Day 1

10 ways to win your heart
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I could feel my heart beating as I entered the school building. Today was the 1st day of the Festival and we were going to perform the play on the 3rd day. A frown on my lips was the first thing Eunji and Jungkook noticed. “Why such a sad face?” Eunji asked.

I looked at her, my eyes big and glossy, “Because…we’re going to perform on the 3rd day which is coming soon.” Jungkook patted my back as Eunji snickered.

“It’s okay! You won’t be that bad.” Jungkook tried to comfort me but it didn’t work. The butterflies wouldn’t go away. As I continued to sulk and walk around the school building with Eunji and Jungkook, we heard loud footsteps coming our way.

“EUNJI~! JUNGKOOK~! MINYOUNG~!” All three of us looked over at the source of the noise. Eunji’s face exploded into a pink shade as she looked at Taehyung who was wearing a suit. He waved happily at us, slowing down as he got closer.

“Why are you wearing a suit?” I asked, looking at him up and down. He looked at himself before laughing.

“My class is doing a café, which is why I came here to find you guys! We want you to come by and eat, hurry!” He reached over to Eunji, grabbing her hand and running back to where he came from.

Jungkook started walking towards the same direction. I sighed mentally and walked along with Jungkook, looking around at the many things that were going on. There was another café thing going on, a gaming room, and a bunch of food stands. There were many other things but this was all I could see. We got near Taehyung’s classroom which was turned into a cute, simple café with a welcoming sign next to the door.

As we entered, I saw Jimin and Hoseok serving girls who were shyly giggling. Looking around, I noticed their theme was the usual butler and maid theme. “This is a typical theme for a café.” Jungkook mumbled, smiling at me.

I agreed, walking towards where Eunji was sitting. “Hey.” I pulled the chair across from her, sitting down and taking in the wonderful scent that filled the air. “Is that…”

“Chocolate?” Jungkook finished my sentence as he sat down next to me. “Seems like Taehyung is bringing chocolate cake for us.” We all looked at the doorway where Taehyung was carrying 3 plates of chocolate cake on a serving tray.

“Here you guys go~!” Taehyung sang as he set the 3 plates down onto the table. “I’ll be back with your drinks!” I was going to stop Taehyung but it was too late, he was going back to the main kitchen.

“We didn’t even order…” I quietly whispered under my breath. Eunji smiled, pointing at the menu she had in her hands.

“I did for us…that’s if you guys don’t mind.” She handed me the menu, pointing to the drinks she had ordered us. “I got you and Jungkook coffee while I have milk.”

Jungkook smiled, taking a bit of the chocolate cake. “So we don’t have to pay or give Taehyung anything?”

“I…already gave him something in return.”

I started to laugh, realizing how wrong that sounded. “You do know people can get the wrong idea…right?” She glared at me, kicking my leg under the table. “Ow!” I groaned, rubbing my shin.

She continued to talk, “Anyways, I meant it in an innocent way, not in a dirty way idiot.” She glared at me more when she said the word idiot.

“Oh, so you accepted his date offer?” Jungkook nodded slowly. I remained in pain and curiousness.

“A date?” The pain was finally going away but I was sure there was going to be a bruise soon. “He asked you on a date?” She nodded, a soft blush on her cheeks.

“So he finally had the guts to ask you out on a date huh? After weeks and weeks of questioning us and himself.” Jungkook laughed, shaking his head.

“What about me?” Taehyung asked as he came back with our drinks. Eunji turned bright red as she sipped her milk quietly. I laughed, poking her cheeks as she tried to swat it away. Jungkook was going to answer Taehyung until Hoseok had called him over. Taehyung gave us a quick goodbye before heading towards Hoseok.

“So, where is he taking you?” I nudged Eunji, raising an eyebrow. She took another sip from her drink, wiping her lips with her napkin.

She looked over at me, her lips in a small smile. Her eyes had a hint of happiness while her cheeks grew pink, “I don’t know.” My smile turned into a frown quickly.

“What do you mean you don’t know?” I gapped, poking her forehead hard. She poked me back, narrowing her eyes.

“I mean I don’t know. He told me it was a secret.” She sipped her milk again. I stuck my tongue out at her behind her back making Jungkook laugh.

“So, where did you guys want to go from here?” Jungkook took another bite of his cake. I looked around, figuring out where to go from here.

“I’m not sure…there seems to be a lot of food places though! Maybe we could go check them out!”

“You just want to eat don’t you?” Eunji sighed. I didn’t even deny it. If I see food, I am going to eat it without a doubt. She rolled her eyes but smiled. She set down her drink, answering Jungkook’s question, “Let’s go check out the game rooms, and maybe the haunted house.” I froze in place as she mentioned the haunted house. Sure, I was a horror movie and game fan but haunted houses with fake ghost. You could count me out.

“O-Or, why not go look for more food?” I stuttered nervously.

“Are you scared of haunted houses MinYoung?” Jungkook asked, looking over at me pale face that screamed ‘YES’. I didn’t answer since my face expression already did. Jungkook just smiled, slipping his hand into mine. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” I blushed at his words. He squeezed my hand, leaning in closer to me.

“I-I guess we can go to the haunted house.” I pouted, not totally liking the idea but Jungkook looked ecstatic about it. I didn’t want to kill his happy mood. Eunji laughed at me, pointing out the fact I looked terrified but I kicked her underneath the table and she immediately stopped. We ate in silence afterwards. Once we finished up, we tipped Taehyung with a hug from Eunji (which she was embarrassed about) and continued our way to one of the game rooms.

On our way, I had spotted a really cute key chain plushie. It was a cute white bunny with a pink ribbon wrapped around it’s neck and it’s eyes were a bright red color. I couldn’t help but smile at it. “Did you see something you like?” Jungkook whispered into my ear, completely scaring me.

“Ah!” I squealed, jumping away from him. He laughed as I blushed in embarrassment. I shook my head, “No, I was just looking around.” Jungkook glanced into the room which I saw the plushie in.

“Eunji, this one!” Jungkook pointed at the room. She ran to us, smiling. We entered the room and we saw many people playing a game everyone in South Korea knew. The Palm Pushing Game (A/N: Sorry, I don’t know what they call it in Korea so…). “If you win 3 rounds, we’ll give you any prize sent up on the wall.” Jungkook read out loud. He looked over at me before calling out to one of the staff. “I’d like to try to win a prize.”

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Chapter 13: What?! No, author-nim! I need you (girl) to update soon! I've fallen head over heels for this story and my poor heart cannot handle a pause... fighting! You can do it!! <3 *^▁^*
CBTS07 #2
Chapter 13: Please update soon
Chapter 12: Soooooooo cute... Update soon.. More fluffy moments please... :D
ChoSaku_ #4
Chapter 11: Lololololol yoongi as a granny xD
Chapter 10: Make her fall in love with you, Kookie.... I know you can do it.... Update as fast as lightning.... :)
cmhmk1 #6
Chapter 10: I LOVE THIS OMG
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhhhh... update soon... Author-nim haha
Chapter 10: her mom tho hahaa