
You Got A Message


Two dark figures looked down on her as she opened her eyes, “What…? Where am I?”

Minji blinked several times, trying to get used to the light. She inhaled and gulped. She felt a strong want in her heart and pain in . *What’s this feeling?*

She sat upright upon realising her surroundings. *What? Where am I?!*

“You’re in our mansion,” JunQ told her, sitting down on one of the seats.

“W-who are you?” Minji asked.

“We’re v—”

“JunQ!” Gunwoo warned.

“Fine, fine. We’re just some people who found you in the alley, unconscious,” JunQ rolled his eyes.

That was when Minji suddenly recalled everything. Her eyes flashed green for a while but became black again. *Oh gosh.* Minji’s hand instantly went to her collarbone, feeling the bite mark.

“JunQ…” Gunwoo sighed and gave him a look.

JunQ sighed, “Fine.”

He left the room, leaving Gunwoo alone in the room, with Minji.

“Min—” “Excu—”

“What is it?” Gunwoo asked.

“I… I feel weird. Did you give me a drug or something?” Minji warily asked.

“No,” Gunwoo truthfully answered.

“Then what’s wrong with me?” Minji touched , feeling the burn.

“You see… I need to tell you something…” Gunwoo slowly started.

“What is it..?” Minji stared at him, eyes full of curiosity.

“Before I tell you… can you please make sure you won’t freak out or anything…? It’s gonna be a hard thing for you to accept,” Gunwoo bit his lower lip, unsure how to break it to her.

Minji inhaled some air and thought about it. *I’ll just hear him out. What could happen, right?*

Little did she know, she was about to face the biggest nightmare of her life—one that she could never wake up from.


Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Kim worriedly held onto each other’s hand as the policeman started questioning them.

It had been a week since they lost their child. They thought she would come back, but she didn’t. They didn’t want to contact the police but they had to. Their one and only daughter was missing.

They had a feeling they knew who the person behind this was. But, for some reason, something told them it wasn’t that that took their daughter. It was something else, but they didn’t know what.

“Where was your daughter last seen?” Detective Dongwoo asked.

They were in the living room, getting interrogated by a professional detective, Jang Dongwoo. His facial features were sharp, almost like a dinosaur. He looked decent, though.  He wore a straight and serious face but he was still good-looking.

“She went on a date with her boyfriend, Kim Seyong. She never came home after that. According to Seyong, he told her to go home alone because he had family issues to attend to…” Mrs. Kim said with teary eyes.

“So, she was walking home alone… And didn’t make it?” Dongwoo asked.

“Yes…” Mrs. Kim nodded.

“Can I see this boy? Kim Seyong?” the detective raised his eyebrow.

“Sure. This is his address,” Mrs. Kim wrote it in the detective’s notepad.

“Thank you. I will try my best to look for your daughter,” Dongwoo stood up and bowed.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim showed him the way out and thanked him for his help.


Outside, when the Kims were gone, Dongwoo took out his phone.

He smirked as he dialled the number. A boy picked up.

“Hyung??” it was Sungjong.

“Yah, maknae. Gather the boys and get it on speaker,” Dongwoo told him.

“Done!” Sungjong said.

“Okay.. Guys, looks like we have a new mission.”

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Update soon author-nim* :)
Plz update. I like this srory
Stomach flu still can update... Tsk tsk
Piggy! i love your FIC *_*
U finally updated... I almost forgot abt the whole story...
I hope Minji and Seyong be together soon...
Maybe Minji can change Seyong into a vampire too.. *winks*
Update soon... Holidays are coming... :)
Harabeoji, YOU BETRAYED HOYA AND INFINITE!!! And you finally updated, keke
OMG she meet my bias of infinite :O hopefully youll update soon
OMO I hope in the next chapter Minji meets INFINITE!! Update soon^:)
miszchlahiie766 #10
update... update... update... ^__^