Episode 8: The hidden side of Minho

You Can't Fall For Mr. Perfect


 Episode 8: The hidden side of Minho


(Minho’s POV)


My phone kept ringing and it didn’t stop.


“Damn… Girls are such a pain”


It was a girl who came to have fun since my roommate didn’t move in yet, even today, he still didn’t come. I sent her a message and told her that I wasn’t so into “dating” and that what we had last night was just meaningless.


She called and I was nice enough to pick up after her 10th call or so, I explained things to her and she still didn’t want to let go.


I decided to turn off the phone. But just when I was about to do that, she called again. I inhaled deeply then answered:


“Didn’t you read my message or heard anything I said?” I yelled.


“Oppa, I’m stuck”




Ok, maybe she’s just trying to draw my attention.


“I know you’re trying to come up with something”


“No, I swear, I’m not!”


I must say that her voice was shaking –too realistically even for someone who’s good at acting.


“What’s wrong?”


“I… got stuck inside the elevator!”


“WHAT?” That got the best of me.


“It’s so dark and I… I’m very scared!” 


“Why in the world did you leave your room at this time?” I pushed back the strands of hair that fell on my forehead.


“I wanted to see you! But I didn’t know there would be a sudden blackout!”


I facepalmed, it’s not a sudden blackout, the academy turns the electrical current off so that students won’t leave their floors at night. Even I read about that in the provided leaflet.


“Ok, Ok, I won’t ask anything else, just tell me, did you try to contact the security? You know, with the emergency button?" I pulled down my lower lip with my index and thumb fingers.


“I did and nothing really happened!” she started to cry.


“Calm down alright? I’ll call them myself, and get them check things ok?”


“O-Ok! I trust you oppa”


“Yeah yeah, just stay calmed.”


How troublesome.


I used the phone of the room to call the security office, told them about what happened, they said that the student who broke the rule was going to be punished and that they’ll take care of the matter.

I decided to go outside, and check things myself. I saw that the lights were turned back on and I sent her a message to tell her about the punishment so that she won’t come and still think of meeting me.


I was turning on my heels to go back to my room but suddenly I heard a sneezing sound.




Curiosity took the best of me and I just followed the source of the continuous sneezing, to find myself in the stairways room. And saw a person sitting there, their head against the fence and they were wearing a black coat with a hoodie.


“Ha… and they say no one from outside the academy would come in here” this beggar even made it in and was able to find himself a nice place. I laughed.


I went to check on that person, who kept sneezing, I then got a stun to find…




I couldn’t believe she’s sitting in the cold here like that.


Did she possibly pass out while listening to music?


I noticed the phone that was in her hands and the earbuds in her ears. I got my head close but I couldn’t hear anything.


“Weird, she’s not even listening to anything.”


I tried to take one of her earbuds and my fingers brushed against her cheeks.


It was so cold.


“She’s freezing”


Aren’t girls always faking innocence? Trying to get boys’ attention?


* “I never said that I was a guy in the first place! And I never asked you to approach me!” *


Why did I remember that?!


Despite everything, when she’s asleep like this, she looks so defenseless and no one could’ve thought that she’s a real tomboy.


Why am I staring at her face?


I felt my heart skipping a beat, and that made me too shaken.


I covered my face with my hand.


“Ok, if no one wakes her up, she’ll end up frozen”


But what if she misunderstood it as if in me being concerned about her?


No, I couldn’t allow that to happen, so I thought that I could just leave her there and act as if I’ve seen nothing.


But what if she freezes to death?


“Argh!” I messed my hair in frustration.


I was in a dilemma.


You might regret it later Minho, but eventually…


I pulled her up to her feet after putting her phone in her coat’s pocket, and I then lifted her up in my arms.


She really is a girl…


I carried her to my room, and made her lie on my roommate’s bed that was unused for now. I took off her coat and covered her with the blanket.


“Is that enough to warm her up?”


I then got my blanket and covered her with it too. Then I sprawled my body on my bed and closed my eyes.



(Her POV)


I started to wake up, hearing my phone alarm. I felt so hot, in fact I was burning. I rose up and pushed away the blanket, it was heavier than usual but I was still half-asleep though.


I started to pull my oversized shirt’s collar away. I thought of taking it off but then I opened my eyes to check my surroundings. Remembering that last night I stayed outside, my brain got a bit jumbled but then I glimpsed, on the other bed of the room, there was somebody, no some guy, lying asleep and I could only see his back and he seemed like he was hugging his pillow.


I immediately screamed, but then covered my mouth, he didn’t seem the least bit shaken by the scream and just inhaled with a snore.


“What’s this? Where am I?” I started to freak out, looking around me in panic, as I gripped my head looking around, “Who is that?! Why am I here?!”


I stumbled accidently, getting hindered by the thick bedspreads, I fell head first and I reached my hand to grab at something to support my body as I steadied myself, I thought at first it was the sheets of the other bed but to my doomiest luck, it turned out to be the shirt of that guy!


“Ohhhh!!!!!!” I bit my lowest lip, realizing that I was almost pulling him down with me.


This must be my unlucky day!


“Now where’s the door?”


I chose to crawl on the floor in order not to make so much noise and wake whoever-was-lying-there up.


But suddenly I heard a loud scream, I halted mid-way and glanced over my shoulder, to see that guy fighting over, kicking and punching randomly and yelling:


“No! No! I’m going to beat the hell out of ya!”


I was too shocked that my head bumped the bookshelf, harder than it should, and it started to tremble back and forth, I backed off and many books fell with a crushing sound to the ground.


I put my hands on my cheeks, imitating the scream painting, and I thought that it was over now.


I bitterly looked back, expecting to see him waking up, but surprisingly,


“Mmmm…” he was sleeping deeply.


Ok, I guess this what they call a heavy sleeper.


“But… who could that be?” I felt tingling curiousness and ended up trying to steal a peek at his face.


You’re still approaching him with all your clumsiness?

“Shh, I don’t have the time to listen to your useless whining.”

What if he wakes up and catch you peeking at his face?

“Stop bothering me and nothing will go wrong!”


I carefully inched closer to him, took a quick look at his face that was partly buried in the pillow he’s hugging. I covered my mouth with my palms. It was Minho!


“But… what am I doing here in his room?”


Questioning the obvious…


I just noticed that my bed had 2 covers while his had none.


“Hm? Did he sleep like that in the cold the whole night?” Offering me his own blanket… I instinctively blushed.


That was so sweet!


I couldn’t help but peer closer into his face and smile.


He’s so cute, now that he’s asleep, he looks so childish…


I reached my index finger towards his messed bangs, I tried to comb them slightly but then, his hand clutched my wrist, and I could see his eyes now fully opened. I gasped.




“What are you doing?”




He seated himself up. I remembered how scary he was last time we met, and I started to pull my hand away but he didn’t let go.


I readied myself to strike if he did, but he let go of my hand and cupped my face with his palms, staring closely in my wide eyes, but then he grinned and nodded:


“Great, you’re not cold anymore!” he screeched cheerfully.




I got a bit taken aback at first, but then slowly, my heart got wrapped in a warm sensation. As I saw him like that I quickly blinked my eyes, lowering my gaze down.


W-What’s wrong with him? Acting all adorable suddenly?


I quickly pushed his hands away, getting so suspicious:


“W-What are you trying to pull?” I shouted, trying to hide my embarrassment, and he was just as surprised. “Why are you this nice to me now?”




He must’ve mistook me for his roommate or something!


I tried to convince myself with that as I got up to my feet, rushing to find the door to take me out of this place.


I twisted the doorknob and hurried to the corridor, I headed back to my room.



I was surprised… utterly surprised.


I didn’t take my card with me so I thought I won’t be able to get in, but I found the door unlocked.


No matter what, I can’t imagine Jin leaving it open like that carelessly. And it’s not like he did on purpose for my sake… so it has to be that the door was broken, yes, it didn’t lock even yesterday.


I went in on my tiptoes and made sure to lock the door.


“Weird, it’s shut with no problems now”


I went to the bedroom, saw Jin lying asleep, hugging a super Mario plushy.


Awww, how cute!


I lied on my bed, kept staring at Jin and whispered:


“Did you leave the door open for my sake?”


I then sighed, and closed my eyes.


I slept too late last night for me to go on a jogging just yet… I’ll just… sleep for 10 more minutes…


****To be continued!

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Chapter 28: I love the fact that u change the names! Not using the real names ( B, Jin Honda
balooni #2
Chapter 33: Omg!! This is soo cute >.< ..sorry took me long to finish it cuz I was a lil busy :$ I like the ending soo much!!! I love how V is with SoRa >.< this is a great story author-nim!!! Keep it up I might be reading all your fics too :$ hehe °3°
balooni #3
Chapter 21: Noooo I love V !!she can't go for that loser jin !!!whyyyy! But anyway still reading ,love your story!and I'll just have to copewith it if she's going to be with Jin :') 화이팅!
Chapter 33: it s 2.23 heeere annd my mother scremminng says that i should go to sleep cause i m kinda of sick i Blaclout always.lol anywayy so ur stoooryy was ammazing reeaallyy lol i love it hreat jobb authernim
btw : how old rre u i was born on 1997
soulunyah #5
Kaspi582 #6
Chapter 33: Hehe It was epic ^^ I like this story so much :3 BIIIIG HUG FOR YOU, SOOOOOOOOOOOO BIG!!! Hehe ^3^
shelinta_ #7
Chapter 33: LOL i totally love the story
Chapter 23: "That has nothing to do with me being a girl!"
Yep that's my line, always use it.
soulunyah #9
Chapter 19: OH