
Lost and Found

After the past couple of days of hard core training you once again found yourself in Jimin’s training room. Each day was harder than the one before, each day you felt readier to fight, and each day you were more anxious then the one before.

You panted as you finished the lesson. It had already been a couple of hours and it was still some time before noon. Jimin had taken out some training equipment and weights to further help you and Jin.

It was close to two when Jin excused himself to go practice with Jungkook’s weapons and now you were stuck alone with Jimin and his weird training tactics

“Alright next.”

You hazily stared at Jimin while he explained whatever you were supposed to do, but you weren’t really listening.



“Are you even listening?”

You shook your head and lay back

“Alright fine take a break. I’m giving you half and hour. When I come back I want you back on your feet.”

You nodded and closed your eyes




You opened your eyes and shot up, looking at your surroundings. You were engulfed in darkness and you couldn’t see much of anything


You looked around for who called you

“Who is it?”


You scrunched your eyes to see in the dark but all you could make out was the outline of furniture

“Was I kidnapped?” You asked aloud

“___ how could you do that?”

You whipped your head to the side and saw Jimin lying on his side with chains tightly secured on him

“Jimin!” You tried to reach out but realized you couldn’t move

“Jimin, what are you doing here? What’s going on?”

You saw tears gather up in his eyes, “They got them.”

“Got who?”

“The guys.”

You gasped

“It’s all your fault. My best friend and brothers are gone and it’s all your fault! You should have never come!”

You shook your head, “No! I was with you the entire time Jimin! It wasn’t me! I would never hurt you guys!”

Jimin closed his eyes, “It’s your fault. All of it. The entire gang is gone and it’s all your fault!”

Your eyes widened as men charged into the room and grabbed at Jimin

He screamed and struggled but they injected him with a serum and dragged him away

You watched in horror as the door closed and you saw a trail of blood on the floor

“Jimin!” You screamed, “No! No! No!”


You looked around


You held your head and screamed

“Go away!”


Your eyes shot open and you stared at Jimin’s worried face

You sat up and grabbed his arms



You held him close and let your tears fall freely

You felt his arms wrap around you and squeeze tight, “It’s okay. It was just a bad dream.”

“Oh God it was horrible. There was no one around. An-“

“Don’t talk about it.”

You opened your eyes and looked at Jimin

He shook his head, “Don’t talk about your dream.”

You nodded your head slowly and calmed yourself down. You thought about what you saw and what it could have meant and all of a sudden you feared for the boys’ lives.

You closed your eyes and let whatever tears there were out and gave a long and cold sigh while loosening your grip on Jimin and saying thank you.

He let go of you and sat down. You looked around and saw that you were still in Jimin’s practice room where you fell asleep.

“Do you want to go rest instead of practice?”

You shook your head, “I don’t want to sleep and see that again. I’m going to stay and practice.”

Jimin nodded and stood up, “Let’s continue where we left off.”

You stood up as well, “How long have I been sleeping?”

“About two hours.”

Your mouth dropped open.

Jimin shook his head at you and set up the equipment

You two practiced late into the evening, stopping once when Jin came in with food.

After helping Jimin put away the equipment you grabbed a water bottle and threw it to Jimin


You smiled and sat against the mirror

You took giant gulps from your own water bottle and let the room fall into a comfortable silence

Jimin closed his eyes and you took the time to study him. He had a small face, small fluffy lips and a cute button nose

Your eyebrows scrunched up

‘Where have I seen those before?’

“Am I that good looking?”

Blinking out of your thoughts you saw that Jimin was smirking at you

You blushed and looked away, taking another giant gulp of water

“Do you feel better?”

You thought for a moment. The feeling of the dream still made you uneasy but you were fine otherwise

“Yeah, I think I’m good.”

Jimin smiled, “Good.”

The room went into silence again

You glanced at Jimin and a thought occurred to you. You wanted to ask but you weren’t sure if it was a good idea.

You moved the water bottle from hand to hand and bit your lip

“Jimin?” ‘Here goes nothing.’


You looked up at him slowly

“Would you tell me about your past?”

There was silence on Jimin’s part as he stared back at you

You were sure he was going to get angry

“Never mind! It’s okay, I don’t want to know! Sorry!” You frantically waved your hands around

“I’ll tell you, sure.”

You stopped waving midair, “W-what?”

Jimin shrugged, “There’s nothing to hide. I’m sure Taehyung told you his story, mines only a little different from his.”

You put your hands down and leaned back

Jimin sighed and closed his eyes

“I was kidnapped from my family when I was really young, something about owing money. And then they left me for the gang, saying they couldn’t pay the gang back so I would be the payment. The obvious happened after that. The gang took me in and abused me. Made me do their dirty work and pay for what they lost because of my parents. In the beginning I was a broken mess, always crying in my pathetic excuse of a room and refusing some of the things they told me to do. As I got older I realized I couldn’t do anything about it so I sobered up and did everything they told me and threw away my feelings. I killed who they wanted me to kill and never shed a tear ever again.”

You stayed quiet as you absorbed his words, for some reason his story hit you straight in your heart.

“Then Tae came. We both worked for the gang before that, but we had never met. The leader thought it would be fun to make us suffer together, so he paired us up and made us do the work together. If one of us didn’t do a good job we would get beat while the other watched. It was usually Taehyung who got beaten because he was obviously newer to the gang situation. It was so hard to watch, each strike made his face redder and he refused to cry which made the men angrier. He has some crazy marks on his back because of the force they used on him to make him cry.”

Your eyes widened

Jimin raised his eyebrows, “You haven’t seen them?”

You shook your head

“I thought you two…?”

You blushed, “It was dark, we didn’t have the lights on.”

Jimin nodded and sighed, “Well that was my side of the story.”

You looked into Jimin’s eyes and saw all the anger and sadness

“You know, I had a broth-“


You heard your phone go off from the side and reached out for it

You almost gasped when you saw who was calling

“I’m going to answer this, I’ll see you tomorrow. Thank you for telling me your story Jimin.” You walked to the door and smiled at Jimin

He looked at you with confusion and you ran out the door and up to your room

“Taehyung!?” You breathed into the phone right as you reached your room


You slammed the door shut, “Taehyung what?”

“They found me.” You heard him choke out

You bit your lip, “You want me to press the button?”

You heard Taehyung give a small chuckle on the other side

“I’m not sure if it’ll do any good with the situation I’m in right now, but yes please press it.”

Your eyebrows furrowed at his tone, “Is something wrong Tae?”

You waited for his answer as you dug through your drawer for the remote

He stayed silent


“Press the button ___.”

“Taehyung tell me what’s wrong.”

More silence

You threw the remote on your bed, “I will not press that button until you tell me what’s wrong!”

“They managed to land some shots on me.”

You gasped, “How bad are they?”

“I want you to promise me that you’ll press the button.”

You whined into the phone

“Promise ___.”

You grabbed the remote, “Fine.”

“I don’t think I’ll make it.”

You stood motionless

“Press it ___.”


You heard him give a laboured sigh, “Please press it so I can die with some dignity.”

“You idiot!” You screamed at him into the phone

“Thank you babe.”

Your eyes widened at the pet name

“No, don’t do that! You can’t do that!”

“Thank you for everything honestly. I know we never got to talk about us, but I really do like you ___.”

Tears made their way down your face and you bit your lip

“If I could have come back I would love to kiss you one more time.”

“Stop it.”

“The night before I left was so amazing ___. I know I slept around a lot before, but I think you were the best and my last.”

“Stop it Taehyung.”

You desperately tried to stop the tears falling from your eyes but it was no use

“Can you tell the boys goodbye from me? Tell them not to miss me much.”

“NO! You are not dying! I’m going to come and find you, so stay alive until then you fool!” You screamed at him into the phone and pressed the button on the remote

“I love you too you crazy idiot! Make sure your phone is hidden and doesn’t die!” You screamed again and hung up

You quickly changed your clothes and tied up your hair

You grabbed your phone and ran out of your room and straight down to Hoseok’s

“Hoseok!” You pounded on his door

“Come in!”

You went in and ran over to Hoseok

“You’re good with technology and tracking right?”

Hoseok eyed you, “Where are you going?”

You waved your hand, “I want you to find where this cell phone is.”

You handed him your phone and showed him the number

Hoseok looked at you suspiciously but walked over to a his computer anyway

He typed in a couple of things and the computer screen changed to show a map

“That’s where it is.”

You nodded, “Send that to my phone.”

Hoseok stared at you, “What’s going on ___.”

You stared back with determination, “Send it.”

You grabbed your phone and ran out of his room

Stopping at Namjoon’s room you walked in


You stopped in front of his desk

“Taehyung was found.” You spit out monotonously

Namjoon nodded, “I know.”

“I’m going to get him.”

Namjoon raised one of his eyebrows, “Get him?”

You nodded

“He’s in enemy territory ___.”

“I don’t care I’m going to get him.”

Namjoon stared at you with a glint in his eyes

You stared right back, “I am not letting him die Namjoon. You cannot stop me.”

He was silent for a moment then he smiled, “Weapons are in the cars already. Car keys are by the door downstairs.”

Your eyes widened, then you smiled and ran out of his room

“___! Where are you going?” You heard Jungkook’s voice as soon as you got downstairs

“Jungkook do me a favour and make sure Hoseok gets his fancy medical supplies ready.”

“Where in the world are you even going?”

You walked towards the door and grabbed a pair of keys

You turned around swiftly for a moment and looked at Jungkook

“To save Taehyung.”

You walked out the door without hearing what Jungkook could say

Pressing the unlock button on the keys you walked towards the car that responded

Your phone buzzed as you sat down and you opened the message to the location

Typing it into the GPS you started the car and sped off



You had been driving for half an hour when you reached the area that the GPS told you

You parked on the side and turned off the car.

Grabbing your phone, you looked at where Taehyung’s phone was and saw that it was pretty far from where you were.

You kissed your teeth and looked in the car’s compartment and found two guns and a knife. You grabbed all three and tucked them into your clothes and away from sight

You got out of the car and walked towards the community slowly

The area looked abandoned and run down. All the buildings had their lights off and most of them broken and close to demolition.

The ware houses looked like they were used for wheat but you saw no farms on the way so you assumed they were filled with weapons and all the other things gangs used

Looking at your phone you walked in the direction of Taehyung.

You thanked the Gods that it was night time and you were wearing black

You had been walking and crawling for another fifteen minutes when some of the street names matched the ones on the phone.

You paused and got a feeling for your surroundings before figuring out which way to go

After continuously walking in one direction you saw a building with all its lights on

‘That’s where the gang must be.’

You turned and walked in the other direction

You walked for about five more minutes until you reached a large garbage dump and noticed a body by it

You gasped and ran over

“Taehyung!” You screamed in a whisper as you grabbed his body

There was blood everywhere, soaked through his clothes and in a puddle on the ground. His face was all scratched and bruised, a giant cut by his lip

You bit your lip and pulled him close, checking his pulse to see if he was even alive

“You idiot you idiot you idiot!” You whispered in his ear and hauled him up after finding a small but definite pulse.

Crouching down, you pulled him onto your back then stood up and thanked whoever could hear you that you hadn’t been caught yet.

You breathed a small sigh of relief and started walking in the direction you came from.

After safely walking for ten minutes you heard a couple of men talking in the distance so you backed up against the wall and held your breath

“Yeah he’s a goner. Left him by the garbage can. No one would dare come get him in enemy territory. I don’t know why the boss didn’t pick him up and used him, I mean he was a part of this gang before.”

You heard the men talking as they passed and held in a gasp when you realized they were talking about Taehyung

‘This is Taehyung and Jimin’s old gang!?’

The men passed you and continued walking without noticing you. You took the opportunity to walk by them from behind but stepped on something that made a cracking sound, and you cursed mentally

You heard a phone ring before the men could turn around

“What is it?”

You bit your lip

“Gone!? He’s practically dead!”


You screwed your eyes shut. You couldn’t run because of whatever you stepped on and you couldn’t stay here either

“Alright, we’ll look around.”

You heard the man hang up and you breathed quietly

‘Okay. One two three and run. I can do this.’

You breathed in and out then counted to three. You knew the men were going to turn around any second and spot you


You bent down a little


The men turned around


You ran as soon as they saw you


“ing hell!” You screamed as you ran

It was hard with Taehyung limp on your back and harder because he was drenched in blood

You pushed yourself more with each step and the men behind you were giving a good chase

You zigzagged through the warehouses, occasionally avoiding more men

You ran behind a wall and realized you were at a dead end

“!” You turned around and saw the men gathering at the entrance

“Look who we have here!”

“It’s a girl! I didn’t know Namjoon kept girls!”

You spit to the side and fixed Taehyung on your back

If there was one thing you were good at doing, it was running. You had, of course been in the track and field team at school, it had to do you some good here.

You closed your eyes and evened out your breath

The men walked closer

“Give up pretty girl. There’s ten of us and one of you.”

“What can you do with someone on your back! Give up and the boss might be fair with you!”

You glared at the men, bent your knees and waited

They walked closer and you stared at them

Once they were close enough you screamed and charged forward, confusing the men

You pushed through them in their moment of confusion and ran away

You heard them coming after you but you pushed on and ran faster

After running for ten more minutes you finally reached the outer area of the territory

Giving one last spurt you ran out and across the street to your car

You unlocked the car and threw Taehyung into the back ignoring the blood splattering everywhere.

Grabbing your gun you climbed in front and turned the car on

You were reversing when you heard gunshots

“Are you kidding me!” You rolled down the window and shot out blindly as you continued reversing.

Once you reached a safe distance you turned the car around and drove off



Chapter 17

Is this an update I smell? Oh yessss. Ouuuuuuuuuuuu Badum Tssssss.


Based on:

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I hope you enjoyed~

(But really if you don't like it please let me know)

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I have midterms coming up next week so I'll be busy again, but I will continue writing on the side every time I get some free time !


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LuckyWatermelon #1
Chapter 27: This is my second time respading this, and I spent the entire day, (also in class), just reading. And I love it, just as much as the first time I read it. I really hope you continue it, even tho it's been a few years. Fighting!❤️
Chapter 27: Author, please update ^^
JaeLeCactus #3
Chapter 27: I need mooore~ it's so good~~^^
zoeyhoeypoey #4
Chapter 27: waiting for updates love your story i wanna read more
poweredbykpop #5
Chapter 27: I love your story~! Take your time with updates!^^ it's worth it~
cyjames #6
Chapter 27: Chapter 27: lmao I forgive u!! Take all the time u need...I will be faithfully refreshing the home page each day hehehe
zackora #7
Chapter 27: Please update
ahhh I'm so curious
I hope you update soon
but take your time if you're busy
ok then byeeeee
arielleann #9
Chapter 22: i was such a mess i thought it was real oh man okay thank goodness