Denial and Cold

그냥 ((Just Because))



It was a Sunday and Hakyeon had been in bed for a week, drowning in his bottles of banana milk. The kids had fussed over him the past few days,stopping him from leaving the bed and bringing stuffs to him, running over whenever he calls out and Hakyeon had never felt as contended as he is currently. Besides, its been  a week since he sat scrubbing away in the bathroom and, oh.




He hasn't talk to Taekwoon for a week and its killing him on the inside. He wanted to embrace Taekwoon, telling him its fine, he's not angry but Taekwoon won't go anywhere near him and even opted sleeping on the couch instead. It hurts Hakyeon to think that does Taekwoon really hate him that much? 


Today, their manager had to pry each member off Hakyeon and force them to go to practice. The kids made high-pitched whines and protests, knowing oh-so-well that their leader would move around a lot.


"His stitches could come undone, hyung-nim!"  Jaehwan pouted


" He needs to move around to heal quickly, you idiots."

With that he shoved them out the door and locked it behind him, leaving Hakyeon and a special someone alone in the dormitories. It had been a plan too, by their manager, sensing tense aura between the two eldest, he wanted the kids to quickly reconcile so that VIXX would be those loud annoying kids that he has to take care of, willingly of course.


Hakyeon got up and gripped the walls as support, making his way slowly towards the kitchen. The throbbing on the back of his head had ceased to a dull ache and Hakyeon was thankful at once for the member's hospitality the past few days. He grabbed a cup and poured water into it, gulping the water down thirstily and decided to spend his time watching movies since he couldn't really move around a lot. He nearly shrieked and slip when he saw a familiar figure sleeping on the couch, an arm draped across his tummy, snoring ever so softly.


'Didn't they all went to practice?'


And Hakyeon soon realises that it was a plan by his manager afterall. He wanted to approach the sleeping boy, but felt hesitant to do so. However, when he thought back upon all the hardships Taekwoon had gone through this week with the members giving him the cold shoulder and glaring at him whenever possible, Hakyeon's heart melted. With a newly found confidence, he slowly sat on the floor by Taekwoon. He reached over and touched the latter's nose lightly. It amazes him how Taekwoon could be so pretty even in his sleep and Hakyeon, well, he is just a mess, patches of dark skin everywhere. Mind drifting elsewhere, his fingers skimmed across Taekwoon's lips, sighing contently at the softness of the lips. Bad move. Taekwoon jolts awake immediately at the pressure on his lips and for a moment their breath hitched as their gaze locked, soon to be broken by Hakyeon, retreating his hands.


"S-sorry" he mumbles. Taekwoon sighs, running a hand through his hair.


"What are you doing here? Why are you moving around?"


"I-I-I went to get some water and the cut hurts suddenly so I had to sit down for a while." Nothing matters if he tells a small lie right now because for all that he knows, he has a way bigger lie than that he keeps burried in his being for now.


"...Why didn't you wake me?"


"You were deep asleep and seemed tired so..."  Taekwoon sighed and stood up, holding Hakyeon's arm and slowly made their way back to the room, setting the bed as comfortable as he could before laying Hakyeon down and turned around to exit when Hakyeon grabbed his wrist.


"Taekwoon, we need to talk, please" 




"Sit, Jung Taekwoon" Just like that he groans before sitting in front of Hakyeon.


"Taekwoon, I am not angry nor am I upset at you. I understand. We all have our limits and you just happen to meet yours that day didn't you?", he laughed nervously as he fought back the tears,

"I am sorry for being annoying, Taekowoon, but did you see all the happy starlights of ours? They were happy at your improvement, you are starting to open up to the public Taekwoon and knowing you, it took heaps of effort and confidence for you to do so. All that I ever want for you is some recognition, so that people would know that Jung Taekwoon is a warm, goey hearted person with a cold appearence. I want to be able to show people that VIXX is the best, that we certainly rock the music industry and Taekwoon, those self-praise, I am sorry. I promise I won't do it anymore in the future for the sake of VIXX, yes? How silly of me, I didn't even thought about how the issue could get big.," he looked towards the ceiling, unable to look at Taekwoon's face for fear that the tears in his eyes would drop., 


"I am sorry. I will not take the skin jokes seriously from now onwards, you are right. I need to accept reality and let you tease me for the truth. I am sorry for debuting. Nakhun should have been here instead, huh? Tch. Useless I am. Right, I gained lots of weight and don't you feel like ripping me? Look at all these fat. I am also childish. I am sorry. I grow up in a family where I am the youngest and I am used to being the youngest that my heart remains a child and I miss my family most of the time but there is no where for me to tell on, to let it out. I only have you guys as my second family, that is if you think of me as one of your family member, but then again, it would be unfitting, wouldn't it? A dark, charred, ugly sheep amongst fluffy white ones. What am I even thinking? I am sorry Taekwoon. Everything you said was correct. I will try and change myself for VIXX, for you, okay? I am sorry." He concluded shakily,tears still b his eyes but soon, Taekwoon's response made his body jerked and his stomach churned.


"Good, its about time you realise it anyway." With that he stood up and took his leave.


For the first time in a week, Hakyeon returned to his safe place that night.


A/N: I love you too. <333

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It's been 4 years how i can still crying reading this??
Chapter 17: Can you hear that?
Me crying bcoz what are you trying to do ??!!!! Im already a mess here
Chapter 16: TT..TT
its raining heavily here
Chapter 14: How
Chapter 10: *currently melting from the heat
Chapter 8: Im gonna fight Jung
sazunaki #7
Chapter 20: ... This should be the true ending lmfao.
sazunaki #8
Chapter 14: Ok, now it makes sense! Lung cancer! As its malignant, it probably spread to his head which is how it was revealed in the CT scan. So he did lie to Wonshik about pneumonia... but still, how did the members not notice him going to chemo lol
sazunaki #9
Chapter 11: So he is going to chemotherapy... Then how do the members not notice that? Many chemotherapy drugs cause hair loss...
sazunaki #10
Chapter 9: Im confused.. so Hakyeon had a head CT which revealed something, has asthma and pneumonia? Uhh, what does a head CT have to do with lung issues? And chemotherapy for pneumonia? Either Hakyeon has cancer, pneumonia and head trauma due to being very unlucky.. or he is lying to Wonshik about having pneumonia. I have asthma and have had pneumonia many times... and it is something you can manage/treat if given the medication.