
Marrying the Gay .


Her Point of View;

"Thanks for inviting us!" Sunny exclamined hugging me as the others nodded with agreement as I shrugged.

"Of course I had to invite you guys, you guys are like, my best friends!" I yelled as the others nodded this time.

"I wish we could go next time, but the fact that we have college applications to fill out, we won't be able to have any girl time next year." Jiyeon pouted as she slammed the lockers shut as I pouted.

"No problem, ladies, we got that under control." Onew smiles walking towards us as him, Taemin, and Key were leaning on the lockers.

"We--, rich kids, get anything we want." Onew winks at Taeyeon who grumbles and holds up her book.

"I'm going to class." She muttered at her cute behavior as he watched her leave.

"______, have you seen Jonghyun around?" Taemin questioned me as I looked at him and gave him a shake of a head.

"Actually no. He left early this morning, couldn't get a hold of him since." I said as I see Jonghyun coming near us swirling the keys on his fingers as he smirked at us.

"Where have you been?" Key asks his hands on his hips as Jonghyun grinns and touches his brown hair.

"I broke up with Jokwon today." He says as we all gasp, except for the boys.

"Weren't you guys already broken up?" Key asks as I grab Jonghyun's arms.

"What--, why--, why did you break up with him?" I stuttered a little bit as he stared at me and looking down where I was holding his grasp.

"Because I wanted to?" He replied as he put my arm down from him as I was shocked by his sudden behavior.

Key, who noticed the sudden behavior also spoke up.

"Jonghyun, can I talk to you for a second?" He asked as he pointed to another direction.

"Actually--" He started off looking at his phone.

"I have to go somewhere quick." He continued as he faced me.

"I will probably come home late, so don't wait up." He said to me as I was standing away from him.

He left at a crowd as he didn't turn back.

"Is Jonghyun, okay?" Taemin questions as Hyunah popps her bubble.

"Guess someone had a little fight at home." She says as the others agree.

"But nothing happened."


His Point of View;

"Why so late of an appearence?"

I reached the rooftop to see Minho's hands in his pockets as he looked at me as I stared back.

"What's the reason why you make me come up here?" I questioned him as I knew I was rude towards him.

"You probably know why, since we always talk about this--, considering last week when the thing happened." He smiled as I didn't respond.

"Tell me, Jonghyun--, I heard you broke up with Jokwon today." Minho starts off as I felt a sting.

"Yeah, so what?" I asked.

"I mean, come on--, aren't you heart broken?" He asked in simple tone.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Jonghyun, you always seem like you don't understand a word I'm saying. You always ask me that question, how come you can't figure it out yourself?" He says in a rude flat tone as he crosses his arms.

"Or maybe, you should actually explain things more better for me to actually understand." I said to him with crossed eyes as he chuckled, drinking coffee, from the vending machines down stairs.

"You would like me to say it to you straight up, correct?" He says as he rubs his jaw line as he sighs.

"Okay, since you want it that way--" He starts off facing me as the wind blows against us as our hair flies towards the side.

"How come you broke up with Jokwon, and you didn't feel an ache in your heart?" Minho asks as my breath quickened.

"How would you know how I feel?" I asked.

"Simple. Remember the time Key went out with Priscilla, you totally cried your heart out, remmeber that?" He smirks.

"That was two years ago, I was immature back then." I said looking away from his gaze as he kept on sipping his coffee as his cold breath filled towards the air around us.

"Would you feel the same how you felt when Key and Priscilla were dating when you finally divorce her?" Minho questions.


I totally forgot about the divorce papers, I totally forgot.

"Yeah, how you're going to divorce her when the plan hundred percently work." Minho states giving me those memories back again.

"I'm trying as hard as I can to make it work, alright?" I said to him as I hear him finishing up the coffee.

"I don't think your going fast enough." Minho says.

"You're always like this Jonghyun. You are the main thing, the real deal, I don't understand how this simple work makes you feel--guilty, or jealous?" He says as he threw his coffee away.

"I do feel guilty, but it's not true when I feel jealous. Get your facts straight." I yelled.

"If your not jealous, why would you punch me when I was about to kiss her, why?" He said coming closer to me.


"You have no reasons of because, Kim Jonghyun. You did it out of greed and selfishness, and jealousy!" Minho yelled in my face as I glared.

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you, but I'm not jealous. I'm gay, Minho. I'm gay!" I yelled as he smirked at me.

"Gay, are you happy you're gay? The fact that you'll never be straight and you'll only love guys, makes you happy! Do you think everyone would like you cause you're gay?" He screamed as I was quiet.

Then, it got me, I was furious.

"I don't give a damn what people say the fact that I'm gay. I'm happy the way I am." I muttered.

"You got all the facts wrong! You're not even gay!" Minho says flinging his arms towards my face.

"How would you know I'm not gay. Why would I cry when Priscilla and Key went out, and why would I not be attracted to _____ even though I saw her body, and I saw you try to kiss her, and I see her all the time! Why?" I yelled as my eyes began red.

"Because then you're plan won't work!" Minho yelled as I stopped.

He was right, he was definatley right.

"The reason why you don't get attracted to her, is that you can't, because if you do, the plan was work, damn it!" Minho says as I punch him straight across the face as he falls to the floor.

"You don't know me. I am gay, I am not bi, or straight, I am gay. Get your facts right, Choi Minho." I yelled at his face as he stood up wiping the blood from his face.

"Two punches a week, right?" He asks as he punches me as I fall to the floor, this time, feeling the pain in my body.

"--Just get the divorce papers ready, I don't want to wait all day for you to break it off for her." Minho says before walking off and holding the door open as he turns to face me.

"This time, let me ask you something--, what is she to you?" He questions as I try to stand up as I look at him, wiping the blood from my mouth, the way he did.

"She's my wife." I replied.

"Only, that?" He asked again as he was holding the door still.


"--And, what is she to you?" I asked him this time as he smirks and looks at me with a glee in his face.

"Something I want, that you have."


jaaayism's notes : Is it confusing ?
Well, the reason why it is confusing is because, the 'plan' that Jonghyun & the rest have are getting clearer.
When I say clearer, I mean it's starting to show what it is.
Don't worry for the still confused people, I'll explain more in the next chapters, okay ?(:
Hopefully, I'll write another chapter, which I probably won't.
I know I said I wouldn't upate today, but there was change of plans.
Hahaha, hope you guys have a wonderful halloween & eat some yummy candy ! <3

To Priscilla : You're in it again <3
To MrsKwonJiyong : I made it longer, you likey ?(:


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Chapter 13: don't give up on this?? :(
please update..i'm begging you author-nim :'(
Chapter 13: i'm new reader and already subscribing...

update soon, please...
Chapter 13: update plsssssss~~~~
update soon! c:
Please update soon! I love this fanfic! >.<
when u r going to update please me and my sister are dying to find out what is going to happin:'(
please update more ... i like it soo much <3