First Day of The Deal

10 ways to win your heart
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I sighed as I stood in front of the school. I really don’t wanna go in. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to go to school, it was that, I was scared of seeing Jungkook. Not scared like he was scary, it was just that I nervous. 2 months…2 months. Can’t be that bad, right? I could feel my heart beating fast. I can’t stay out here forever. I gulped and gripped my backpack straps tightly. “Let’s do this.” I took one step at a time, slowly.

Jungkook’s P.O.V:

As we entered the school gates, I could feel my heart beating. Let’s hope this goes well. “Hey, isn’t that MinYoung?” Taehyung pointed out.

“Yeah that is.” Hoseok nodded.

Jimin teasingly poked me, “Look it’s your future girlfriend!”

I hit Jimin lightly on the arm, “Shut up.”

“Want us to call her for you?” Namjoon asked innocently.

“No! Don’t even think about it!” I glared at him.

“YO! MINYOUNG!!” Taehyung waved at her. I mentally face palmed. Leave it up to Taehyung to ruin everything. I could feel myself start to turn red. Please don’t come over here. “Come here!” Taehyung shouted. I face palmed myself mentally once more. Why does he always say the opposite of what I want?

She slowly made her way towards us. “Um, hi?” She waved awkwardly. I avoided eye contact, not wanting to blush even more.

“What’s up?” Jimin asked in failed English. Could they be even more embarrassing?  

“Good Morning Jungkook.” She softly spoke.

“G-Good morning.” I stuttered, still avoiding eye contact. Why did I just stuttered? I’m so lame.

“Where’s your friend?” Namjoon asked MinYoung.

“Oh, she’s not here yet. I guess she’s running late.” She looked behind us, probably trying to find her.

“Since she isn’t here yet. Wanna hang out with us?” Taehyung smiled widely.

“Um, sure I guess.” Jimin hung his right arm around her shoulders, making me slightly jealous. “Let’s go~!” Jimin shouted happily. I automatically glared at Jimin, not even noticing that I was stomping.

“You do know your jealousy is showing right?” Jin whispered to me.

I looked at him, “I’m not jealous.”

He chuckled, “Your stomping says something else.”

I sighed, “Sorry.”

He patted my back, “It’s okay. I think we all know that feeling.” I looked at MinYoung, who was happily talking to Jimin and Taehyung.

“Yeah and so Taehyung fell down the stairs, it was funny.” Jimin and MinYoung both laughed.

“It was not funny.” Taehyung pouted.

“Are you okay though?” MinYoung giggled.

“Of course! He’s an alien so he can heal any injuries telepathically.” Jimin joked.

“An alien?” MinYoung looked at Taehyung funny. “I don’t know. He looks more like a lion to me.”

Taehyung fist pumped the air, “Finally! Someone who finally thinks I don’t look like an alien.”

“She probably meant a stupid alien looking lion.” Hoseok added.

“Stop making fun of me!” Taehyung started chasing Hoseok around while Jimin and MinYoung laughed together. Why can’t I talk to her like that? Why do I have to be so awkward?

“Go talk to her.” Jin urged me but I refused, afraid of making a mistake.

“Aren’t you supposed to make her fall for you? Keep this shyness up and she’s going to fall for Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok.” Yoongi sternly said.

“I know but still.” I looked down at my trembling hands.

“Still what? Who cares if you make a mistake, it’s part of learning.” Yoongi pushed me towards the 4 of them. I stumbled a little. 

“Hey Jungkook.” Jimin smiled.

“Hey…” I said. Soon enough, it got awkward.

“So…? Where’s your friend?” Taehyung looked around, “Class is about to start, isn’t it?”

MinYoung nodded, “She should have been here by now.”

As soon as she said that, we all heard, “MINYOUNG!!” We all turned around to see someone run towards us.

“Oh, there she is.” MinYoung waved.

The girl had finally reached us, “I couldn’t find you until I heard you laugh.” She panted. MinYoung covered , surprised. “Yes, you do laugh that loud.”

“Who is she?” Taehyung asked Minyoung.

”Don’t be rude!” Hoseok smacked Taehyung’s head.

“It’s okay. Guys, this is EunJi. EunJi, this is Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jin and Jungkook.” She pointed to each of us.

“Nice to meet you.” EunJi bowed.

“Where were you?” MinYoung patted down EunJi’s hair that was sticking up.

“I woke up late.” EunJi smiled sheepishly.

“Of course you did.” MinYoung shook her head.

“So, why are you hanging out with BTS?” Eunji tilted her head at us.

“You make it sound as if they’re a disease.” MinYoung’s shoulders deflated.

“I didn’t mean it like that!” EunJi raised her arms in defense.

“She’s hanging out with us because we asked her too.” Taehyung popped into the conversation.

“Stop sounding rude.” Hoseok hit him on the head once more.

“Stop hitting me!!” Taehyung tried to hit Hoseok back but failed.




“Well…there goes the bell.” Namjoon said quietly. “Come on! Let’s go to class.” Yoongi, Jin and Namjoon left to class.

“We gotta go too. See ya later MinYoung, EunJi and Jungkook.” Taehyung, Hoseok and Jimin all left to their classes too.

“Well, guess that leaves us huh? Come on MinYoung!!” EunJi beamed. I watched them walk down the hall, but before they could get far enough, MinYoung turned around.

“Aren’t you coming too Jungkook?” MinYoung tilted her head cutely.

I nodded,

“Yeah, I’m coming.” 


MinYoung’s P.O.V:


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Chapter 13: What?! No, author-nim! I need you (girl) to update soon! I've fallen head over heels for this story and my poor heart cannot handle a pause... fighting! You can do it!! <3 *^▁^*
CBTS07 #2
Chapter 13: Please update soon
Chapter 12: Soooooooo cute... Update soon.. More fluffy moments please... :D
ChoSaku_ #4
Chapter 11: Lololololol yoongi as a granny xD
Chapter 10: Make her fall in love with you, Kookie.... I know you can do it.... Update as fast as lightning.... :)
cmhmk1 #6
Chapter 10: I LOVE THIS OMG
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhhhh... update soon... Author-nim haha
Chapter 10: her mom tho hahaa