The fan craze


"JYJ! JYJ! JYJ! JYJ! JYJ!" The fans screamed, at the airport, waiting for JYJ to arrive. It was in SIngapore, at about 1:25pm. Finally, they arrived. I was one of the fans there, yelling. I was there alone. When Jaejoong walked past me, i screamed just like a typical fan girl. "JAEJOOOOOOONG AH!!!!!!!!" Jumping and jumping like there was no tomorrow.

But it was less than 10 minutes, and they were gone, in the black vehicle they had. Still, for a Cassie like me, it was heaven for ten minutes. Moreover, i had tickets for the showcase tonight at 8.

I went back to the orphanage. Yeah, i'm an orphan. I've been to many, many homes to live. But none of them took me in for more than 3 months. Why, you may ask. Well, i get sick very easily. A drizzle, i get a fever. Under the hot sun, i'd faint. Too cold, i'd freeze and suddenly fall. Too long with wet hair, i'd get a flu. Weirdly enough, everything that happens, affect me. All the parents who took me in couldnt get enough time to take care of me. They always sent me back to the orphanage. When i was young, i'd play with all the little kids there. But now that i've grown up, that place is like a "home" but not quite yet. I stay there, but help out as a volunteer, since i'm too old to be put up for adoption. I'm nineteen, and studying in a University. Though i'm working part-time as well. Life is hard.

But when you have stars like JYJ, everything seems to be lightened up!


At night. --



I was at the showcase, alone as usual. The lights dimmed and everyone yelled, "KYAAAAAAAAAH!" So did i. Slowly, three handsome men appeared on the stage which induced more screamings.


They sang Empty as the opening. I looked at Jaejoong, first bias in DBSK, first in JYJ. In every girl's heart, like mine, i longed to hug them! "JAEJOOOOOOOOONG AH, SARANGHAE!" I yelled.

When Yoochun told the fans, "Always keep the faith." All Cassies yelled at that. Yeah. DBSK forever!! 

But soon, all too soon, it came to an end.


The last song was Empty in a remix version. All of us jumped along to the beat. I kept screaming. But when they said, "Thank you!" and went offstage, all the fans ran forward. I was pushed.

"Stop pushing," i yelled. But no one heard me.


Suddenly, i felt a hard knock on my neck. Everything around me went black as i fell to the ground.


[Third person's POV]

A staff saw a body laid on the ground. Afraid that other fans might trample over the body, he quickly went over and carried the unconscious person. It was a female. Eyelashes so long that while her eyes were closed, her lashes fell over her cheeks. Lips, full and pink. Nose, long, sharp and elegant. While unconscious, she still looked so beautiful.

The staff carried her light weight backstage, to a room and placed her on the black leather sofa.


[Park Yoochun's POV]

Whew! The showcase was over. Another show over, another bunch of fans happy. Jaejoong and Junsu walked behind me as we entered our backstage room. We sat on the chairs available and chatted a while. "Aishh," Jaejoong sighed.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Junsu looked up at him.

"The clothes, shoes and makeup are so messy! We really need someone to clear it up. After every performance, it's always this messed up. Oh gosh," Jaejoong nagged. Always the mother. Sigh. Junsu looked at me and gave me the "look". I shrugged and asked one of our staff members to help.

"Noona," I called our clothing coordinator, "can you help us clean this up?" I pointed to the dressing table which had makeup all over it.

"Ahh, Yoochun ah. Mianhae. I'm busy picking clothes out for your next showcase in KL. Sorry. Do it yourself please?" Noona rejected. I sighed and started packing the makeup up myself. Junsu was keeping the shoes and Jaejoong was clearing the clothes on the chairs.

Everyone was busy. Suddenly, our agent asked, "Uh, who is this?" We all looked up and saw him pointing to a girl who was sleeping on the black sofa. "What is she doing sleeping when everyone is busy?" He demanded to know.

Is she a fan? Well, i'm guessing she is. She was wearing a t-shirt which said, "Always keep the faith" A Dong bang shin ki fan. A Cassie? I whispered to Junsu, "We need a maid, right?" Jaejoong looked at us and nodded, obviously getting what we meant.

Junsu muttered back, "We'll ask her if she wants to be our maid when she wakes up, ok?"

"Yeah. Okay," i agreed and told our agent, "Oh, that's our personal assistant. We asked for an assistant when we were in Bangkok."

"Wake her up then!" Our agent yelled.

"Sure," i said, and walked over to her. I tapped her shoulder and it seemed like she fainted. She wasn't asleep. She was unconscious. Just then, we were asked to hurry. We needed to get on the midnight flight. I carried her in my arms and went out to the car. Luckily, no fans were there anymore.

"Why are you carrying her?" Jaejoong asked as we walked to the car.

"She fainted before. She's not gonna wake up anytime soon," I explained and with the help of Junsu, we put her in the car and drove off.

Off to KL, with her.


[Nikki's POV]

There was a pain throbbing in my neck. I touched my neck and found it aching when i pressed it. I yelped a little. Slowly, i opened my eyes and looked above me. The ceiling was white with a crystal chandelier above me. I looked aorund and found myself in a room., on a king-sized white bed. On the left hand side of the room was a full length and width window of the view. There were the KL's Twin tower. I walked to the window and couldnt believe what i saw. KL?! I'm in KL?!

I walked over to the right hand side of the room where there was a toilet. I looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes widened. I was wearing an oversized grey sweater and boxers. Suddenly i heard a click of a door. I stepped out the toilet and saw a man closing the room door, his back facing me.

He wore a black long-sleeved shirt with white skinnies, and carrying a tray. He turned around and saw me. Surprised, he said, "Oh, you're awake?"

My eyes widened once again when i recognised who i was staring at. I opened my mouth to answer, but nothing came out.

"Yes...?" the man asked, Oh, so goodlooking..

"P-park Yoochun. You're Yoochun. From JYJ," I said, finally.

"Ahh, so you ARE a fan. Yes, i am Yoochun," he confirmed and smiled. He walked past me and put the tray down on the cabinet beside the bed. "Come here."

I turned and walked to the bed. Sitting down, i asked, "Am i.. in KL?"

"Yeah, you are."

"What am i doing here? I was supposed to be in Singapore."

"You fainted backstage and i carried you to our car, and now you're here." He said that as if it was normal that he did that. 

"You brought me to KL?" I asked. I was so confused. Like i was in Singapore one minute and KL in the next.

"Yep. Anyway, what's your name?" Yoochun asked.

"Nikki," i replied automatically. "Why did you bring me here?"

"There's a reason for everything we do. I'll explain in a while. Go take a shower, there're clothes that we bought for you. It's in that luggage. Pick out anything you like. Come on out after that. Okay?"

"O-okay.." I didn't know what the hell was going on, but i realised that i needed to get out of these clothes. When Yoochun went out, i immediately went to take a bath.

I came out wrapped in a blue towel. I ran to the luggage to get clothes. The room was cold! I laid all the clothes on the bed and got picked out what i wanted like Yoochun asked me to. Woah. I can't believe that my idols are with me NOW!!!

Quickly, i saw a pair of black long leggings, and a white short tube dress. I put it on and blew my hair dry. When everything was done, i went out the room.

Three guys' backs were facing me, but when they heard me close my room door, they turned back. "Come on here and take a seat," Yoochun said.

"Neh," i replied and went over. When he meant take a seat, it meant IN FRONT OF THEM. I was seated in a spot where three of the most handsome men were right in front of me.

"Jaejoong hyung, tell her," Yoochun said, nudging Jaejoong. My BIAS. I wwanted to scream and shout but decided not to.

"Why me??" Jaejoong asked. Pouting. So cute!

"Forget it, i'll do it," Junsu offered. "Nikki right?" he asked me.


"Okay, listen to us. You have a right to choose. But i'm gonna make it clear that we need you. See, we're always moving from countries to countries. Our clothes, makeup, shoes everything, are always getting lost. So, we need someone who can take care of all these small details for us. And since you happened to be there when Jaejoong was complaining about the messiness, we told our agent that you were our personal assistant. And we brought you to KL without asking. We're sorry. So, do you accept this job?"

"Wait," I asked, "who changed my clothes? I wasn't wearing the outfit i wore before. Where's my bag? All my belongings are inside. Wallet, handphone, everything."

"You weren't with any bag, and we had our Noona change you. So don't worry, we didn't see anything...if that's what you meant," Jaejoong cleared up.

"So... I have no money, no phone, no credit card, nothing?" I asked warily.

"Yeah, that's about it," Junsu said.

"How am i going back to my country?" It was a rheotorical question, sort of.

"Work for us, then. We'll pay you. Pay for your ticket to abroad, anything. 'Cause everywhere we go, you gotta be there. And we've already reported a lost passport for you. You're getting a new one soon. Once you've earned enough money, you can go home," Yoochun said. It seemed like a great idea.

"Okay. I'll do it," I agreed.

"Jinjja??" Junsu asked.

"Mm. Jinjja," I said.

"Are you a fan of us?" Jaejoong asked slowly.

"Yeah, i am. But don't worry. I won't do anything crazy like you guys. I'm the girl here," i reminded.

"We won't touch you, relax," Jaejoong said.

"I believe you guys won't," i smiled.

"Nikki ah," Yoochun called. "Gomawo."

So i started my job with my idols. It was a dream come true. Not really a dream, though. In my dream, i always pictured myself as the love of Jaejoong's life. Yeah, cliche, i know.

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 34: Very sweet story ^^
2038 streak #2
Chapter 34: A nice story, author-nim :)
I liked reading it...
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 34: Awww....hahaha sweet story! Looove this, great hehe, anyways done reading this one! ^^
MaxForever7 #4
great ending to a fun story!!!<br />
thank you so much for writing it (:
leedictator #5
Omgosh ~! It`s finished! I`ve been gone for so long that I didn`t know, haha. The ending was lovely, I really like this story ^^
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I AGREE WITH kannielove!!!!!!!!!!<br />
UNEXPECTED sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
ParkChinji #7
it already ended . sniff * T_T<br />
hahahhaha ! t`was a success !!
lovetronica #9
Thank you all for reading, and commenting! I live to write for wonderful readers like you all. Since this is the last chapter can you guys comment more???? Pleaseeeeeeeeee.