Dates and Hints

그냥 ((Just Because))





"N hyung! Save me!"


Hongbin screeches as he runs around the park, Taekwoon hot on his tracks. The younger had made fun of the older, teasing him about being clingy towards Hakyeon. Hakyeon smiled knowing that Taekwoon wouldn't actually kill Hongbin, well maybe put Hongbin's life in danger but not really kill him. Taekwoon soon gave up, plopping down next to Hakyeon on the bench, as he huffed in annoyance.


"I swear I'll break his limbs when I get him later..." he muttered under his pants.


"Aww Taekwoonie. Hongbin was just kidding. Do you want to walk around?"




Taekwoon intertwined their fingers together as they began to stroll around the park leisurely. It is at these times that Hakyeon felt the most calm and assured. He feels reassured that someone was at least there for him. He loves the way Taekwoon makes him forget about everything else in the world just by being next to him. His presence alone is strong enough to provide a sense of safety for Hakyeon. He is glad that Taekwoon somehow took some of the pain he is bearing, the fatigueness as a result of chemotherapy and the loneliness that comes along with the heavy responsibilities of a leader. Hakyeon does not know how to break the news to Taekwoon. They had just been together and Hakyeon just want to drown in Taekwoon's affectionate nature that he does not show often and enjoy the scarce time together. Because they might get busy with promotions yet again soon and Hakyeon's personal schedule wasn't helping either. Besides, he wants to appreciate the time he has before it runs out.


"Hakyeon, when is your next appointment?"


"W-What?  It's in three months. Why'd you ask?"


"I'd like to come with you. I want to hear the doctor saying that you are fine-"


"NO! N-No.. Taekwoon, its fine. I can manage on my own. Besides, it's on the day where I have my personal schedule and I plan on going to the hospital straight after my schedule ends. S-Sorry. Maybe next time." Hakyeon smiled awkwardly.


"But I need to hear what the doctor say. You had been shivering a lot these days and I need to know why. Your meds don't seem to be working as well."


"Taekwoon, listen. My appointments would usually be at night and they might last for hours. I'm fine Taekwoonie, don't worry." Hakyeon offered a smile and Taekwoon had no choice but to begrudgingly comply. That night, Hakyeon cried himself to sleep as another series of sharp pains in the chest crashed upon him.









Hakyeon the ice cream slowly as he enjoyed the cool sensation in his mouth. It was one of the rare occasion where Taekwoon initiates dates and when Taekwoon does, they would be the sweetest dates Hakyeon can never dare to imagine before. Taekwoon had brought him to one of the famous ice cream shops downtown and they chose a cubicle at the corner just so that they could let their touches linger and their gazes’ burn into each other.


"Hakyeon, you have ice cream on your face."


"WHAT. Where?!" He began to frantically wipe away at his nose and and cheeks.


"You are missing the spot. Here" Hakyeon's breath hitched as Taekwoon leaned over and kissed his philtrum, slightly  at it to remove the traces of Hakyeon's favourite: My Mom's An Alien before kissing him fully on the lips. His tongue brushed across Hakyeon's lips and as Hakyeon gasps in utter shock, he swiftly slipped his tongue inside, immediately engaging their tongues in a fight for dominance. Taekwoon eventually pulled away, amused at the sight of Hakyeon's flushed face, confusion written all over his face.


"I love you."  He whispered before claiming Hakyeon's lips again, making the older squeal in protest.


"Taek-Taekwoon, we're in public" he mumbled in between kisses as he tried pushing Taekwoon away.


"Let them know you’re mine." And as Hakyeon thought he couldn't take much more, Taekwoon returned to his seat. He smiled and returned to his ice cream, leaving Hakyeon blinking alone as he tried to comprehend what had just happened.






"I love you too.I want you to know that no matter what happens in the future, I will alaways love you. My love for you would never change. Whether I am by your side or when I am not there, I love you."


"Why so sudden?" he chuckled.


All Hakyeon ever did was smiling back to Taekwoon.



A/N: Hello! I am sorry I at writing fluff. T^T Anyway, incase you guys did not notice the lyrics in chapter nine is VIXX’s Love Letter, hehe. Subscribe and drop a comment, please. Thank you~

[103 subscribers already omg. You lovely people, I love you! <333   ^^]

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It's been 4 years how i can still crying reading this??
Chapter 17: Can you hear that?
Me crying bcoz what are you trying to do ??!!!! Im already a mess here
Chapter 16: TT..TT
its raining heavily here
Chapter 14: How
Chapter 10: *currently melting from the heat
Chapter 8: Im gonna fight Jung
sazunaki #7
Chapter 20: ... This should be the true ending lmfao.
sazunaki #8
Chapter 14: Ok, now it makes sense! Lung cancer! As its malignant, it probably spread to his head which is how it was revealed in the CT scan. So he did lie to Wonshik about pneumonia... but still, how did the members not notice him going to chemo lol
sazunaki #9
Chapter 11: So he is going to chemotherapy... Then how do the members not notice that? Many chemotherapy drugs cause hair loss...
sazunaki #10
Chapter 9: Im confused.. so Hakyeon had a head CT which revealed something, has asthma and pneumonia? Uhh, what does a head CT have to do with lung issues? And chemotherapy for pneumonia? Either Hakyeon has cancer, pneumonia and head trauma due to being very unlucky.. or he is lying to Wonshik about having pneumonia. I have asthma and have had pneumonia many times... and it is something you can manage/treat if given the medication.