No Longer Holding Back

10 ways to win your heart
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“Jungkook, MinYoung? What are you guys doing?” I looked up to see Jimin giving us a weird look. He then smirked as he saw what position we were in.

“W-Wait! It’s not like that!” I started to panic, knowing what he was smirking about.

He just teasingly wiggled his eyebrows as us as Jungkook helped me up, “Sure it wasn’t~!” I threw him a dirty look. He just chuckled and continued on to what he was going to say, “Sorry to interrupt your “play” time but we got to go, Jin’s complaining about being hungry still so we thought about going to the nearest café.”

Jungkook locked the door before following us to where the others were.




“You guys won’t believe what I saw when I found them.” Jimin laughed. “They were-”

Namjoon and Jin’s eyes were as huge as two planets while they stared at Jungkook who was blushing heavily. I punched Jimin before he could finish his sentence and sighed, “It’s nothing like that. This idiot is just blowing everything out of proportion.” I glared at Jimin. He shrugged and looked back at Jungkook.

“Aw~! He’s blushing!!” Jimin cooed while Jungkook turned redder. I rolled my eyes and walked away from them.

“Hey, where are you going?” Hoseok yelled after me.

I turned around, sending a glare at Jimin who was still snickering like the little idiot he was, “I’m hungry too!” And continued to walk my way to the front doors. They all looked at each other before catching up with me. As they caught up to me, Jungkook and I walked side by side. I took a quick glance at him. He was biting back a smile, blushing so much he looked like a red tomato. Thump Thump Thump.

Am I just as happy as he is?





“What are you going to eat?” Hoseok asked me. I shrugged as Jin held the door open for us all.

“I was planning to just get some coffee.” Yoongi suddenly popped into the conversation. I didn’t mind, it wasn’t like this was a conversation ONLY between Hoseok and I.

“Won’t that keep you up at night?” I asked.

Hoseok patted my back, making me line up first as we continued to talk, “He always stays up writing different songs of his.” I gave Yoongi a surprised look.

“You stay up? Is that why you’re always so sleepy?” I questioned, remembering the times I saw Yoongi knock out during lunch.

“No, he’s just really lazy.” Jimin snickered as he poked Yoongi’s cheek.

Yoongi sent him a glare that originated from the depths of hell. Jimin got the message as ran back to Taehyung who was making weird faces to the little kids outside. EunJi watched him, smiling happily. Is she seriously digging that? I gave her a disgusted face, making Hoseok laugh.

“What’s up with that face?” He asked, chuckling at my now redden face.

I shook my head, taking out my wallet from my backpack, “I-It’s nothing. I’m going to order first since I’m in front, okay?” He nodded. Before I could even start to order, Jungkook came quickly and stood right next to me. “J-Jungkook?” I was startled.

He grinned cheekily and took out his wallet, “I’ll pay for you.”

I looked up at him in shock, “N-No, it’s fine!” I pushed his wallet into his chest. He tilted his head, looking like a confused puppy. I blushed, looking down at my feet. “I-It’s fine, really.”

He pouted and then snatched my wallet from my hand, hiding it behind his back, “I have to pay.” I raised an eyebrow.

“And why is that.”

“Because, guys can’t just let girls pay.” Jungkook looked at Jin. “Jin told us all that. It would be rude to not pay when you’re out with a girl.” His face grew a dusty light pink color once he said the words ‘out with a girl’. I sighed, giving up on paying for myself.

“Fine, but next time I have to pay,” I snatched my wallet from his back. “For the both of us.” He smirked in glee, pushing me forward to order.




“This is good huh?” I munched on a French fry, savoring the fattening taste that came along with it. EunJi nodded before grabbing another fry from my plate.

“Want to try EunJi?” Taehyung scooped a spoon of ice cream, holding it up in front of . EunJi smiled a bit before taking a bite. Her face scrunched up once the ice cream entered (A/N: I’m so sorry if that sounds wrong…!!).

“Is something wrong?” I asked, patting her back just in case. She hmmed as she swallowed (A/N: Once again…I am sorry if it sounds wrong).

“It’s just super cold.” She finally spoke, shivering from the cold.

Taehyung quickly took off his uniform sweater and handed it to EunJi. She was about to protest but I nudged her side, signaling for her to take it. She blushed a little and took it gently, muttering an embarrassed thanks.

I smirked at her. She hit my shoulder and continued to eat from my plate.

“MinYoung~!” Hoseok called out, waving his hands in the air.

I giggled, “Yes Hoseok?”

“Why are you waving your arms? She’s just across from you.” Yoongi hit his head playfully. Hoseok just ignored him and continued on with what he was saying.

“Can I have a fry too?” I nodded, scooting my plate to him. He happily took one, munching loudly on purpose.

“Close your mouth when eating.” Jin smacked his head, sighing in disapproval. “Kids these days.” He shook his head.

“HEY! You’re also a child.” Jungkook said, pointing at Jin.

Jin shook his head, “I’m an adult. You’re a baby.” Jungkook’s face fell, not amused by being called a baby.

“Does that make us a baby too?” I asked, pointing at Eunji and I.

 Jin smiled, laughing. “Yes, it also makes you guys babies.”

“Then what are we?” Jimin and Taehyung shouted together. Jin started to explain what we were to him, whether we were babies, children, adults, or toddlers. It was quite funny watching Yoongi being proud of getting the label of an Adult. Namjoon rolled his eyes and scoffed at being called a Child.

As they all continued to argue, Jungkook and I had made eye contact with each other. He smiled and reached over for my plate, taking 2 fries. I just laughed and tried to grab his cake but, he pulled the plate away and smiled even more, “Say ah!”

I was confused on what he meant, “Say ah?” He nodded, scooping a piece of the cake onto his spoon and motioned it towards me.

“Say ah.”

I blushed as I opened my mouth, waiting to eat the cake. Once the cake entered my mouth (A/N: Why does everything sound wrong TT^TT) the whole table started to tease us. “If you guys wanted to go on a date alone, you guys could of just asked~!” Jimin laughed, poking my cheeks.

“I-It’s not like that!” I defended us, pushing Jimin away from me.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, “Sure it isn’t”

“Then what about you and Eunji?” I raised an eyebrow. The table laughed even more, causing everyone’s attention to be on us.

“She got you good.” Yoongi patted Taehyung’s shoulder. His face a dusty pink color.

“That’s a different story.” Eunji smacked my head.

I rubbed the pain away, furrowing my eyebrows as I glared at her, “No it isn’t. Our story is different. You’re is a typical story.”

“So you’re saying you and Jungkook are a thing now?” Namjoon smirked, a hint of trouble in his dark brown eyes.

“N-No!” I waved my hands, shaking my head too. “I-It’s not like that.” I looked over at Jungkook who seemed slightly disappointed with my answer. Thump Thump Thump. H-He…he really…wants…to…be…

“Look at her face! It’s completely red now!” Hoseok pointed out, making everyone except Jungkook laugh. Jungkook was starting to blush too. “Look at Jungkook! Now they’re both blushing! It’s meant to be!”

I swore I felt as if I was on fire, “IT’S NOT LIKE THAT!!!” I shouted, embarrassed by their teasing’s. I didn’t see Jungkook like that at all. It was just…I already knew he liked me like that so it was awkward seeing that BTS also liked the idea of me and him being together.

I glanced back at Jungkook who was quietly eating his cake, ignoring what the others were saying. He looked at me, blushing even more. “Ignore them.” He mouthed as the others laughter got louder. I nodded, not knowing what to do exactly.

After we all got done eating, we all started to walk towards the arcade since Hoseok and Jimin wanted to have fun before we all went home. “We haven’t been to the arcade for a while now.” Taehyung looked up at the arcade sign that was shining bright red.

“Let’s go!” I yelled out joyfully, dragging Eunji with me. They all followed me, talking about what game they wanted to play first.

“Okay, are we going to split up or stay in a group?” Jin asked once we all got our own tokens.

“I th

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Chapter 13: What?! No, author-nim! I need you (girl) to update soon! I've fallen head over heels for this story and my poor heart cannot handle a pause... fighting! You can do it!! <3 *^▁^*
CBTS07 #2
Chapter 13: Please update soon
Chapter 12: Soooooooo cute... Update soon.. More fluffy moments please... :D
ChoSaku_ #4
Chapter 11: Lololololol yoongi as a granny xD
Chapter 10: Make her fall in love with you, Kookie.... I know you can do it.... Update as fast as lightning.... :)
cmhmk1 #6
Chapter 10: I LOVE THIS OMG
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhhhh... update soon... Author-nim haha
Chapter 10: her mom tho hahaa