--- 1`2

Marrying the Gay .


Her Point of View;

"This is the party?" Hyunah asked as she looked around to see ballroom dancing, along with buffet towards the side.

"What do you expect? Some late night club?" Jiyeon snorted as Hyunah rolled her eyes.

"Going to the dance floor." She says as he walks over and starts dancing in the middle.

"This party's lame." Sunny pouts as Doojoon and the rest came walking over.

"Well, maybe if you hang out with us, it won't feel so lame." Onew smiles as he walks over to us alongside Key, Taemin, and Doojoon.

"Where's Minho and Jonghyun?" Jiyeon questions as Key raises his eyebrows.

"They're over there." He says pointing behind us as they were walking towards us.

Minho had a tuxedo on, with his long figure walking towards us, as his smile began to gleam under the light.

Jonghyun on the other hand, also had a tuxedo, which made him look fancier and hotter than usual.

His brown hair was gelled up, as his left hand was in his pocket, while his right hand was holding onto his tie as they came closer.

"Hey." Minho smiles at me as he gives me a wink as I blush madly to know that Jonghyun wasn't looking at me.

"You guys want to dance first, or eat first?" Taemin asks as Jiyeon raises her hands.

"I'm eating!" She smiles as she and Taemin run towards the food area as Jonghyun grins.

"I'll be with them." He says as I watch him leave me as the others decide to follow them.

Minho and I were the only ones on the dance floor.

"Do you want to dance?" He asks out of the blue as he was lending out his hands as I swallowed hard and glanced at Jonghyun who didn't seem to worry and kept laughing and eating along with his friends.

That's weird, he would've been glaring at me by now.

"Uhm--, sure." I managed to say as he led me towards the middle of the floor as he held onto my waist as I let out a small yelp.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you moving." He smiled as I smiled along trying to look at his eyes, when my real eyes were looking towards Jonghyun.

Jonghyun seemed happier than usual, and he didn't even look at me, and when he did, he would smile and give me the thumbs up as I would awkwardly nod back.

"Is there something, wrong?" Minho questions me through my thoughts as I stare at him blankly as the slow song keeps moving us.

"No, no. Sorry." I apologized as he nods and holds me closer as I still couldn't keep my eyes off of Jonghyun.

"What was wrong with him, and why wasn't he concerned?"


His Point of View;

Minho asked her to dance and she gladly took his offer as he guided her towards the dance floor.

Of course she would say yes, and this time, I would be glaring at her, telling her that she wasn't allowed to dance with him.

But for some reasons, after our little talk in the room, I guess I let it go.

She was happy with she wanted, and besides--, the plan was slowly working afterall, right?

"Jonghyun, you going to stay here?" Onew asked me as I looked up to him as I blankly stared.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We're going to the dance floor. You want to come?" Doojoon offered as I shook my head and hand at the same time.

"No, it's okay. Thanks but I'll stay here." I smiled as they left with the girls towards the dance floor.

I was pretty amazed staring at the boys gladly taking the girl's hands and bonding, dancing with them, when they never had interest in them.

From a distance, I could sense Doojoon having feelings for Sunny, but the rest--, I didn't that day would come.

Taemin with Jiyeon, Key with Hyunah, Onew with Taeyeon, Doojoon with Sunny, Minho with ______, and me--, no one.

I was still staring at _____ from afar as I knew she wanted to see me too, knowing the fact that I wasn't jealous of what she was doing.

Of course, I was not jealous.

I was never jealous--, until the fact that he was going to kiss her last night.

The fact that his lips will crush against her lips made chills go through my spine as I brushed off that memory.

Why on earth would I be jealous of them, knowing my plan will slowly work as I see her glance at my direction.

Waving at her, smiling at her, giving her the thumb up made her smile, but not as wide as I thought she would.

Looking away, I would see the song slowly changing to another beat, as I see Key making his way towards me as I shrug.

"What's up with you, you seem downer than usual." Key says taking a seat next to me as I didn't say a word and began drinking my juice.

"Why do I look down to you?" I questioned.

"Because--, I know you more than anyone else." He winked leaning on the chair as I laughed.

"Don't bring me back those memories." I startled him as he flinched.

"Yeah--" He managed to say.

"Anyways, what's up with the long face? Why do you seem you are worried about Minho and ______?" He asked as I shrugged again sipping on my juice.

"I'm happy for them. They're finally bonding." I smiled.

"Bonding, you think that's bonding?" He asked me as I nodded.

He cleared his throat and said, "You know, you may think this plan is working out for you. But the way I see you looking at her, seems like you're falling for her." He says.

"Shut up, no I am not." I replied.

"Dude, I haven't seen you this jealous over a girl when I was with Priscilla, if you know what I mean." He says as I stole a glance at him.

"Shut up, that was two years ago." I said as he kept leaning.

"Anyways, after this trip is over. It'll be back to wifey and husband. No matter how you hate it, she'll be in love with Minho more than you can ever imagine." He says as I straigten myself.

Staring at them, I looked away.

"That's good, isn't it?"

"I don't know, Jonghyun. Is it good?" He asked as I shrugged.

"Don't try to act like you know what I'm going through." I said sipping down the juice as he chuckles.

"I'm just saying. Maybe this plan isn't worth it." He says before standing up and looking at Minho and _____ dancing together.

I did too follow his gaze as it was planted on them as well.

"Just end this plan before you really fall for it." He says before leaving towards the dance floor to meet up with Hyunah.

"What're you talking about?" I yelled as hard as he could hear.

"You're falling for her slowly. I know you're saying you're gay, but you're falling for her. Not her body, or anything. You just is." He says before disappearing in the dance floor.

"Shut up, I'm not falling for her." I muttered as I looked at them so close together.

"After this trip is over. It'll be back to wifey and husband. No matter how you hate it, she'll be in love with Minho more than you can ever imagine." His voice echoed in my head as I remembered how she always talked about Minho.

Now was her chance, and I am not going to ruin it for her.

Even if I do get a little jealous when she's with him.

Because I know, the fact that she'll thank me later on.

"Cause this is all a plan."


jaaayism's notes : Just to let you guys know,
the girl up there named, Priscilla is my friend !
She wanted to be a cameo in this storyline and she's a big part !
haha, you guys will find out later ! Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter.
Probably this is the last chapter for today.
No updating tomorrow for sure though . But hopefully a surprise update later?
Haha, I also did try to make chapters longe for *cough someone !
Hahaha, hope it's longer for you ! Hope you guys have a great halloween !
Get candy & go TRICK OR TREATING . Bye, loves <3


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Chapter 13: don't give up on this?? :(
please update..i'm begging you author-nim :'(
Chapter 13: i'm new reader and already subscribing...

update soon, please...
Chapter 13: update plsssssss~~~~
update soon! c:
Please update soon! I love this fanfic! >.<
when u r going to update please me and my sister are dying to find out what is going to happin:'(
please update more ... i like it soo much <3