7 Destructive Cupids

10 ways to win your heart
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10 Ways to Win MinYoung Over:

1: Be Pursuant

2: Be a Gentleman

3: Be Complimentary

4: Be Creative

5: Be Intentional

6: Speak Well In Front of Her Friends

7: Be Attentive

8: Be Protective

9: Be a Good Listener

10: Be Romantic

I sighed as I stared at the list BTS and I had come up with. I couldn’t figure out how to even win a girl’s heart. I heard it wasn’t so simple from Namjoon. Remembering our little talk about love hurt my head even more.



“It’s not going to be simple Jungkook. Every girl is different but, I think if you use this list to help you out, you might actually win her over. Though…I hope you know love isn’t easy as you think. It’s not just all sunshine and rainbows. You guys will run into problems along the way and when the time comes, you have to be strong and hold it together or else, everything will fall apart.”

“We’re not even dating Namjoon.” I was confused on why he was explaining this to me when I wasn’t even MinYoung’s boyfriend…yet.

“Just for the future Kookie.” He rolled his eyes and sighed.

“I guess.” I mumbled, taking the piece of paper out of his hands. “This is a lot.” I reread the list over and over again, the words just dancing around in my head.

“Well…girls are complicated you know.” I tilted my head at those words. He just sighed again, “I completely forgot, this will be your first serious relationship with a girl.”

I just continued to look at him, thinking about those words. “Complicated?”

“You’ll understand later on in life. For now, you’re still a baby.” He gotten up and ruffled my hair before walking down the hallway, into his bedroom.

“I am not a baby.” I muttered, fixing my now messy hair. “But…I wonder what he means by girls are complicated. They can’t be THAT complicated…right? MinYoung doesn’t seem like it.” I continued to mumble to myself, unaware of the situation I was going to go through.

Flashback Ends:


“Remember Jungkook…Be confident but not cocky!” I talked to myself before heading into the shopping mall, where I had promised to meet MinYoung at. Walking around for a bit, I took out my phone and dialed her number. It rang for a few seconds before she had picked up.

“Hello?” She answered cutely. I blushed a little, forgetting to answer her. “Jungkook?” Her voice echoed through the phone. I finally snapped out of my daze, remembering why I was even here in the first place.

“Sorry MinYoung.” I sheepishly scratched my neck, embarrassed I had already messed up. She just giggled at me, which made me feel even more embarrassed. “I’m here at the mall and I was wondering where you are at.” I waited for a reply but I somehow didn’t get one. “MinYoung?” I questioned, pulling my phone away from my ear to see if she had hung up on me. “Hello?” I asked again.

“BOO!” I heard someone scream from behind me. Surprised and shocked, I tripped over my own foot, stumbling my way forward. “Jungkook!” Small hands wrapped themselves onto my arm, helping me regain my balance. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t think I would scare you that much!” I looked behind me to see MinYoung’s worried face.

It took me a second to replay what had just happened in my head. Realizing she was able to freak me out made me laugh. She just stared at me as if I was mental. “You’re pretty good MinYoung, but not good enough.” I teased, ruffling her hair like a child's.

“HEY! Says the one who almost fell over! And stop ruining my hair.” She scrunched up her nose like a rabbit. I just rolled my eyes playfully and grabbed her hand.

“Ready to go?” She blushed at the contact and looked down at our hands. I just chuckled and leaned down closer to her ear, whispering, “I told you I’m not going to hold back anymore.” Her blush grew darker and she squeezed my hand tightly. In return, I squeezed her hand before walking off to a random direction.

“Did you want to go somewhere in particular?” I looked to my side at her. She looked up and shook her head.

“We could just walk around aimlessly till we find a shop we want to go into.” She suggested. I nodded to the idea, not really caring where we were going. As long as she was with me, I was fine with anything. As we walked, I couldn’t help but look at her. The outfit she was wearing matched her, it was simple yet cute. I unconsciously smiled at her.

“Jungkook?” I finally noticed she was staring back at me. “Are you okay?” Blushing like crazy, I just stayed quiet. “Jung-” Not wanting to embarrass myself even more, I pointed to a random shop.

“D-Did you want to go in there?” What I didn’t realize was that I was pointing at a makeup store.

“Make up?” She tilted her head before laughing. “If you want to then we can go inside.” She covered , still giggling. I mentally slapped myself. Great, now you look like a fool. “We can also go there.” She pointed at the store next to it. It was a brand name clothes store.

“Sure.” A clothes store was way better than a makeup store. I sighed in relief that she didn’t go into the makeup store, I can’t handle makeup at all. The smell was too strong for my nose to handle.

Entering the store, I noticed how they had a side for each gender. The right side was for the females and the left side was for the males. “Did you want to go check out the men’s side?” She nudged me towards there. I was about to reject the idea but an employee had stopped us.

“Oh look at you guys! You must be a couple right?” He looked at us happily. We looked at each other before shaking our heads frantically. “No need to be shy, we have a couple’s side too. Please follow me!” Hee walked off to the back side of the store.

“Do we follow or…?” My words trailed off as MinYoung began to walk after the employee.

“It would be rude not to.” MinYoung answered me quickly. I bit the inside of my cheek. I can’t believe we were just mistaken as a couple.

Well you guys are holding hands idiot.

But still!

I puffed up my cheeks a little, weirded out by the fact I was arguing with myself once again. “Here we are.” The employee smiled brightly at us. Before I could even clarify what MinYoung and I actually were, he had walked off to another part of the mall.

“He’s weird…” MinYoung mumbled as she watched him walk off.

“What do you mean?” I stood behind her, looking at him too.

Her eyebrows furrowed into concertation while she bit her lips, “Doesn’t he seem…familiar to you? Like we know him from somewhere?” Once she said that, I tried to fit the pieces together.

“He does now that you mention it…But who does he remind you of?” I continue to stare at the employee, trying to match his face with a name.

“I don’t know…he just has the same aura as somebody we know…” We both continued to try to remember him but soon gave up on that. “Maybe it’s just our imagination.” She muttered, still eyeing the guy suspiciously.

I just hummed in response, turning my attention back to the couple stuff in front of me. “Did you want to get something?” I pointed at a cute shirt that would have matched her perfectly. Finally looking away from the guy, we decided to debate whether we wanted a couple shirt or not. I felt happy that she didn’t mind on getting one with me. As we talked, we didn’t notice that a group of people were watching us from afar.


Eunji’s P.O.V:

“Jimin! Stop messing around with the fake baby doll!” I quietly scolded him, taking the fake baby and putting it back into the baby carriage. He just smiled at me before grabbing Hoseok’s arm and pulling him lower so the couple couldn't see him as clearly from far away.

“First of all, stop acting like that Jimin and Hoseok, what are you two doing? And second of all, why are we even here?” Yoongi muttered angrily.

“We are here to make sure Jungkook and MinYoung have the perfect date!” Namjoon poked Yoongi’s forehead.

“Whatever, the biggest question I have is, why are we even in these stupid disguises? They’re completely obvious if you haven’t noticed?” Yoongi muttered again, pointing at his hopefully-not-too-obvious outfit.

“Shut it Grandma! They’re making a move! Let’s follow.” Hoseok slowly crept behind the couple we were supposed to watching.

“I can’t believe I got dragged into this.” I grumbled, not happy at how Taehyung and I had to pretend to be a family of 3. I mean, I didn’t mind being with Taehyung but this was completely embarrassing.

“Tell me about it.” Jin sighed. I looked at him to see him dressed as an employee from Starbucks with a wig on. He had glasses and a fake mole. “Why did we even let Hoseok dress us up?” Thanks to the makeup Hoseok did, you could barely recognize Jin. Well almost.

I shrugged, “At least he’s good with makeup. Hopefully they don’t recognize us at all.” I said before walking off to where the rest were.

“Do you see them?” Jimin looked around the shop. They all were hiding behind a rack of clothing on the girl’s side. Everybody was staring at us like we were a bunch of weirdoes and

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Chapter 13: What?! No, author-nim! I need you (girl) to update soon! I've fallen head over heels for this story and my poor heart cannot handle a pause... fighting! You can do it!! <3 *^▁^*
CBTS07 #2
Chapter 13: Please update soon
Chapter 12: Soooooooo cute... Update soon.. More fluffy moments please... :D
ChoSaku_ #4
Chapter 11: Lololololol yoongi as a granny xD
Chapter 10: Make her fall in love with you, Kookie.... I know you can do it.... Update as fast as lightning.... :)
cmhmk1 #6
Chapter 10: I LOVE THIS OMG
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhhhh... update soon... Author-nim haha
Chapter 10: her mom tho hahaa