--- O`8

Marrying the Gay .


His Point of View;

"Jinki, where's _______?" I asked him as I came out of Minho's room to see Jinki walking towards me as he shrugs.

"I have no idea. I haven't seen her around much, I was wondering if you knew where she was." He says as he smiles.

"Why are you looking for her?" I asked twirling my hair as he points to the direction in front of me.

"We're going to have dinner soon and Kibum wanted me to call everyone downstairs. I knew you and Minho were up here, but I don't know your wife seems to be." He says scratching the back of his head.

"She's not in her room?" I asked looking at the door next to me as he shakes his head.

"No, I told Taeyeon to go check two minutes ago, she's not there." Jinki says sighing.

"What if she got in right now?" I questioned him as he pouts and still shakes his head.

"I was here the whole time, I would've sworn I've seen her inside, if I knew." Jinki says as he looks at his phone.

"Kibum's calling, he's probably angry now cause I didn't show up to help him grill some barbeque." He says in a low voice as he sighs.

"Can you look for her? I need to go help before Kibum nags at me." He says narrowing his eyes before walking towards the elevator and walking in as I see it close the door.

"Seems like you lost your wife." Minho says as he comes out of the room and shakes his head.

"Why were you eavesdropping?" I asked irritated as he smirks at me.

"I wasn't eavesdropping. Kibum texted me to come downstairs, and I heard you and Jinki out here anyways." He says as he pushes the button on the elevator.

"Should I help you look for her?" Minho asks before looking back at me as I grinned.

"No, thanks." I mutter before getting out my cellphone and calling her.

"She won't pick up, I already tried." He winked before going inside and disappearing from my sight.

I hate you, Minho.

Rushing down the staircase, I go to the lobby to ask the front counter if he had seen her.

Obviously, not.


I turn to see Sunny running towards me as I look at her.

"Have you seen, ______? Doojoon and I have been looking, but we can't seem to find her." She says nervously as I see Doojoon running behind her.

"Has he seen her?" Doojoon questions Sunny as she shakes her head.

"No, he didn't either." Sunny says as she her lips.

Before I could say anything, Taemin and Jiyeon came as they had their phones in their hands.

"Have you seen ______?" Taemin questions as Jiyeon was jumping up and down from nervousness.

"No, but don't tell Kibum, Hyunah, Jinki, and Taeyeon about it. I don't want everyone to worry." Doojoon says trying to calm himself down.

"Me and Sunny will keep checking in the lobby. Jiyeon and Taemin, go look at the rooms, if she's not there, go to the rooftop." He ordered.

"--And, Jonghyun?" He asks.


"Go outisde and see if you can find here there. If she is, don't let her near the ocean, she can't swim." Doojoon assured as I nodded and started running outside to see the sun was going down slowly.

I yelled her name really loud as I didn't hear or see anyone.

It wasn't that late, but people seemed to disappear one at a time, considering it was dinner time and the beach was pretty cold at night.

"_______!" I yelled harder as I heard water splashing.

Before I could turn around, I thought about what Doojoon had said to me earlier about her.

"Don't let her near the ocean, she can't swim."

Turning back, I see two people drowning right in front of my eyes as some cried help.

I ran towards them to see her and--, and--.

Minho, Choi Minho.

"What're you standing there like a fool? Help me, Jonghyun!" Minho yelled as I see him struggling to get ______ to shore as I help him.

He was dragging her out, as I was helping him by holding onto her tightly.

He brought her out as he was breathing hard with water dripping down his face as he pushed his hair back as he began to put his hand into a fist with two hands as he started pounding onto her chest.

"Are you trying to hurt her?" I asked as he didn't say a word as he leaned forward to hear her breathe as he bit his lips.

He was pushing harder until he slammed the sand and then brought her face forward to him as he plugged her nose and put his mouth on hers.

Put his mouth on hers, put his mouth on hers, put his mouth on hers?

I stared at him wtih a shocked expression as he did it a couple of times as he looked at her once more and began to put his mouth on hers again when she started to cough.

He shook her wildly as she coughed harder as water came out as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Are you okay?" He yelled as she smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said in reply as he helped her up as I stared at her.

"Jonghyun?" She questioned.

"Why the hell were you in the ocean? You can't even swim!" I yelled at her as she swallowed hard.

"I was looking for seashells and a dog was running towards me. I got scared and fell in the water." She says as I stared at her.

"Oh my gosh, you found her!" Doojoon yelled as everyone started running up to us as I looked away.

"Are you guys okay?" Jinki asks as Minho nods as she nods along with him.

"Jonghyun, thanks for finding her and saving her." Taeyeon cheekly smiles as I shake my head.

"I didn't save her, it was Minho." I said as I glared up at him as everyone's eyes opened and stared at Minho.

"Well, thank you, Minho." Taeyeon says afterwards as Minho just smiles assuring them that he did nothing.

"I'm hungry, let's go eat." I said as ______ starts to cough.

"You guys go first. I'll help her go inside the room to change and I'll bring her out." He says as he helps her walk closer to the hotel.

I clenched my fist as I glared at both of them as I saw her happy right under his arm.

"Jonghyun, you said you were hungry, you ain't coming?" Taemin questions as I nod.

"I'm on my way." I said as I glared back at her and Minho.

Her, my wife, not his.

"Choi Minho, you're on."


I tried to make the chapter longer a little, for someone (YOU KNOW WHO !)
Did you guys hear about Shin Sekyung and Kim Jonghyun dating?
At first, I was so shocked and sad and hoped that it was just a dream, or like a joke or something.
To my surprise, it was real.
I disliked Sekyung after that, knowing that mostly everyone liked her.
But after seeing her a lot, she was really pretty and she didn't deserve hate ilke these.
I congratulate them so much cause they are such a cute couple ! Even though, I do envy them and wish I was her.
Even though that'll never happen, but I can always dream, right?
Let's all congratulate them, okay? They're young and needs to love <3
Raise your hands if you felt like your heart rip out when you read the article, because truthfully, I was one (:


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Chapter 13: don't give up on this?? :(
please update..i'm begging you author-nim :'(
Chapter 13: i'm new reader and already subscribing...

update soon, please...
Chapter 13: update plsssssss~~~~
update soon! c:
Please update soon! I love this fanfic! >.<
when u r going to update please me and my sister are dying to find out what is going to happin:'(
please update more ... i like it soo much <3