The Start of The Festival

10 ways to win your heart
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I woke up to Taehyung and Hoseok pounding on my door, shouting for me to wake up. I groaned and rolled onto my stomach, not wanting to go to school at all. “If you don’t wake up MinYoung is going to be mad at you.” Taehyung shouted and kicked my door. I laid there, weighing my options. Either sleep and skip school and not see MinYoung or go to school and see MinYoung. I liked the 2nd option better.

I rolled off my bed and landed onto the floor with a loud thump. “Coming.” I mumbled as I got up and walked to the door to open it. “Stop trying to break my door.” I glared at them.

Taehyung poked my nose, “Who told you not to wake up.”

Hoseok laughed and walked downstairs, “Hurry up because Jin made breakfast!” I stretched and walked to the bathroom. Once I the lights, I looked at my reflection and laughed. I looked like a huge mess. My hair was poofy and going everywhere. Maybe this is how MinYoung looked in the morning, just cuter. I blushed. Thinking about her right when I wake up…? God I need help.

I took my toothbrush and put toothpaste on it, then put water on it. I yawned and started brushing my teeth. I wonder how she wakes up. The only people who see her wake up is her parents and EunJi. I kind of feel jealous. I mentally face palmed myself. You’re an idiot Jungkook, you know that? Being jealous over them is…weird. You really need help. I rinsed my mouth, feeling more awake once I smelled the pancakes. “American breakfast?” I mumbled and walked downstairs.

“Good morning~!” Jin smiled.

I smiled back, “Good morning.” I sat down next to Jimin who was already almost down with his food. “You’re fast eater.” I stared at his plate surprised.

“That’s because you wake up late.” He said through a mouth full of pancakes.

“Don’t do that Jimin, it looks gross.” Jin cringed in disgust. He swallowed it down and picked up his phone. He laughed a bit and texted back quickly.

“Who are you texting?” I asked. He rarely texts someone unless it was one of us, and none of us had our phones out at all.

“EunJi.” He laughed some more. In my peripheral vision, I could see Taehyung’s face turn a little sour. He glared at Jimin before stabbing his pancake and chewing it slowly.

I snickered, “Oh really~! What is she saying?”

Jimin put his phone into his pocket, “Nothing special really.” Jimin shrugged and continued eating.

I looked at Taehyung who was pouting and stabbing his pancakes. “Taehyung, are you okay?” Hoseok asked.

He sulked even more and sighed, “Yeah, just full now.”

Jimin finally got the message and his mouth made an ‘O’ shape, “Don’t worry Taehyung, she’s talking about you! I meant…shoot, I wasn’t supposed to tell. She’s going to kill me now.”

Jimin face palmed himself as Taehyung’s eyes lit up, “R-Really?”

Jimin nodded, “Just don’t tell anyone okay? I wasn’t supposed to tell you that.” Jimin sighed and sulked in his seat.

“Way to ruin it Jimin.” I playfully nudged his arm and he sulked some more. I laughed at his reaction and gave my plate to Jin who was collecting our dishes for us.

“Hurry up and go wear your uniform Jungkook! You can’t go to school with just your pajamas.” I looked down and he was right. I was still wearing my white shirt and gray sweats. I got up and left to my bedroom.

“Jungkook!! Hurry up or we’ll leave without you!” Yoongi shouted from downstairs.

“Coming!” I ran down the stairs in a hurry.

“Where’s your other sock?” Namjoon looked at my feet.

“Here!” I held one sock on my hand while the other was on my foot.

“Just hurry up please.” Jin shook his head and laughed. I quickly put on my shoes and we all headed to school.

“Today feels great.” Yoongi stretched as we walked.

“I agree~!” Taehyung and Jimin said together.

“It’s the perfect weather! Not too hot or too cold.” Namjoon looked up at the sky. Partly cloudy but overall it was beautiful today.

“I hope we get to go outside today.” I mumbled, watching a couple birds fly by.

“Hey, don’t you guys have a field trip soon?” Namjoon asked.

“Oh yeah, but I’m not sure when though. I don’t think they told us yet.” I tapped my chin, trying to remember if MinYoung told me anything that had to deal with when we were going.

“I believe it was in a couple weeks or so.” Jin said.

“Wait…how do you guys know?”

They all smirked mischievously, “We all volunteered to be the supervisors.”

I stared at them blankly for a couple of seconds, “So…on the trip…I have to see you guys still?” They all nodded happily. I sulked and looked down at my feet, “Why? I thought it was going to be just us!”

Taehyung and Jimin wiggled their eyebrows, “Oh~!”

I threw Taehyung the really look, “You just want to go because EunJi is going!”

He blushed and stomped away, “That’s not why!”

I smirked, “Then why are you stomping away?”

He turned back and stuck his tongue out, “Because I don’t want to be late for school!” And continued stomping away.

“I won~!” I smiled victoriously and we all followed him. “Why are you guys going anyways? There’s not much to do.”

I didn’t want them to come, knowing Jimin and Hoseok they would be all over MinYoung. Taehyung would blush over EunJi and the rest would just be there. I sighed, “I thought I was going to be away from you guys for a week.”

Jin shook his head and hung his arm around my shoulders, “You can’t run away Jungkookie! You’re our baby, we can’t just let you run away like that.” I pouted,

“I am not a baby.”

“You are to us~!” Jimin sang as he skipped in front of us. We had made it to school. Taehyung and EunJi were talking while MinYoung was looking everywhere.

“There they are!” She ran to us, “I’m so happy to see you guys! They’re being awkward with each other and it makes it even more awkward since I’m there with them.” She smiled at us, mostly me.

“Good morning~!” Jimin hugged her while eyeing me devilishly. I glared at him. It’s not going to work…this time.

“Good morning ChimChim~!” She hugged him back.

“Me too~!” Hoseok joined into the hug. “You too Jungkook!” Hoseok pulled me into the mini group hug.

“Hugging MinYoung is the best, right Jungkook?” Jimin wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes, “It sure is.” We all pulled away as EunJi and Taehyung came towards us.

“Hey guys.” Taehyung looked as if he was just sun burnt on his face.

“Hey…?” We all looked at them funny. EunJi quickly hid behind MinYoung who looked just as confused as us.

“Let’s go inside shall we?” Hoseok pushed Taehyung and Jimin inside and we all followed.

“How’s Cloud doing?”

MinYoung giggled, “He kept EunJi up all night because he didn’t want to go to sleep.” I looked at EunJi and she did look tired in a way.

“Did something happen between them?” I leaned in and whispered into her ear.

She shrugged and looked at EunJi then to Taehyung, “Just probably blushing from talking to one another I guess.”

I nodded. I knew how he felt, it was the exact way I felt with MinYoung. All blushy and shy but I was getting better at controlling my shyness around her. I was slowly opening up to her and it made me feel a little confident. Just a little. “We’ll be going to class!” Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi left, leaving only Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok, EunJi, MinYoung and I.

We all looked at each other then shrugged, “We’ll go to class too I guess. Bye MinYoung and EunJi~!” Jimin and Hoseok waved goodbye.

“So…are you going to come with us then?” I looked at Taehyung and he nodded. I started talking to MinYoung, leaving Taehyung no choice but to talk to EunJi.

“You know, we should come up with Step 1 for our operation for them.” MinYoung whispered to me. I nodded and thought about it. What was the first I took to get to here with MinYoung…? Oh, I know! 

“For now we can make EunJi realize her feelings. Then we’ll make them become closer to each other!” I suggested.

“That’s a good idea!” She high fived me and we started planning out different ways to make them talk to each other. “How about later at lunch, we make them sit next to each other.” She nodded enthusiastically. I smiled. I wonder if she knows I’m just using the steps I took just to get close to her. She bit her lip, squinting her eyes at EunJi and Taehyung who were in front of us, blushing like crazy. “Hey, EunJi…”

She looked back at us, “Yeah?” Her face was bright red. It looked like she could pass out any minute.

“When’s our field trip…?”

EunJi pondered for awhile then snapped her fingers, “In 4 weeks!”

MinYoung smiled, “Thanks~!”

“So it’s in 4 weeks…?” She nodded and then sulked, “Wait…but that means we’ll have to take a week off this operation.”

I chuckled and smirked, “We don’t need to. BTS is coming with us anyways.”

Her eyes lit up, “R-Really?”

I nodded and laughed, “They’re going to be our super visors so we have a whole week without school to get them together.” She smiled, “Perfect~!”

They both t

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Chapter 13: What?! No, author-nim! I need you (girl) to update soon! I've fallen head over heels for this story and my poor heart cannot handle a pause... fighting! You can do it!! <3 *^▁^*
CBTS07 #2
Chapter 13: Please update soon
Chapter 12: Soooooooo cute... Update soon.. More fluffy moments please... :D
ChoSaku_ #4
Chapter 11: Lololololol yoongi as a granny xD
Chapter 10: Make her fall in love with you, Kookie.... I know you can do it.... Update as fast as lightning.... :)
cmhmk1 #6
Chapter 10: I LOVE THIS OMG
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhhhh... update soon... Author-nim haha
Chapter 10: her mom tho hahaa