Heart Skips a Beat

10 ways to win your heart
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This morning I had overslept due to practicing all the lines for my part last night. I ran out the house in a hurry, almost tripping over my own feet. “Shoot! I’m so dead now!” I continued to run fast. Why didn’t I wake up when my alarm rang? Why??

I had finally made it to school. Out of breath, I walked to class, passing by Namjoon and Yoongi’s class.

“Oh, MinYoung!” Namjoon ran to me. I smiled a little before going back to catching my breath.

“Where were you?” Yoongi asked as he handed me a water bottle.

“I…slept…late.” I huffed tiredly. They both chuckled at me.

“Practicing for your play?” Namjoon patted my head. I nodded, not wanting to answer verbally. After a finishing the water in a few gulps, I handed it to Yoongi who threw it away.

“You should get to class, we’ll see you later!” Yoongi and Namjoon waved goodbye. I waved back and headed to class, hoping I wouldn’t be in a lot of trouble. I opened the door, waiting to be attack by EunJi but I wasn’t. Instead I was attacked by Jungkook.

“MinYoung!!” Jungkook tackled me down with a hug.

“J-Jungkook!” I wrapped my arms around him, blushing a little.

“Where were you? I thought you weren’t coming to school!” He pulled back and smiled at me.

“I slept in by accident.” I nervously laughed.

“Well now that you’re here, let’s get practicing!” He dragged me into the middle of the room.

“H-Here?” I was embarrassed that everyone was watching us. Ms. Bae nodded and clapped, making everyone else clap for us too. Jungkook just smiled goofily and grabbed his script.

“Ready?” He bit his lip. I could feel my heart beating. I wasn’t sure if it was because of him or the eyes of the others but I felt shy now. I set down my backpack and grabbed my script, gripping it a little too hard.

“Ready…” I didn’t sound so confident.

We practiced our parts, reading perfectly as if we’d done this for years. I mean there were some mistakes here and there but overall we did pretty well. I gulped as it came to the last scene. The moment where Romeo dies. Paris or I should say Jihoon came up to me and that’s were Ms. Bae stopped us.

“We can stop right here for now. I know in the play there is a lot of kissing scenes and fights. I was thinking about it and I thought since the upperclassmen’s had already done something similar to Romeo and Juliet, they could teach you how to fake a kiss and pretend to fight with fake swords.” Ms. Bae pointed to the door as familiar people walked into our class.

Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok walked into the class, snickering as they saw Jungkook and I. Sadly EunJi was busy making the clothes for the play so she couldn’t see Taehyung.

“Nice to meet you.” All 3 bowed respectfully. I could feel my soul leave my body as I stared at them hopelessly. They’re the ones who are going to teach us…? Really? Out of all the other students, they chose them?

Ms. Bae clapped happily as she turned to us, “These are the students who can do stunts perfectly. They shall teach you the proper ways to everything we need.” Everyone clapped. Some boys were eyeing them in jealousy as the girls fangirled over them.

Jimin walked up to me and hugged me tightly. I could hear some girls growl. “MinYoung~! I thought you weren’t going to be here!” He pouted cutely.

I laughed and shook my head, “I overslept so I came late.”

“Me too!!” Hoseok hugged me from behind, making me sandwiched between the both of them.

“Okay guys, you’re going to kill her soon!” Jungkook separated them from me. I silently thanked him, being squished between them made me feel weird. I mean, it was nice to hug friends but with the girls giving me death glares, it felt as if they thought I was more than a friend to them, which wasn’t true.

“Aw~! Is Jungkookie jealous?” Jimin cooed as he pulled me into a hug again.

“You can also hug her you know?” Hoseok playfully nudged him. Jungkook gave him a death glare as Ms. Bae talked to Taehyung.

“Jimin, Hoseok!” Taehyung called. They both left to see what he wanted.

“Sorry, they’re still idiots.” Jungkook sighed disapprovingly. I laughed and just patted his back. I watched as Taehyung whispered something into Jimin’s ear. He smirked devilishly and looked at me with a tint of trouble in his eyes. What is he going to do?

I stepped behind Jungkook a little as Jimin made his way to me.

“Can I borrow you for a second?” Jimin stuck his hand out, waiting for me to grab it. Hesitantly, I reached for his hand. I have a bad feeling about this.

Once our hands made contact, he pulled me in and leaned in real close to me, our noses touching. I could feel his breath on my lips. He smirked and titled his head, leaning in a little closer to the point where if I accidently moved, our lips would touch. I suddenly closed my eyes shut, scared of what he was going to do. Girls screamed about the PDA that was going on.

He pull away, eyeing Jungkook who looked just as shocked as everyone else. I just stared off into space, trying to process everything that had just happened.

“This, is how you fake a kiss.” Jimin grabbed my hand and made me bow down with him. He smiled at me as I felt my soul leave my body again.

“Now you try Jungkook!” He pushed me to him, still having that derpy smile of his on. Jungkook just stared at me, fidgeting around a bit.

“Jungkook…you can’t just stand there for the play!” Taehyung came up to us and pushed Jungkook closer to me. “You have to fake a kiss like Jimin did!” Jungkook gulped as we just stared at one another. Oh…my…god.

Hosoek pouted as we just stood there, neither of us making a move. “Hey!! We didn’t come here just to teach you how to stand there! Kiss already!” Jungkook gulped as he reached for my waist, pulling me in.

I could feel my heart beat faster and faster as he leaned in closely. I think I’m going to die…!!  My breath hitched as our noses touched. I squeezed my eyes shut, backing away a little. I can’t do this! I just can’t! H-He’s just too close.

“Now titled your head.” Jimin hollered as Taehyung and Hosoek snickered.

Why is that idiot shouting out directions like that! Is he stupid or something? Oh my god!!!! My head exploded into little pieces. I felt Jungkook’s body move just a little, probably following Jimin’s orders.

I squeaked as he pulled me closer. I could feel his breath on my lips, tickling my face a little. For some reason, I opened my eyes just to see where he was. I regretted that move. Jungkook’s eyes were a shade lighter close up. I could clearly see his eyelashes and smooth skin. There were some flaws but the perfections covered those up quickly. He looked…kind of…cute.

I blushed heavily as I stared at him, somehow trying to remember his face. He instantly pulled away as he noticed my staring. He slowly let go of my waist, backing up to give me space. He looked away, blushing a lot too. Everyone was silent, intently staring at us.

“Good job!” Taehyung broke the silence with clapping. Everyone started clapping like crazy, some of the boys whistling and shouting Jungkook’s name while the girls cheered, happy that I wasn’t “kissing” Jimin anymore. Jimin seemed more popular with the girls in my class.

“All right! That looked real, you should be proud of yourselves!” Ms. Bae patted Jungkook’s back. We both didn’t look at each other, still feeling embarrassed.

Thump…Thump…Thump Thump Thump

I looked at my feet. Feeling my heart beat like this made me feel weird again.

Why is it doing this?





It was break time so I decided to go see how EunJi was doing.

“EunJi~!” I called as I ran into the room, almost slipping on a piece of frabic.

“MinYoung!” She shouted and ran to hug me. “I thought you weren’t coming today!” She pouted as I laughed.

“I overslept by accident.” I patted her head. She just laughed and walked to a piece of clothing. “Do you want to see Jungkook’s dress?” I nodded and walked to her.

“Wow…the designs are amazing!” I gently touched the piece of dress, totally amazed that they actually made it exactly like the sketch.

“Thanks! But it wasn’t me who made this part, it was Hana!” She pointed at Hana who was sewing another part. I nodded and looked back at the dress.

“I’m making your suit! They’re getting the fabrics at the store right now so I got nothing to do.” She sighed.

“Want to walk around with me then?” I suggested and pointed at the door. She just hooked her arm with mine and we left the class, walking in a random direction.

“I heard what happened with you and Jungkook.” She wiggled her eyebrows making me blush again.

“F-From who?” I was curious. Was it going around the school now? Were there rumors of us being a thing? I hope not.

“From Taehyung…he came to visit me earlier.” She blushed and looked away.

I giggled and nudged her since my elbow was close to her, “Oh~!”

She growled a little and pushed me, “Not like that! He just wanted to see Jungkook’s costume.”

“More like he wanted to see you~!” I sang out loud. She blushed again and started chasing me around the hallways, making me laugh.

I turned a corner, accidently bumping into Jin. “Ow…!” I rubbed my head as I sat up, trying to look for the person I had bumped into. I then noticed I was pretty much sitting on him, “J-JIN!!” I quickly got off and helped him up. “Are you okay?”

He nodded and rubbed his back, “Yeah…” I felt guilty. I wasn’t watching where I was going and ended up bumping into him.

“I am so sorry!” I bowed down.

He laughed, shaking his head as he patted my head, “It’s okay, just try to be careful okay?” I nodded and sighed deeply.

“Why aren’t you with BTS?” EunJi asked.

Jin shrugged, “I can’t find them at all, I tried the gym and they weren’t there. I also tried the cafeteria but no luck.”

“We’ll help then!” I volunteered. This was the only way to re pay for what I had done, yes I still felt guilty. He smiled and we went to go search for them.

“I’ll go check my and Jimin’s classroom, maybe they’re in there.” I pointed down a hall and they both nodded.

“I’ll go

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Chapter 13: What?! No, author-nim! I need you (girl) to update soon! I've fallen head over heels for this story and my poor heart cannot handle a pause... fighting! You can do it!! <3 *^▁^*
CBTS07 #2
Chapter 13: Please update soon
Chapter 12: Soooooooo cute... Update soon.. More fluffy moments please... :D
ChoSaku_ #4
Chapter 11: Lololololol yoongi as a granny xD
Chapter 10: Make her fall in love with you, Kookie.... I know you can do it.... Update as fast as lightning.... :)
cmhmk1 #6
Chapter 10: I LOVE THIS OMG
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhhhh... update soon... Author-nim haha
Chapter 10: her mom tho hahaa