A Day With You

10 ways to win your heart
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It was already Monday, I sighed as I walked to class. “I should never stay near Jimin and a football ever again. I spent my whole Sunday resting because of the pain. “Good grief he throws hard. Jin was right. You could get killed my Jimin’s throws.”

As I walked, Jimin suddenly came up to me, “Good Morning MinYoung~!” He said cheerfully as he hooked his arm with mine.

“Good Morning Jimin.” I replied just as cheerful.

“Is your head okay?”

I could tell he felt guilty. “Don’t worry about it! I’m fine, really. It’s not like you did it on purpose.”

He looked away while chuckling nervously, “Yeah…gotta work on my throws huh?”

I looked at him suspiciously, “Yeah…you do…” I stared at him for a little longer. I bet he did it on purpose, this little brat!

Jimin’s P.O.V:

I could feel her burning a hole in the back of my head. I hope she didn’t catch on! She'll will kill me if she found out. I changed the subject, still feeling guilty of what I had done on Saturday…

Flash Back:

“Catch!” Namjoon threw the football at me. “Nice~!” He gave me a thumbs up as I caught it with ease.

“Ready Namjoon?” I shouted. He nodded and ran back a little farther. At the corner of my eye, I could see Jungkook patting MinYoung’s head before running off. Maybe I should help him get closer to her. I smirked at my idea. It won’t hurt her, right? As long as I throw it softly then it’ll just feel like a bump. I shrugged and turned around to face them.

“What are you doing?” Namjoon looked at me crazily.

“Just watch.” I snickered. He better thank me for this. As MinYoung ran for the Frisbee, I threw the football, hoping to hit her lightly on the side or leg. But I was wrong. I had “accidently” hit her on the head…hard. “Oh my god!” I could feel guilt running through my veins. I didn’t think it would hit her there!!

As I ran up to check on her, EunJi suddenly attacked me. “HEY! YOU MADE HER CRY YOU BIG IDIOT!!” I gulped. Oh shoot!!  I heard her sniffle a little. I’m the biggest idiot on earth.

“Nice job dim wit.” Namjoon smacked my head harshly. I sighed, feeling the guilt grow bigger.

“I didn’t mean to hit her on the head.” Just then, EunJi started attacking me even more causing me to run away in fear of getting beaten up by a girl.

Flash Back Ends:


Jungkook’s P.O.V:

While I walked to class, I saw Jimin and MinYoung talking together. What are they doing together? Why do I sound jealous? What is wrong with me? He’s just friends with her…right? Stop it Jungkook! He’s your hyung and he wouldn’t do that!!

I mentally sighed, walking up to them. “Hey guys.” I gave them a little wave.

MinYoung smiled, “Good morning Jungkook.” Oh god she’s cute!  

“What up man~!” Jimin and I did a little hand shake.

“Stop trying to speak English, you’re just embarrassing yourself.”

The 3 of us continued to walk while talking about our weekend. “I forgot to ask, is your head okay?”

She smiled and nodded, “Yeah I guess. It’s still sore in a way…which is weird considering I had the whole day yesterday to rest.” She awkwardly laughed.

“Hey, what time is it?” Jimin suddenly asked.

“It’s 8:10, why?”

He let go of MinYoung’s arm, “Oh shoot! I gotta go! See you guys later!” He ran off to god knows where.

“Where’s he going?” MinYoung cocked her head to the side.

“I’m not sure.” We both watched him till he fully disappeared from our sight.

“Wanna go to class?” She pointed down the hallway.


We walked to class talking about our weekend. “How was your Sunday?” She asked me. I blushed a little, remembering a certain event.


Flash Back:

“Jungkook, come here!” Yoongi shouted from his little office/studio.

“Coming!” I shouted back, getting off the couch. “Yeah?” I entered the room.

“Here you go.” He handed me a picture.

“What is this?” I looked at it curiously. My cheeks heated up once I knew what I was looking at.

It was a picture of MinYoung and I sleeping under the shade of a tree on the checkered blanket. “I just remembered I took this picture while I looked at my camera.” You can keep it.” He walked out of the office/studio. “Oh yeah, you better not lose that because it took a lot of effort to get a good picture, considering you were sleeping with your mouth open which is really unattractive.”

I followed him to his room, “How did you even get this?”

“I took the chance one you both knocked out. The lighting was perfect and so was the scenery.” He yawned. Before he had closed the door on me he said, “You should expect more pictures like that later on in the future.”

Once he had closed the door, I ran into my bedroom, mentally squealing like a girl. “I can’t believe they got this picture!” I stared at it, standing next to my desk. “Now that I think about this, if she ever found out, wouldn’t she think I’m creepy or a stalker?” I sighed.

“What are you going to do with that pic? Sleep with it? Hm…?” Jimin came into my room, without permission.

I grew flustered, “W-What? What are you doing in here?”

He smirked, “Are you having manly needs now? Want me to call-“

I covered his mouth, “That’s enough! It’s nothing like that you freaking ert! Now get out! No once invited you here!”

“But I’m protecting MinYoung’s precious picture from your dirty hands.” He laid down on my bed, smirking like the idiot he was.

“I’m not dirty! You’re the ert here!” I rolled my eyes. He was about to say something but I had interrupted him, “Get out! Go bother someone else!” I pointed to the door. He mumbled something as he walked out the door. “Goodbye!” I shut the door on his face.

“Gosh! Don’t they know anything about privacy here?” I put the picture on my desk and laid on my bed.

I wonder what MinYoung is doing today?  I smiled at the thought of her.

Flash back ends:

“It was pretty good. How about you?” I wanted to get that embarrassing memory out of my mind for awhile.

She shrugged, “If you call being in pain fun then yeah, I had fun.”

I laughed, “You’re pretty sarcastic huh?”

She raised an eyebrow, “Just noticed?” We both broke into a laughing fit. I felt happy, I finally got to be alone with her.

We talked and talked till we reached our homeroom. “Where’s EunJi?” I looked around the room.

“I’m not sure. If she wasn’t going to come she would have had texted me.” She checked her phone, frowning at it slightly.

“Hopefully she makes it in time.”

She agreed with a nod, “Yeah, let’s go sit down for now.” I followed her to her seat and sat next to her.

“So, how’s BTS doing?” She questioned as we sat down.

I thought about it for a little bit, “They’re fine, for now anyways. Taehyung almost set the house on fire and Jin yelled at him for it. So I guess it’s all good.”

She giggled, “That’s Taehyung for you. I bet he was trying to cook and forgot about it huh?”

“That’s Taehyung for you.” I copied her. She laughed and we continued to talk about different topics. “I wonder where EunJi is at.” I asked her, looking at the door.

She sighed and shrugged, “Looks like it’ll be me and you suffering classes together.” I felt my heart skip a beat. Just us two…during classes? Nows your chance Jungkook! A little voice said in my head. Yeah that’s a great idea…if I wasn’t so awkward around her. Alone!! Another one said. Am I really arguing with myself now? I’m so lame.

“Is something wrong Jungkook?” She waved her hand in front of my face.

“Oh huh? sorry! I'm all right.” I chuckled.

She squinted her eyes at me, “Are you sure?”

I nodded, “Yeah, just day dreaming.” I didn’t sound so confident but she took it anyways.

“I guess.” She shrugged it off. Suddenly remebering something, she turned around and started getting something out her bag. She brought out two notebooks, one little one and one regular one.

“What’s that one for?” I pointed at the small notebook.

“Oh, this is for us to write notes to each other since we can’t talk during classes.” She picked it up and eye smiled. I couldn’t keep myself from smiling back , she was just too cute for her own good.

“Oh, do you and EunJi have one too?”

She nodded, “Yep! But she has it, not me.”

“So this one is just for you and me?” I titled my head.

“Yep! I have one for everybody I write to in class. It was only EunJi but it looks like your added to the list too.”

I felt my heart skip a beat, “So, I’m the second one?”

“Right again!” She snapped her fingers and winked playfully. Why is that the littlest gestures she does make my heart beat fast? Why does she have this type of effect on me?  I took out a pencil and notebook to write in.

“All right class, today…” Mrs. Bang came into the room and began teaching the class about future projects we were going to do. As the lesson went on, I could feel my eye lids getting heavy and my body slowly starting to slowly give out on me. I slowly leaned to the right, leaning against MinYoung. “Jungkook?” I heard her whisper. “Are you all right?” I sat up straight, trying to wake myself up, “Yeah, just a little tired.”

She chuckled, “Are you going to make it till the class ends?” I yawned and nodded.

“MinYoung, Jungkook, would you both like to share with the class that’s so important for you to be talking during these important lessons?” Mrs. Bang tapped her foot, waiting for an answer.

“Just talking about how your outfit brings out your skin tone.” MinYoung lied.

Mrs. Bang looked down at her outfit and smiled a little, “Well thank you. I do appreciate compliments but now is not the time.” She continued on with the lesson. I gave her a thumbs up and she winked and did a peace sign. As I tried to calm my heart down, she wrote something inside our notebook.


I’m pretty good at lying huh? – M


I smirked as I read it.


Nice Job! I would of have just said sorry. – J


The power of lying. – M


You don’t lie all the time, do you? – J


Is that what you really think of me? D’: Hurtful! – M


I was just asking! XD – J


I only lie to get myself out of trouble just like earlier. – M


Sure you do~! – J


How are you going to tell me? – M


She raised an eyebrow. I ruffled her hair, making her silently complain.


Because I’m awesome – J


That doesn’t mean anything you know! And stop messing up my hair! It took me 15 minutes to get it perfect like this! – M


But you’re already perfect the way you are.


I bet you looked like a lion with your hair all poofy and in your face. – J


I thought how cute she would look with bed hair. I quickly erased those thoughts, feeling erted of just thinking of her waking up in her bed.

As class went on, we kept on writing to each other. It felt as if we got closer. I yawned again as the bell rang, signaling class was over. “Finally~!” MinYoung cheered.

I smiled and got up, “Let’s go.” We walked side by side.

“Hey Jungkook! MinYoung!!” Jimin bear hugged MinYoung.

“Stop doing that before you kill her!” Jin scolded.

“But I haven’t seen MinYoung for awhile.” Jimin whined.

She gave him the really face, “We just saw each other in the morning.”

He pouted, “But still.”

I sighed, “Stop being annoying.”

He gaped, “You too Jungkook?” I rolled my eyes

. “What class do you guys have right now?” Hoseok asked while trying to pry Jimin off of MinYoung.

“Gym…” MinYoung sulked.

“You don’t like gym?” I questioned.

“It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s just that were playing dodgeball today.”

My eyes twinkled in excitement, “Dodgeball? We’re playing dodgeball today?”

She nodded sadly, “Yeah…”

I titled my head, “Why don’t you like dodgeball?”

“Because the boys always play too competitively.”

I took a mental note right there. Don’t play so competitively!  “I mean it’s like, I don’t mind that they play like that, it’s just that they sometimes end up hitting one of us girls.” I took another mental note. So now, you can play competitively but just try not to hurt anyone…this is so confusing.

“The bells about to ring so we’ll see you guys later. Bye bye~!” Taehyung dragged them all to class.

“Let’s go…” She said without enthusiasm.

I patted her head, “You’ll do fine.”

“I hope so.”





MinYoung’s P.O.V:

I was changing in the girl’s locker room. All of the other girls were talking to their friends about who’s dating who and who hates who and why. Why aren’t you here EunJi, I feel so lonely.  I sighed as I put on my gym uniform on.

Once I was done changing, I headed out to meet with Jungkook, who was playing football with other boys. “Hey MinYoung.” He panted as he ruffled my hair, making some girls turn green with envy.

“I told you to stop doing that!” I pouted and fixed my hair again.

“All right class!! Today we’re playing dodgeball! You all already know the rules so let’s start playing. I’ll divide you all into 2 different groups, no complaining or I’ll make you guys all do 15 pushups.” He counted 12 kids and sent them to the other side of the room. Luckily Jungkook and I were on the same team.

“Ready?” Jungkook whispered to me.

“I guess so.” I muttered.

“You’ll do fine.”

We waited for Mr. Yang to blow his whistle. I could hear Jungkook cracking his knuckles. He smirked at some other boys as he bent his knees, ready to dash at any moment.

Since I know not all schools don’t have the same dodgeball games, here is how ours worked. Mr. Yang would set up 20 balls in the middle of the room in a line while everyone has to be touching the wall on their side. He blows his whistle, which signals that the game starts. How to get back into the game is that you have to hit someone on the opposite side. It was simple and fun (to most people).

I could feel my heart pounding hard. Oh my god! I could see my life end already!  I didn’t really hate dodgeball, it’s just not my favorite game to play. First reason was because I always get hit (I’m very unlucky in this game) and second, people are way too competitive and act if this is the Olympics. I didn’t understand why some people were like this but they were.

Most girls (including myself) didn’t do much. We just watched the boys beat the living soul out of each other.

Mr. Yang blew the whistle and all the boys (and 2-3 girls) went flying towards the balls, even Jungkook. I gaped at how fast he ran. “MinYoung!” He tossed a ball to me.

“What?” I caught it easily but was totally confused on why he gave me the ball. “You know I don’t play Dodgeball Jungkook.”

“Just throw~!” He smiled as he threw the ball at some boy.

“Nice~!” I watched the ball hit the boy on the leg. “You got him!” He winked at me and went after another ball that had rolled by.

“Try to hit someone.” Jungkook pointed at a random girl, “Hit her. She should be an easy target.”

I playfully glared at him, “That’s rude to say.”

I guess he took it seriously because he then bowed, “I’m sorry.”

I laughed, “I was just kidding! Now hurry up and go get someone else out!” I pushed him to the center of the room.

“Hey! Stop pushing me over here! We’ll both get out easily.”

I ran back, “Actually it’s more like you!” I stuck my tongue out. “Good Luck~!” I ran to my right to get a better angle. “Her

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Chapter 13: What?! No, author-nim! I need you (girl) to update soon! I've fallen head over heels for this story and my poor heart cannot handle a pause... fighting! You can do it!! <3 *^▁^*
CBTS07 #2
Chapter 13: Please update soon
Chapter 12: Soooooooo cute... Update soon.. More fluffy moments please... :D
ChoSaku_ #4
Chapter 11: Lololololol yoongi as a granny xD
Chapter 10: Make her fall in love with you, Kookie.... I know you can do it.... Update as fast as lightning.... :)
cmhmk1 #6
Chapter 10: I LOVE THIS OMG
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhhhh... update soon... Author-nim haha
Chapter 10: her mom tho hahaa