Confessions and such (Part 2) ~


[Nikki's POV]

When Junsu oppa let me go, i saw Jaejoong. He was talking to BoA. Again, i had that feeling. That jealousy building up in me. I closed my eyes and turned away. Junsu put a hand on my shoulder and said, "Let's go out. We'll go have lunch."

I nodded my head and walked out the venue, with him following.


[Jaejoong's POV]

BoA stood there, looking at me. "Why are you out here?" She asked.

"I.. uh.. Wanted to talk to Junsu," I lied. I wanted to see Nikki.

"Talk to Junsu? Please. Jaejoong, i know you well enough. It's Nikki-sshi, isn't it?" BoA really is my best friend. She practically knew all these kinda small details.


"You what? You like her, don't you?" She demanded.

"I don't know..." I admitted. Did i like her? Sigh.

"Well, you do. Trust me. I can tell," she said.

"How?" I folded my arms across my chest.

"For one, the way you look at her. When the guys were talking to me, you kept stealing glances at her. I saw that. And when she turned to walk away, you wanted to go with her, but Junsu beat you to it. And just now when Junsu hugged her, you sighed. I was behind you the whole time. You sighed and looked down. You were sad. Why would you feel like that for someone you don't like?" Wow. She noticed all of that?

"Could it be that... It's my first time in so many years having someone care for me, so i like her?" I asked.

"Maybe, i don't know," she said. "But, don't hurt her. After all, you're a star, and she's a fan. Imagine the number of fans who will mentally bash her. Imagine the reporters. Imagine the news! It'll be mentally depressing for her."

"True... But as long as i love her, that's enough right?"

"But what if you realise you don't in the future? You could give her the life she wants, but what happens when you take the life back? She'd be hurt. You can bounce back easily. But Nikki can't. She's just an ordinary girl. It's not gonna be easy for her, Jaejoong yah," BoA reminded.

"So.. What should i do?" I asked.

"It's up to you. Just know what's wrong and right," she shrugged. I nodded and smiled weakly. "How did she make you fall for her? It never worked with any of the SM girls," she asked.

I laughed and answered, "I don't know.. She's just... Different. Special, i guess."

"Call me if you need help. I'll be here for you, ok?" She held my shoulder.

"Sure. Thank you," I muttered.

"I'm going off first. Bye, see you soon."

"Mm. Annyeong," I said. She walked off and i went up on stage.

I saw Alex there and high 5-ed with him. "Sup, man," he said.

"Hey," I answered.

"You know that girl, Nikki?"

"Yeah," I said, getting into the topic. "Why?"

"She's really pretty. Especially when she dances. She said she's never danced before, but hell, she's a natural. I can tell. She's like so sweet.. My dream girl. Can't believe i found her. Someone who can dance, have a nice attitude, sweet and even pretty looking. She's perfect. Oh gawd. Man, i think i'm in love," Alex said and sighed happily.

Suddenly, i felt mad. I had Junsu as a rival, and now, Alex? Was Junsu a rival? When did i start thinking of Junsu as my rival?

I looked at Alex in the eye and said, "Listen, man. Nikki's my girl. I've been in love with her for quite some time now. So, don't take my girl, alright? It's kinda hard for me since i have to lead a star's life. She's all i've got to being normal again."

"Ayy man. If she's yours, then it's okay, i guess. I won't snatch a buddy's girl," Alex said sadly.

"Sorry, dude."

"I won't let a girl come between us, man," he confirmed. I smiled and thanked him. "You're welcome, my friend."

I smiled and walked off. I'm gonna confess to her. I've made up my mind. Now i just need to know if....


[Nikki's POV]

We were at a Chinese restaurant.

I wondered if Jaejoong like BoA... A random thought, but it was all i wanted to know. "Nikki yah, what'd you like?" Junsu oppa asked.

"Uhhh.. Wanton noodles," i said to the waiter.

"Is that nice?" Junsu asked. Oh of course he hasn't tasted it.

"Yeah. Really nice," I smiled.

"Okay. Then i'll have one bowl as well. Thank you," he said. I whipped my hair back and put my chin to my palms. "Nikki yah."

"Hmm?" I looked at Oppa.

"Can i ask you something?" WOAH. I felt danger there.

"Ooookay," I dragged.

"Jaejoong hyungie.. Do you like him?" He asked, as he looked into my eyes.

"Ahhh..." I said as i widened my eyes. "I..."

"Hmm?" He probbed.

"Yes. He's my bias. Of course i like him, oppa," i said, using the same excuse i gave to Seung.

"But.. You looked so sad when BoA hugged Jaejoong hyungie.. It doesn't seem like its a normal crush.."


"You like him, right? I won't tell anyone, Nikki yah."

"Fine. Yes. I do..." I admitted. Junsu stretched his hand and placed it over mine.

"I know that it must be hard. That you like him and he only thinks that it's because he's your bias."

"Exactly.." The food came at that time and we started eating.

Junsu oppa never spoke of it again. When we were done, he sent me back to the hotel and went back to the showcase venue for more rehearsals.

I didn't wanna go back and see Jaejoong and BoA. I needed time alone. To breathe and feel happy again.

I stepped in the toilet and took a shower. After the bath, i pulled on a tank top and shorts to sleep. It was about 5pm.

Just then, the hotel door swung open and Jaejoong came in.

"Annyeong?" I said. "Aren't you supposed to be at rehearsals?"

"I wanted to ask you something," he simple answered.

"You came back all the way just to ask me something? Haven't you heard of a phone..?" I asked.

"Why did you hug Junsu? Are you guys together?" He demanded. He stood in front of the bed with his hands on his hips. His hair was side swept. Oh my gosh...So handsome.

"Anh-i!" I exclaimed.

"Then why did you guys hug??" He looked at me.

"Why did you and BoA-sshi hug?" I countered.

"We're friends, and we hadn't seen each other for so long. Of course we'd hug," he said. WOW. He just explained to me. ME!! OMG.

"Well, Junsu oppa hugged me 'cause i made him happy. Why can't we hug?" I asked.

"Do you like him?" He raised his brows.


"Then who do you like?"

"No one. I'm happy being single," I said. And it's true. I was happy being single. My former romance was just...sad.

"So now if someone confesses to you, you wouldn't accept?"

"Yes. I'd say no."

"What if that person was someone you like?"

"I'd still say no. I'm not ready for a relationship," I said. My ex hurt me alot. I can' hurt again.

He knelt down in front of the bed, facing me. Putting his hands over mine, he asked softly, "What if it was me?"





Welcome my two new readers! 24 subscribers! WOOO!

I'm very happpppyyyy! :D

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 34: Very sweet story ^^
2038 streak #2
Chapter 34: A nice story, author-nim :)
I liked reading it...
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 34: Awww....hahaha sweet story! Looove this, great hehe, anyways done reading this one! ^^
MaxForever7 #4
great ending to a fun story!!!<br />
thank you so much for writing it (:
leedictator #5
Omgosh ~! It`s finished! I`ve been gone for so long that I didn`t know, haha. The ending was lovely, I really like this story ^^
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I AGREE WITH kannielove!!!!!!!!!!<br />
UNEXPECTED sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
ParkChinji #7
it already ended . sniff * T_T<br />
hahahhaha ! t`was a success !!
lovetronica #9
Thank you all for reading, and commenting! I live to write for wonderful readers like you all. Since this is the last chapter can you guys comment more???? Pleaseeeeeeeeee.