Romeo and Juliet

10 ways to win your heart
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“Okay class, the one with the most votes is…a school play, Romeo and Juliet!” The people who chose that cheered like crazy. Some boys laughing and some girls squealing their heads off. “Now, I know some of you are upset with the choices but trust me, it’ll be fun!”

The people who didn’t like this idea just sighed and nodded. I just stared at her blankly as she started counting how many students there were so she could start assigning roles.

“MinYoung…?” Jungkook nudged me a little. “Are you okay?” He waved his hand in front of my face.

I nodded in response, still somewhat devastated that we had to do a school play. Last time I did this, I embarrassed myself so much that I now have stage fright. Thinking of the embarrassment I felt the first time I ever went up on stage made me feel weak.

“All right class, there I exactly 27 students in here and 29 roles so some of you may have to play 2 parts.” Ms. Bae said.

“Excuse me, Ms. Bae, what do you mean 29 roles? There aren’t that many  main characters in the book at all.” SooYoung raised her hand.

“Well, we need people to help prepare the stage, make sure we have the perfect lighting, and help makes set ups and costumes, right?” Ms. Bae smiled a little.

“Wait, so how would we even assign roles?” Yugyeom asked.

“I was kind of hoping this would have the most votes so I already have something prepared.” She brought out a huge board from behind her tiny desk. It was numbered 1-29 and there were yellow post it notes next to each row. “We shall draw numbers and once you get your number, you’ll write it on the row the number is on. Once we are done with assigning, we will rip off the notes and see who got what.”

I gulped. Please let me be a person who does the lighting or set up, I don’t want to go on stage.

“Wait, what happens if a boy gets a girl role?” Some boy shouted from the back. Now every boy started complaining, realizing they might be a girl for this play.

“Now students, there’s this quote I like using. You get what you get and you don’t have a fit. This is supposed to help build teamwork, so please just try to cooperate.”

Everybody looked at each other. The boys sighed and nodded in approval and the girls just giggled. I looked over at Jungkook to see his reaction. He just looked sad.

“What’s wrong?” I snickered a little. I couldn’t imagine Jungkook pretending to be a girl at all. He sulked and didn’t answer.

“Okay, we’ll start assigning now.”




“Jeon Jungkook.” Ms. Bae called. Jungkook slowly got up and walked to the box containing the numbers. He put his hand in and carefully chose a number, sighing and probably hoping he would get a boy role at least.

He got number 15. He wrote his name and came back to sit down.

“Do you think you picked the right one?” I whispered to him.

He shrugged, “Hopefully…I don’t want to play as a girl.” I just giggled and waited for my turn.




“Kim MinYoung.” Finally! I wanted to get this part over with. As I walked up to the box, I was praying to have an easy role. Please be lights person or set up. Even making costumes would be nice!!!

I took a deep breath and stuck my hand into the box, feeling around for a piece of paper. Once I caught one, I brought it up to see what numbered I had. Number 10. I gulped. Please let it be an easy job!!

I wrote my name and walked back to my seat. EunJi sighed as I sat down.

“Now I’m the only one left between the 3 of us…” EunJi sulked. I just patted her back as she walked up to the box, picking her number slowly. Number 4. I could see EunJi’s face turn pale. I guess the closest numbers would be the big roles…seems more logical.

She sighed as she sat down, hiding her face from us.

“Okay class, we will now rip of the notes.”

As she went down the list, EunJi cheered because she had gotten costume designer. I could feel my heart beat as they went up to 10. Oh god please help me this time! I promise to do my homework on time!! Please!!

“Kim MinYoung will be playing…Romeo.” My heart stopped as I repeated what she had said over and over again. Jungkook and EunJi looked at me in shock as I stared at my name. R-R…ROMEO!!!!! YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME NOW! I’m so dead…!!

I felt like crying. The world wasn’t so nice after all. I face desked myself, not wanting to look at anyone anymore. Jungkook just gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze and waited for his turn.

We were at number 15. I could tell Jungkook was scared because as she called his name, his breath hitched a little.

“Jeon Jungkook will be playing…Juliet!” Everybody, including myself, looked at Jungkook who looked as if his spirit just flew out of his body. He hung his head low, sighing deeply.

“Well…isn’t this interesting. A girl playing Romeo and a boy playing Juliet.” Ms. Bae chuckled as she stared at us.

It was quiet at first, but then everybody starting cheering, “GO MINYOUNG! GO JUNGKOOK!! WOOHOO!!!!”

I felt my heart beat fast as I started to realize what I had gotten in to. We both looked at each other, face red as we just noticed…we were lovers in the play.




As we walked home, all I could think about was being Romeo. Oh god…I can already see me mess up. Why…? Why me?  I looked down at my feet, sighing for the hundredth time.

“Come one MinYoung, it can’t be that bad.” Jimin patted my back. I shook my head. He didn’t understand, I had the biggest part of the whole play! I would have to do fighting scenes and even…kissing scenes…with…Jungkook…

I looked over at Jungkook who seemed just as sad as me.

“I can’t believe you both gotten the big roles.” Namjoon was still laughing about the news we told him. “This is just too funny.” He wiped a tear, trying to control his laughter.

“Be nice!” Jin smacked him on the head and turned to looked at us. “Don’t worry, this just means you will be more comfortable on stage with one another! This is much easier than having someone you don’t like as a partner on stage.”

I knew he was right but…I still didn’t want to be Romeo, even if Jungkook was playing Juliet. The stage frighten me, it made me feel vulnerable since everyone could see me.

EunJi just grinned and hung her arm on my shoulders, “Don’t worry!! I’ll be behind the stage cheering you on! I’ll make your costume the best one yet, that goes to you too Jungkook!”  

We just looked at each other then sighed in harmony.

I am so going to mess up.





Today at school, all classes stopped so we could all prepare for the festival.

“MinYoung!!” I turned around to see Jimin running to me. He tackled me into a hug, scaring me to death.

“J-Jimin!” I wrapped my arms around him, afraid of falling down.

“Hello~!” He pulled apart, smiling ear to ear. “Where’s Jungkook?” He looked around the busy classroom we were in.

“Aren’t you supposed to be in your class helping out with their project? And he’s getting his measurements taken so they can make the dress for him.” I pointed down the hall where the sewing class was.

Jimin laughed, “I can’t wait to see your play!” I puffed up my cheeks, turning red from embarrassment. He noticed it and laughed even more, “Don’t worry, you’ll do fine!”

I sighed, “I hope so.”

“You don’t seem so upset like yesterday…” He took noticed that I was not complaining anymore.

“My complaining isn’t going to change anything so, all I can do for now is just go with the flow. Plus Ms. Bae promised to buy me cake for

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Chapter 13: What?! No, author-nim! I need you (girl) to update soon! I've fallen head over heels for this story and my poor heart cannot handle a pause... fighting! You can do it!! <3 *^▁^*
CBTS07 #2
Chapter 13: Please update soon
Chapter 12: Soooooooo cute... Update soon.. More fluffy moments please... :D
ChoSaku_ #4
Chapter 11: Lololololol yoongi as a granny xD
Chapter 10: Make her fall in love with you, Kookie.... I know you can do it.... Update as fast as lightning.... :)
cmhmk1 #6
Chapter 10: I LOVE THIS OMG
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhhhh... update soon... Author-nim haha
Chapter 10: her mom tho hahaa