update soon! I love this fanfic! >.<
when u r going to update please me and my sister are dying to find out what is going to happin:'(
please update more ... i like it soo much <3